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Branch: refs/heads/master
Commit: d7ddccdc6ceceb8a42c81a4e1a4cf95e8d7dc939
Parents: 44d800e
Author: Gintas Grigelionis <>
Authored: Tue Mar 13 22:49:17 2018 +0100
Committer: Gintas Grigelionis <>
Committed: Tue Mar 13 22:49:17 2018 +0100

 asciidoc/ant.adoc                         |   4 +-
 asciidoc/bestpractices.adoc               |  14 +--
 asciidoc/concept.adoc                     |  36 ++++----
 asciidoc/configuration.adoc               |   2 +-
 asciidoc/index.adoc                       |  10 +--
 asciidoc/ivyfile.adoc                     |  66 +++++++-------
 asciidoc/ivyfile/configurations.adoc      |   8 +-
 asciidoc/ivyfile/dependencies.adoc        |  16 ++--
 asciidoc/ivyfile/dependency.adoc          |  32 +++----
 asciidoc/ivyfile/include.adoc             |   6 +-
 asciidoc/osgi.adoc                        |   8 +-
 asciidoc/osgi/sigil.adoc                  |   2 +-
 asciidoc/principle.adoc                   |   4 +-
 asciidoc/reference.adoc                   |  18 ++--
 asciidoc/resolver/packager.adoc           |   8 +-
 asciidoc/settings.adoc                    | 114 ++++++++++++-------------
 asciidoc/settings/caches.adoc             |  10 +--
 asciidoc/settings/resolvers.adoc          |  46 +++++-----
 asciidoc/settings/timeout-constraint.adoc |   2 +-
 asciidoc/terminology.adoc                 |   8 +-
 asciidoc/tutorial.adoc                    |  18 ++--
 asciidoc/use/info.adoc                    |  20 ++---
 22 files changed, 226 insertions(+), 226 deletions(-)
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index 325e2a1..02c3260 100644
--- a/asciidoc/ant.adoc
+++ b/asciidoc/ant.adoc
@@ -75,8 +75,8 @@ This calls Ivy with default values, which might be ok in 
several projects. In fa
 Those 3 tasks follow the 3 main steps of the Ivy retrieving dependencies 
-* First the configure task tells it how it can find dependencies giving it a 
path to an link:settings.html[settings XML file].
-* Then the resolve task actually resolves dependencies described by an 
link:ivyfile.html[Ivy file], and puts those dependencies in the Ivy cache (a 
directory configured in the settings file).
+* First the configure task tells it how it can find dependencies giving it a 
path to an link:settings{outfilesuffix}[settings XML file].
+* Then the resolve task actually resolves dependencies described by an 
link:ivyfile{outfilesuffix}[Ivy file], and puts those dependencies in the Ivy 
cache (a directory configured in the settings file).
 * Finally the retrieve task copies dependencies from the cache to anywhere you 
want in your file system. You can then use those dependencies to make your 
classpath with standard Ant paths.
 To understand more accurately the behaviour of Ivy tasks, one should know that 
a property file is loaded in Ant by Ivy at the beginning of the configure call. 
This property file contains the following properties:
diff --git a/asciidoc/bestpractices.adoc b/asciidoc/bestpractices.adoc
index 3402252..f511d5a 100644
--- a/asciidoc/bestpractices.adoc
+++ b/asciidoc/bestpractices.adoc
@@ -25,9 +25,9 @@ In Ivy world, module descriptors are Ivy files, which are 
basically simple XML f
 It is a good practice to write or download module descriptors for all the 
modules involved in your development, even for your third party dependencies, 
and even if they don't provide such module descriptors themselves.
