ECCOMAS Announcements – December 2016
You will find below the announcement of upcoming international  events 
organized under the auspices of ECCOMAS.
Full information is posted on


Upcoming Deadlines
ECCOMAS Award for the two best PhD Theses in 2016 on Computational Methods in 
Applied Sciences and Engineering:  15 January 2017
ECCM - ECFD 2018 – Call for Proposals to Organise a Minisymposium: 31 January 
Open call for new ECCOMAS Thematic Conferences:  15 March 2017
Open call for Young Investigators Conference 2019: 15 March 2017

ECCOMAS ECCM-ECFD 2018 – Submission of proposals for Minisymposia

Deadline for submission of proposals for Minisymposia is 31st January 2017
In accordance with the tradition of ECCOMAS events, the conferences will be 
open to the latest developments in all aspects of computational mechanics and 
computational fluid dynamics. The organizers particularly encourage proposals 
for Minisymposia in new and developing areas that broaden the fields of 

Guidelines for the proposal and organisation of Minisymposia as well as further 
information concerning the joint conference may be found at

If you require more information, please contact the secretariat:

ECCOMAS Young Investigators Conference 2017 – Submission of abstracts

4th ECCOMAS Young Investigators Conference - YIC2017
September 13 - 15, 2017, Politecnico di Milano, Milano, Italy.

The conference will be hosted by the Department of Civil and Environmental 
Engineering of Politecnico di Milano.
The main objective of YIC2017 is to provide a venue where young investigators 
can exchange ideas and discuss on latest research results in the areas of 
computational science and engineering.
Previous YIC were held in Aveiro, Portugal (2012), Bordeaux, France (2013) and 
Aachen, Germany (2015).
Submission of abstracts is now open.
Authors are invited to submit a two-page abstract before January 31, 2017.
Registration and submission of abstracts should be performed online. Detailed 
information is available on the website.

The ECCOMAS PhD Olympiad will take place during the Conference. 

Deadline for presenting the abstract: January 31, 2017. Conference Secretariat 
can be contacted for any question.
Conference Chairman: Massimiliano Cremonesi

ECCOMAS Thematic Conferences 2017 - Upcoming deadlines

6th International Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics 
and Earthquake Engineering - COMPDYN 2017 
15 - 17 June 2017 / Rhodes Island, Greece
In conjunction with the 2nd International Conference on Uncertainty 
Quantification in Computational Sciences and Engineering (UNCECOMP 2017)
Upcoming Deadline:
Abstract Submission: 15 December 2016
For further information please contact the Secretariat.
Please note that COMPDYN and UNCECOMP 2017 conferences will be held immediately 
after the end of COUPLED PROBLEMS 2017, at the same venue.


7th International Conference on Coupled Problems in Science and Engineering - 
12 - 14 June 2017 / Rhodes Island, Greece
NEW! Upcoming Deadline:
Presentation of a one page abstract: January 7, 2017
For further information please contact the Secretariat.

Composites 2017
Eindhoven, The Netherlands, September 20-22, 2017
The main goal of Composites 2017 is the scientific investigation of complex 
mechanical behaviour of composite materials and structures. The conference 
focuses on theoretical and numerical modelling and prediction of the 
performance of composite components as well as challenging industrial 
applications of recent developments. Experimental validation is also covered
The deadline for abstract submission is January 16, 2017
For any question contact the Conference secretariat.

3rd International Conference on Numerical and Symbolic Computation - 
Developments and Applications
Guimarães, Minho, Portugal, 6-7 April 2017
SYMCOMP 2017 is the third conference in a series that started in 2013, and it 
aims to bring together academic and scientific communities that are involved 
with Numerical and Symbolic Computationl in the most varios scientific areas.
The deadline for abstract submission is January 31, 2017
For further information or details please contact

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