--- Comment #7 from ---
Ah, okay, so presumably that’s where I should have left my patch if I didn’t
want it to just sit there for half a year without anyone looking at it. Thanks.

Someone might want to update, because I
believe I followed the instructions there:

> Once you have a fix for the problem, you may submit the fix as a patch to 
> either the dev mailing list, or enter the bug database as described above and 
> attach the patch to the bug report. Using the bug database has the advantage 
> of being able to track the progress of your patch.

Since “using the bug database” is made to sound like the preferable choice,
that’s what I did (“attaching” the patch in the issue text, since Bugzilla
seems to allow only one attachment, and I wanted to attach the tt.xml file as
well). Not exactly thrilled about the result…

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