Desde: 06-09-2000
Hasta: 08-09-2000
Lugar: Lovaina, Bilgica


Leuven, Belgium
6-8 September 2000

sponsored by
Computers & Structures


The themes for this conference will include: Structural Analysis and Design
 - Non-Linear Analysis - Dynamic Analysis - Finite Element Analysis -
Boundary Element Analysis - Computer Aided Design - Structural and
Multidisciplinary Optimization - Structural Re-analysis & Sensitivity
Analysis - Geomaterials - Plates and Shells - Structural Modelling - Micro-
Mechanics Models - Damage Identification - Material Models - Reliability
Problems - Software Standards and Quality Control - Adaptivity - Mesh
Generation - Shape and Topology Optimization - Visualization and Graphics -
Impact and Contact Simulations - Post and Pre Processing - Smart Structures
- Multi and Inter-Disciplinary Optimization - Composite Materials and
Structures -  Fracture and Fatigue - Brittle Materials - Eigensolvers -
Education - Coupled Problems - Soil-Structure Interaction - Fluid-Structure
Interaction - Simulation - Integration of CST and CFD - Inverse Problems -
FEM in Design - Implementation of Computational Procedures.

Papers concerned with the following aspects of structural engineering
computation are particularly relevant to the conference: Parallel

- Use of High Performance Computer Architectures - Supercomputing -
Domain Decomposition and Partitioning - MIMD Architectures -
Distributed Computing and Networking - Artificial Intelligence and
Knowledge-Based Systems - Novel Software Tools and Development
Environments - Virtual Reality - Algorithms for Vectorization and
Parallelisation - Genetic Algorithms - Neural Networks - Object
Oriented Methods - Solution Procedures for Large Scale Problems -
Hardware and Software Developments for HPC - WWW Applications -
Computational Intelligence - Evolutionary Processes.

This conference runs concurrently with The Second International
Conference on Engineering Computational Technology. Participants may
attend sessions from either conference.


Papers are invited on all aspects of computational structures
technology.  Authors will be eligible for reduced conference fees. Two
copies of an extended abstract (1,000 words) of proposed papers should
be submitted as soon as possible but no later than 15th December 1999.

Authors will be notified of acceptance by 1st February 2000. Final
acceptance of papers will be based upon review of the final full
length paper which must be received before 1st May 2000.

Abstracts should be sent by post to:
Professor B.H.V. Topping
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Heriot-Watt University
Riccarton, Edinburgh, EH14 4AS, U.K.
Tel: 44(0)131-332 1020
Fax: 44(0)131-332 3060


The conference proceedings (camera ready format) which will be
available on the first day of the conference will be published by
Civil-Comp Press. A selection of papers will also be published in
special issues of Computers & Structures and Advances in Engineering
Software. The procedure for submitting papers for these journal
special issues will be available at the conference.


The year 2000 is the 575th anniversary of the University of
Leuven. The venue for the conference is the Faculty Club, Groot
Begijnhof 14-15, B-3000, Leuven, Belgium. The Faculty Club is located
in Leuvens Grand Beguinage in a quiet and historic area of
picturesque 13th century houses. Some of the meeting rooms are located
in the House of Chihvres, another nearby historic building. The venue
is a 30 minute train journey from Brussels or a 15 minute car drive
from Brussels airport or the City of Brussels.


The conference registration fees include: the camera ready conference
proceedings (Civil-Comp Press), morning coffee, lunch and afternoon
tea for all three days of the conference. The conference dinner on the
evening of Thursday 7th September 2000 is also included in the
fee. The author/student fee is 380 UK Pounds and the delegate fee is
480 UK Pounds for fees paid before 31st January 2000. For fees paid
after 31st January 2000 please contact Civil-Comp Press. For details
of the method of payment see the registration form on our website.


Accommodation is available at Begijnhof Congres Hotel and the Hotel
Binnenhof.  A booking form for these hotels is available on our
website. For budget University student accommodation at 18 UK Pounds
per night (!), please see our website.

The Begijnhof Congres Hotel is adjacent to the Faculty Club and within
easy walking distance of the city and the University. The rooms have
views of the 13th Century Grand Beguinage. The Hotel Binnenhof is 15
minutes walk from the Faculty Club. This hotel is just 300m from the
railway station and in the centre of Leuven.


An accompanying persons programme will be announced early in Spring 2000.

If you wish more information about this and other conferences please
have a look at our website:


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