Desde: 10-05-1999
Hasta:  14-05-1999
Lugar:  Trieste, Italia

>                      ICTCA '99  Meeting  News

>               T E C H N I C A L      P R O G R A M M E
> Participants are informed that the technical programme is available on

> the  web  at the home page address of the conference (see above).
> It can be searched either by date or by session.
> It can be also downloaded as a single file for printing.
> Up dates will be posted as available.
>                       P R O C E E D I N G S
> Remember that the manuscripts of the full papers intended for the
> should be submitted in three copies by  June 15, 1999 to the ICTCA
>      R E G I S T R A T I O N    and    H O T E L   B O O K I N G
> Participants are informed that it is possible to pre-register to the
> ICTCA'99 conference and to book their accommodation by sending back
> the Registration Form duly filled out together with the Hotel
> Reservation Form (if required). The forms are available on request
> or can be found on the web  at the home page of the conference.
> Participants are advised to book their accommodations well in advance
> since May is a meeting period in Trieste.
> On-site registration and hotel booking will also be possible
> during the official congress hours.
> If more detailed information is needed please contact the Conference
> Secretariat.
> Please inform your colleagues about this event and forward him/her
> this ICTCA '99  Meeting News.
> Angela Marchetto
> Conference Secretariat, ICTCA'99
> Osservatorio Geofisico Sperimentale
> P.O. Box 2011 - Opicina
> 34016 Trieste
> Italy
> Phone:  +39  040-2140339
> Fax:    +39  040-327040
> Web:

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