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Today's Topics:

   1. [notepad-plus - Open Discussion] Command bar &    vim emulation
   2. [notepad-plus - Help] Find in Files Default       Directory
   3. [notepad-plus - Open Discussion] RE: [Bug]        Scroll bar keeps
      moving back to the top (
   4. [notepad-plus - Open Discussion] RE: [Bug]        Scroll bar keeps
      moving back to the top (
   5. [notepad-plus - Open Discussion] what's the       right way to do
      the simple thing! (
   6. [notepad-plus - Open Discussion] Change   character/codepage
      encoding (
   7. [notepad-plus - Open Discussion] RE: what's the   right way to
      do the simple thing! (
   8. [notepad-plus - Open Discussion] RE: what's the   right way to
      do the simple thing! (
   9. [notepad-plus - Open Discussion] RE: Change
      character/codepage encoding (
  10. [notepad-plus - Open Discussion] RE: Change
      character/codepage encoding (
  11. [notepad-plus - Help] [solved] (


Message: 1
Date: Fri, 03 Apr 2009 16:44:06 +0000
From: "" <>
Subject: [Notepad-plus-plus] [notepad-plus - Open Discussion] Command
        bar &   vim emulation
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"

Read and respond to this message at:
By: hasenj

It would be really nice if there was a command-bar to at least open a file 
without going through the Open File Dialoge (which can be really slow at times)

Also what are opinion on vim emulation? I think it would be really nice (at
least as a plugin).

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Message: 2
Date: Fri, 03 Apr 2009 21:31:16 +0000
From: "" <>
Subject: [Notepad-plus-plus] [notepad-plus - Help] Find in Files
        Default Directory
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"

Read and respond to this message at:
By: dpolasa

I upgraded to Notepad++ 5.30 (Unicode) recently. 

My issue is this:
  In previous versions of np++ the default search directory was the directory
of the active file, but now it seems to be using the directory from the previous

Does anyone know if this a bug and/or a if there is a way to change the settings
for the "Find in files" to always use the current directory for the search.


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Message: 3
Date: Fri, 03 Apr 2009 23:10:48 +0000
From: "" <>
Subject: [Notepad-plus-plus] [notepad-plus - Open Discussion] RE:
        [Bug]   Scroll bar keeps moving back to the top
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"

Read and respond to this message at:
By: basmond

Oh yeah? :-) There you go. Paint Shop Pro does not use Ctrl-W. So it's 1-1.
But based on the fact that Alt+F4 is used to close the whole window, it's more
logical that Ctrl+F4 closes the window/tab inside, and then *I* win :-P And
I never used Ctrl-W cos I never had to:

"CTRL+F4: Closes the current Multiple Document Interface (MDI) window" and no
mention about Ctrl-W.

Anyway, if (almost) all applications use BOTH Ctrl-W and Ctrl-F4 then why not

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Message: 4
Date: Fri, 03 Apr 2009 23:28:54 +0000
From: "" <>
Subject: [Notepad-plus-plus] [notepad-plus - Open Discussion] RE:
        [Bug]   Scroll bar keeps moving back to the top
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"

Read and respond to this message at:
By: basmond

Thanx for your reply. 

The encoding options were set in the preferences. Now I can't replicate this
behaviour but I also updated to v.5.3.1. Well, the time will show...

Shortcut mapper - great!

Scroll-bar - I don't know if Compare plug-in was activated but if it's not 
by default then it wasn't and it's not now. View Synchronize scrolling was not

Despite updating to the new version the scroll still keeps jumping (before I
wrote "to the very top" but it probably depends on the length of the document).
To see what I'm talking about simply open one document (can be empty) and a
very long document in another tab (within the same view). Then scroll down to
the very bottom and place the cursor there. Go to another document and come
back. You will have to scroll down again to see the cursor.

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Message: 5
Date: Sat, 04 Apr 2009 09:30:32 +0000
From: "" <>
Subject: [Notepad-plus-plus] [notepad-plus - Open Discussion] what's
        the     right way to do the simple thing!
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"

Read and respond to this message at:
By: fwoncn

I just want to do sth really simple, for ex:
I want to change it into this form:

In UltraEdit before, I just needed to replace "\n#" with ";#", but in Npp, I've
tried all those regexes that may meet this I can come up with but remains no
use. so who can help tell me what the hell way is to do this? Please don't just
leave me a silly url. really really thanks.

