> Any thoughts on why this might happen when the load is high enough? 
Interesting read! I would love to see that code, this way I can only 
speculate that even though you think your code is all synchronous, it is, 
in fact, not. Perhaps one of the functions or libraries has an implicit 
timeout where it then fails silently?

Or maybe you've exhausted the heap but hit some yet undiscovered V8 heap 
edge case where the it can get mixed up if your contexts get shuffled 
around a lot. I'm thinking - you allocate a certain amount of memory for 
those 4 GB of data, but if you're bombing the API, Node might be holding 
thousands extra sockets open which is taking another chunk of memory that 
you didn't account for - and than one of your scoring functions can't 
allocate enough to work?

Did you test this with always hitting the API with the same example? Does 
it get confused in that case too?

Anyway, I don't know how viable it is, but maybe hooking up Chrome dev 
tools and setting a breakpoint at those filters and searches could shine 
some light.

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