Santa Fe, August 30th, 2002

Dear Colleagues,

MECOM 2002 will soon take place.

We have received the full-length papers and we have arranged new 
and very interesting lodging rates at the Mayorazgo Hotel.
It is time for you to confirm your participation, to book your 
hotel and, if possible, to pay your early registration
fees (before September 15th).

This is the reason why we have included in the web page
a Registration Form, which all the participants must fill. 
We have included also a Mayorazgo Hotel Reservation Form, 
others hotel and tourist information and a list with the 
full-length paper accepted.
Considering the number and good level of the papers received 
and the list of specialist that have confirmed their participation, 
MECOM 2002 will certainly be successful. 
Already hoping to meet you here 
Best regards,

Sergio Idelsohn
Los mensajes son archivados en la pagina Web del AMCA

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