-First, it will seem like extra work and require time. But when you have 
several modules using the same third party library, then you will only need to 
add one line to your Ivy file to get this library and all its own dependencies 
that you really need (if you have good module descriptors in your repository, 
especially with the use of module 
link:concept.html#configurations[configurations]). It will also be very helpful 
when you want to upgrade a dependency. One single change in your module Ivy 
file and you will get the updated version with its updated (or not) 
+First, it will seem like extra work and require time. But when you have 
several modules using the same third party library, then you will only need to 
add one line to your Ivy file to get this library and all its own dependencies 
that you really need (if you have good module descriptors in your repository, 
especially with the use of module 
link:concept{outfilesuffix}#configurations[configurations]). It will also be 
very helpful when you want to upgrade a dependency. One single change in your 
module Ivy file and you will get the updated version with its updated (or not) 
-Therefore we recommend adding Ivy files for all the modules in your 
repository. You can even enforce this rule by setting the descriptor attribute 
to required on your link:settings/resolvers.html[resolvers]. Hence you 
shouldn't need to use the dependency artifact inclusion/exclusion/specification 
feature of Ivy, which should only be used in very specific cases.
+Therefore we recommend adding Ivy files for all the modules in your 
repository. You can even enforce this rule by setting the descriptor attribute 
to required on your link:settings/resolvers{outfilesuffix}[resolvers]. Hence 
you shouldn't need to use the dependency artifact 
inclusion/exclusion/specification feature of Ivy, which should only be used in 
very specific cases.
 == Use your own enterprise repository
@@ -51,15 +51,15 @@ A public repository usually contains much more than what 
you actually need. Is t
 The artifacts you download from a module repository are often executable, and 
are thus a security concern. Imagine a hacker replacing commons-lang by another 
version containing a virus? If you rely on a public repository to build your 
software, you expose it to a security risk. You can read more about that in 
-Note that using an enterprise repository doesn't mean you have to build it 
entirely by hand. Ivy features an link:use/install.html[install] task which can 
be used to install modules from one repository to another one, so it can be 
used to selectively install modules from a public repository to your enterprise 
repository, where you will then be able to ensure control, reliability and 
+Note that using an enterprise repository doesn't mean you have to build it 
entirely by hand. Ivy features an link:use/install{outfilesuffix}[install] task 
which can be used to install modules from one repository to another one, so it 
can be used to selectively install modules from a public repository to your 
enterprise repository, where you will then be able to ensure control, 
reliability and accuracy.
 == Always use patterns with at least organisation and module
-Ivy is very flexible and can accommodate a lot of existing repositories, using 
the concept of link:concept.html#pattern[patterns]. But if your repository 
doesn't exist yet, we strongly recommend always using the organisation and the 
module name in your pattern, even for a private repository where you put only 
your own modules (which all have the same organisation). Why? Because the Ivy 
listing feature relies on the token it can find in the pattern. If you have no 
organisation token in your pattern, Ivy won't be able to list the (only?) 
organisation in your repository. And this can be a problem for code completion 
in IvyDE, for example, but also for repository wide tasks like 
link:use/install.html[install] or link:use/repreport.html[repreport].
+Ivy is very flexible and can accommodate a lot of existing repositories, using 
the concept of link:concept{outfilesuffix}#pattern[patterns]. But if your 
repository doesn't exist yet, we strongly recommend always using the 
organisation and the module name in your pattern, even for a private repository 
where you put only your own modules (which all have the same organisation). 
Why? Because the Ivy listing feature relies on the token it can find in the 
pattern. If you have no organisation token in your pattern, Ivy won't be able 
to list the (only?) organisation in your repository. And this can be a problem 
for code completion in IvyDE, for example, but also for repository wide tasks 
like link:use/install{outfilesuffix}[install] or 
 == Public ivysettings.xml with public repositories
-If you create a public repository, provide a URL to the 
link:settings.html[ivysettings.xml] file. It's pretty easy to do, and if 
someone wants to leverage your repository, (s)he will just have to load it with 
link:use/settings.html[settings] with the URL of your ivysettings.xml file, or 
link:settings/include.html[include] it in its own settings file, which makes it 
really easy to combine several public repositories.
+If you create a public repository, provide a URL to the 
link:settings{outfilesuffix}[ivysettings.xml] file. It's pretty easy to do, and 
if someone wants to leverage your repository, (s)he will just have to load it 
with link:use/settings{outfilesuffix}[settings] with the URL of your 
ivysettings.xml file, or link:settings/include{outfilesuffix}[include] it in 
its own settings file, which makes it really easy to combine several public 
 == Dealing with integration versions
@@ -72,10 +72,10 @@ So, how can you deal with these, possibly numerous, 
integration versions?