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Message: 6
Date: Sat, 04 Apr 2009 11:29:14 +0000
From: "" <>
Subject: [Notepad-plus-plus] [notepad-plus - Open Discussion] Change
        character/codepage encoding
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"

Read and respond to this message at:
By: muelll


I'm pretty sure that this issue has already been widely discussed, but I spent
now 1,5 hour searching in internet and couldn't find any solution for it.

Task: Open a txt file in a different encoding (windows-1251) as the system 
(probably ISO8859-15)

Issue: The characters are displayed incorrectly

Question: How to change the character encoding in Notepad++ to properly display
the characters (Russain)?

Thanks a lot for your help!

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Message: 7
Date: Sat, 04 Apr 2009 11:32:59 +0000
From: "" <>
Subject: [Notepad-plus-plus] [notepad-plus - Open Discussion] RE:
        what's the      right way to do the simple thing!
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"

Read and respond to this message at:
By: gr3gw

Notepad++ is a really great editor but its regular expression function is sadly
lacking due to the Scintilla engine it is built on.

You will have to do the edit in two steps, neither of which requires regular

Start N++ Find and Replace (Ctrl/H)
Enter Find what text: +bog\r\n
Enter Replace with text: +bog
Click on mode: Extended
Click on Replace All

Change the mode to normal
Enter Find what text: +bog#n.
Enter Replace with text: +bog;#n.

Notice that the edit is closely tied to your example.

Other members of our user community may have other ways of approaching this.

We tolerate the restrictions of the regular expression engine because N++ is
a great editor.

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Message: 8
Date: Sat, 04 Apr 2009 13:39:12 +0000
From: "" <>
Subject: [Notepad-plus-plus] [notepad-plus - Open Discussion] RE:
        what's the      right way to do the simple thing!
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"

Read and respond to this message at:
By: fwoncn

Hi there? Greg
At first i really don't reckon on your approach because it is too specialized
and may not meet other situations
but you reminded me of another idea
see, I just use ";#" to replace "\r\n#" and - it's done! Quite easy, huh? It's
so silly of me to forget that.

As you said, Notepad++ is really a handy editor, except for a bit of flaws.
I still can't understand the essential of the two misleading modes - extended
and regex. Why is it designed like this...?

Anyway. many many thanks, Greg!

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Message: 9
Date: Sat, 04 Apr 2009 13:52:42 +0000
From: "" <>
Subject: [Notepad-plus-plus] [notepad-plus - Open Discussion] RE:
        Change  character/codepage encoding
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"

Read and respond to this message at:
By: fwoncn

Hi muelll!

I don't remember I have met your issue. Those cross-platform files can be easily
display right (see the Format Menu)
as for the problems caused by the localization, I can't take a loot at it unless
there's no a sample file (Russian, etc)

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Message: 10
Date: Sat, 04 Apr 2009 14:16:42 +0000
From: "" <>
Subject: [Notepad-plus-plus] [notepad-plus - Open Discussion] RE:
        Change  character/codepage encoding
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"

Read and respond to this message at:
By: muelll

Unfortunately the options available in the format menu do not resolve the 
Ecnoding/Conversion to UTF doesn't help since the characters are already 
incorrectly in the ANSI encoding, since Notepad++ uses the default character
encoding instead of the original one, created on another computer.


Notepad++ displays: ????
instead of: ???? 

(hope SourceForge will correctly handle the Russian characters now)

To reproduce it simply copy&paste the wrong characters in a text file and save
it in ANSI format. Then open the file in NotePad++ any you will see the same.
If you open it however in Firefox and change character encoding to Windows-1251
(View -> Character Encoding -> Cyrillic (Windows-1251)) this will correctly
display the content.

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Message: 11
Date: Fri, 03 Apr 2009 22:58:10 +0000
From: "" <>
Subject: [Notepad-plus-plus] [notepad-plus - Help] [solved]
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"

Read and respond to this message at:
By: basmond

updated to v5.3.1

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