*De: *Alvaro Coutinho <alv...@coc.ufrj.br>
*Asunto: **Call for Mini-Symposia XLII CILAMCE and PANACM III*
*Fecha: *10 de diciembre de 2020, 23:16:12 CET

Dear Friends

CILAMCE-PANACM is the air! Could you please send the msg below to your
associations and contacts?

In the last CILAMCE, totally virtual, we had around 600 people. In
the joint CILAMCE-PANACM conference, IACM requires at least 20% of all
mini-symposia in English, preferably co-organized with international
collaborators. We decided that  CILAMCE-PANACM will be in English, and we
need your cooperation to have as many international MS as we can.

Regarding the pandemia, the news on the vaccination is certainly excellent.
However, at the same time, it is unclear what will be the vaccination pace
worldwide, and, if there will be travelling restrictions, such as admission
to the country only if inoculated with a vaccine approved by Brazilian
authorities. Therefore, it is too early to decide the conference format,
but we will be prepared to accommodate MS in both  formats, face-to-face
and virtual. Let's make it happen!

Go to our web-page and follow us on social media!

Thanks a lot for your support, Alvaro


We are pleased to launch the call for mini-symposium proposals to the
upcoming 42nd Ibero-Latin-American Congress on Computational Methods in
Engineering (XLII CILAMCE) and 3rd Pan American Congress on Computational
Mechanics (III PANACM), which will be held jointly in Rio de Janeiro,
Brazil, from 9 to 12 November 2021.

CILAMCE and PANACM are multidisciplinary events: scientists and engineers
from all fields are encouraged to attend the conference. The technical
program typically includes worldly prominent plenary speakers, together
with several mini-symposia parallel sessions with contributed papers.

The deadline for submitting mini-symposium proposals to CILAMCE-PANACM-2021
is February 25, 2021. Submissions must be done exclusively via email to

Visit now https://cilamce-panacm2021.com.br/ for all instructions.

Alvaro L.G.A. Coutinho
Los mensajes son archivados en la pagina Web del AMCA

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