How can I make HTTP POST call to a server using array of request-promise 
objects where URL is same, only data is different each time.

I have array of objects that need to be POST'ed to a server one by one, 
independently. I created request promise's array and then promise.all () 
but failed. However, single object (not using array) works.

Ex: 1. Previous functionality, with 1 object, I use -

*var request = require("request-promise")*

           *options.body ={ "name" : "sdsd"}*

*request (options).then(...).catch(..) -> it works*

2. Now with many objects in array, I created objectsArr[],  then I use 
promise.all() or q package, q.all (), it fails with error message from 
external server, saying invalid json/JSON parsing error.
           objArr[] =[{"name":"dsd"},

*var reqPromises[];*


*      options.body= obj*
*     reqPromises.push(request(options)*



Even if object Array has just 1 object, it is  an array  structure which is 
causing issues. I do not know how it is working, if it is trying to make 1 
http request with arrays in json and henec failing. If in loop, means 
making multiple POST requests, which I want, it should work. 

Please suggest the right approach. Also if any better way to debug and see 
what JSON is going to server? I use postman to call my local application 
which talks and sends json to external server.  Usually console/log 
statements are useful but with request/promises/chaining, its hard to 
debug. :-(

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