On Mon, Nov 20, 2017 at 4:52 AM, Nils Hilbricht <n...@hilbricht.net> wrote:

> Hello List,
> 1) I would like to know if there is any future development planned for
> the non session manager?

I can think of plenty of things to add to Timeline, Mixer and Sequencer,
but can't really think of anything that NSM *needs*.
There was talk of adding a program launcher/favorites list feature that
would e.g. display icons specified in .desktop files, but that's hardly a
necessity. So, unless there are bugs to fix or some unforeseeable shift in
the ecosystem necessitates a change, NSM doesn't require more development
(no need for continuous development is a luxury only free, bloat-free
software can enjoy...)

> 2) Did you write somewhere why programs with command line options do not
> fit the nsm design? If not already, would you please briefly outline why
> that is the case?

Briefly, NSM supports state updates without restarting clients. Programs
which accept state via command-line arguments require a restart to update
their state. Or if they don't, then there is ambiguity/conflict created
between this static state provided on the command-line and the dynamic
state provided at runtime. Supporting command-line arguments would be
regressive, IMHO, and enable a more fragile system. It also crosses a some
structural boundaries (where do I store the arguments? Where does the
interface for entering them go?) NSMProxy solves this problem in a more
explicit, well-structured way (arguments are stored in NSMProxy project
files, NSMProxy provides the interface, manages starting/stopping, Unix
signal quirks, etc.)

> Greetings,
> Nils

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