There are a couple ways to do this.

1. Use a session store that is transactional and shared (redis etc.) and 
store where a session should be forwarded to.
2. Use a hashing method that will consistently point to the same 
location/worker for the same session (session could be ip/user/etc.), if 
the wrong worker gets the connection, forward it to the original worker.
3. Use a master/slave setup using fork rather than cluster. Master gets all 
the connections incoming on a machine and processes them before forwarding 
them to the proper worker.

Each method has its advantages.

The alternative to this is to change an API to be state-less, which can be 
hard if connections are using multiple protocols.

On Monday, June 18, 2012 11:34:42 PM UTC-5, dhruvbird wrote:
> Is it possible to have sticky sessions using the new cluster API? Some 
> custom logic such as a cookie based solution? Something similar to nginx 
> sticky module?

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