On May 12, 2009, at 10:25 PM, Dave Hirsch wrote:

>   I have to enter credit card transactions by hand (because Bank of
> America is too lame to allow incremental transaction downloads, as far
> as I can tell: only whole-statement-worth downloads monthly).
Hi Dave,

I'm not aware of this kind of problem with Bank of America. You should  
be able to download an OFX file with a date range from them and even  
if you can't, MoneyWell should automatically eliminate the duplicates  
as long as you pick the OFX or QFX format.

>   On my laptop, there's not enough screen real estate.
>   I wish that the minimum window width were smaller.  I wish that I
> could hide the bucket/account list column.  (I know I can resize it,
> but even at its minimum size, I can't use that space to make the whole
> window smaller.)  I wish that I could reduce the size of the middle
> column, too.
The only panel you can't resize is the Detail panel on the right. The  
middle panel resizes with the window size and the left panel is  
adjustable. You will have more options in future releases, although  
MoneyWell 1.5 will require OS X Leopard. Which notebook do you have  
and what's the screen resolution?

>   I might monkey with the program in Interface Builder to see if I
> can do this by hand, but I'm sure I'm not the only one who feels
> constrained in this way.
>   Love the program!

Thanks. I'll try to tweak the minimum number for you in the upcoming  
1.4.6 patch so you don't have to mess with IB.


Kevin Hoctor
No Thirst Software LLC

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