From: Iacm [] On Behalf Of Secretariat 
Sent: jueves, 28 de febrero de 2019 9:28
To: Secretariat IACM
Subject: FEF2019 in Chicago - Travel Awards



Dear Colleague,


  The IACM and USACM are excited to announce that we have travel awards to help 
support the attendance of young researchers at the FEF Congress.  All students 
or postdoctoral fellows who have registered for FEF 2019 are eligible, and are 
asked to submit a one-page CV to the application form at:


  We ask that all applications be submitted by Monday, March 4.  Applications 
will be evaluated on the basis of merit, with equal distribution for US and 
international participants.  


  Please encourage all eligible parties to apply!


  Thank you,


   IACM and USACM leadership

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