Oggy, Oggy, Oggy

On 05/02/2007, at 21.52, Claes Jakobsson wrote:


How about these previous speakers?


clkao and Jesse would be nice to have, but again these people are transatlantic flights, but I put them on my list - we have already been paid visits from both in the past, so they might not be top priority

and the fotango folks might also have some interesting stuff to talk about so I think we should contact James Duncan and check if they want to talk about something. Earle Martin does OpenGuides and geo stuff and they also have Zimki now that does cool web stuff.

I do not really have any contact with the Fotango dudes, but I will see what I can do. At least they are not transatlantic :-)

Earle Martin is a nice guy, but I am not sure whether OpenGuides are of broad interest.

All put on the list


None here in .se I can think of because we all do boring or very secret stuff (can't have everyone sign NDA right?).


On 5 feb 2007, at 21.18, Jonas B. Nielsen wrote:

Hej Alle,

Jeg har skrevet til en del folk som jeg mente det kunne være interessant at have som talere, men min liste er længere, samtidig vil jeg gerne høre om der er nogen der har nogen forslag til talere som jeg har overset.

Allerede kontaktet:

Allison Randal (Perl 6)
Chromatic (Perl 6 / Perl Hacks)
Richard Foley (Pro Perl Debugging)
Andy Lester (Pro Perl Debugging)
Josh McAdams (podcast)
Marcus Ramberg (Catalyst)


Audrey Tang
Jos Boumans
Gisle Aas
Damian Conway

Jeg vedligeholder listen i Subversion, i dokumentet: Speakers.txt

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