New to MW as well.

Once you click on a month's graph to see the activity for that month,
how do you get back to the full/all-activity view?  Thanks

On Jun 2, 4:14 pm, Kevin Hoctor <> wrote:
> On Jun 2, 2009, at 2:13 PM, HenrikWL wrote:
> > Ok, thanks. :)
> > But why were all my buckets empty on the 1st? Was that because I had
> > set the money flow start date to 14th of May when I started using MW?
> > The amounts will roll over when July comes a' knockin', won't they,
> > now that I've set the money flow start date to 1st of June?
> You must start your cash flow tracking on the first of a month. Any  
> transactions or money flows prior to that date are simply ignored.
> Peace,
> Kevin Hoctor
> No Thirst Software LLChttp://nothirst.com

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