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*Latin American Conference on High Performance Computing – CARLA 2018*

*www.ccarla.org <http://www.ccarla.org/> *

Guatiguará Technology Park, Piedecuesta, Colombia

Conference: September 26th – 28th 2018

Tutorials and Workshops: 23th – 25th 2018

Authors are invited to submit full and short papers written in English, according to the Springer LNCS/CCIS style. Papers must not have been previously published or submitted elsewhere. Submissions will be handled electronically using an online system. All paper submissions will be carefully reviewed by three experts and returned to the author(s). For each paper, at least one author must register and present their work. Templates and sample files: LaTeX2e Proceedings Templates (zip), Microsoft Word Proceedings Templates (zip), Microsoft Word 2003 Proceedings Templates (zip).

Accepted contributions will be presented in English without exception, in the specific category as part of the regular program of CARLA 2018. ONLY the presented contributions will be published in the proceedings of CARLA2 018. At least one author by contribution must be registered.

*Regular full-length papers*

Full papers must not exceed 15 pages, including name, affiliation and address of the author(s), figures, tables, references, and an abstract of no more than 200 words. All full paper submissions will be carefully reviewed by at least two experts and returned to the author(s) with comments to ensure the high quality of accepted papers. Accepted contributions must be presented to be published.

*Short papers for Posters and Visualization Showcase*

Authors are invited to submit short papers for results and proposals to be submitted as posters and visualization demos under the visualization showcase as a regular part of the program. Short papers must not exceed 4 pages and will appear in special proccedings. Format of the posters will be send directly to authors of accepted proposals.

In the case of the Visualization Showcase demos, authors must also submit an open access link to a demo video to support the short paper with at least 30 seconds of duration. Accepted proposals will be presented in a special session during the regular program of the conference and short papers will be published in special proceedings.

*Postgraduate Student Papers (for Special Postgraduate Students Symposium)*

Postgraduate Students (master or PhD students) are invited to submit papers to the Special Postgraduate Students Symposium. Student papers can be short-length papers, and they will be presented during the symposium as a regular part of the program.


*All accepted regular papers will be included in CARLA 2018 Proceedings, to be published in Springer CCIS Series — Communications in Computer and Information Science. CCIS is abstracted/indexed in Scopus, DBLP, Google Scholar, EI-Compendex, Mathematical Reviews and SCImago. CCIS volumes are also submitted to be included in ISI Proceedings.*

*Short papers, workshops (selected) papers and postgraduate student papers will be included in a separate special CARLA 2018 proceedings issue published by the conference.*

*Special Issues*

*Authors of the best papers submitted to the conference will be invited to submit their extended versions to Cluster Computing: Special Issue CARLA 2018 – Selected papers from Latin America High Performance Computing Conference Cluster Computing, The Journal of Networks, Software Tools and Applications (2015 Impact Factor: 1.514) is indexed on SCI, SCOPUS, INSPEC, Google Scholar, EBSCO, CSA, ACM Digital Library, CSI, DBLP, JCR/SE, and others.*

*Important Dates:*

*Regular Papers*

* Deadline: April 27th 2018

* Notification: June 6 2018

* Camera Ready: July 1 2018

*Short Papers for Posters and Visualization Showcase*

* Deadline May 10 2018

* Notification June 1 2018

* Camera Ready: July 1 2018

*Special Postgraduate Students Symposium*

* Deadline April 27 / 2018

* Notification: June 6 / 2018

* Camera Ready: July 1 / 2018

* Workshop Papers*

* Deadline: June 15 / 2018

* Notification: July 15 / 2018

* Camera Ready: July 30 /2018

*More Information: www.ccarla.org <http://www.ccarla.org>*
*Submission: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=carla2018*

*General Chairs:*

Carlos J. Barrios Hernández (cjbarrioshernan...@acm.org <mailto:cjbarrioshernan...@acm.org>)

Harold E. Castro Barrera (hcas...@uniandes.edu.co <mailto:hcas...@uniandes.edu.co>)
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