 There are basically two ways to deal with them, both ways being supported by 
 use a naming convention like a special suffix::
-the idea is pretty simple, each time you publish a new integration of your 
module you give the same name to the version (in Maven world this is for 
example 1.0-SNAPSHOT). The dependency manager should then be aware that this 
version is special because it changes over time, so that it does not trust its 
local cache if it already has the version, but checks the date of the version 
on the repository and sees if it has changed. In Ivy this is supported using 
the link:ivyfile/dependency.html[changing attribute] on a dependency or by 
configuring the link:settings/resolvers.html[changing pattern] to use for all 
your modules.
+the idea is pretty simple, each time you publish a new integration of your 
module you give the same name to the version (in Maven world this is for 
example 1.0-SNAPSHOT). The dependency manager should then be aware that this 
version is special because it changes over time, so that it does not trust its 
local cache if it already has the version, but checks the date of the version 
on the repository and sees if it has changed. In Ivy this is supported using 
the link:ivyfile/dependency{outfilesuffix}[changing attribute] on a dependency 
or by configuring the link:settings/resolvers{outfilesuffix}[changing pattern] 
to use for all your modules.
 automatically create a new version for each::
-in this case you use either a build number or a timestamp to publish each new 
integration version with a new version name. Then you can use one of the 
numerous ways in Ivy to link:ivyfile/dependency.html[express a version 
constraint]. Usually selecting the very latest one (using 'latest.integration' 
as version constraint) is enough.
+in this case you use either a build number or a timestamp to publish each new 
integration version with a new version name. Then you can use one of the 
numerous ways in Ivy to link:ivyfile/dependency{outfilesuffix}[express a 
version constraint]. Usually selecting the very latest one (using 
'latest.integration' as version constraint) is enough.
 So, which way is the best? As often, it depends on your context, and if one of 
the two was really bad it wouldn't be supported in Ivy :-)
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index 2ce1b0b..c76c094 100644
--- a/asciidoc/concept.adoc
+++ b/asciidoc/concept.adoc
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ Moreover, the fact that it is the responsibility of the 
resolver to find Ivy fil
 As you see, a dependency resolver can be thought of as a class responsible for 
describing a repository.
-If you want to see which resolvers are available in Ivy, you can go to the 
link:settings/resolvers.html[resolvers configuration page].
+If you want to see which resolvers are available in Ivy, you can go to the 
link:settings/resolvers{outfilesuffix}[resolvers configuration page].
 == [[configurations]]Module configurations explained
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ Moreover, because dependencies in Ivy are expressed on 
modules and not on artifa
 If you use only simple modules and do not want to worry about configurations, 
you don't have to worry about them. They're still there under the hood because 
Ivy can't work without configurations. But most of the time if you declare 
nothing, Ivy assumes that the artifacts of your module are published in all 
configurations, and that all the dependencies' configurations are required in 
all configurations. And it works in simple cases. But whenever you want to 
separate things within a module, or get more control over things published and 
get better dependencies resolution, configurations will meet most of your needs.
-For details on how to declare your module configurations, how to declare in 
which configuration your artifacts are published, and how to declare 
configuration mapping, please refer to link:ivyfile.html[Ivy file 
documentation]. The link:tutorial/conf.html[configurations tutorial] is also a 
good place to go to learn more about this concept.
+For details on how to declare your module configurations, how to declare in 
which configuration your artifacts are published, and how to declare 
configuration mapping, please refer to link:ivyfile{outfilesuffix}[Ivy file 
documentation]. The link:tutorial/conf{outfilesuffix}[configurations tutorial] 
is also a good place to go to learn more about this concept.
 == [[variables]]Variables
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ To use Ivy variables, you just have to follow the same syntax 
as for Ant propert
 Finally, it's also important to be aware of the time of substitution of 
variables. This substitution is done as soon as possible. This means that when 
Ivy encounters a reference to a variable, it tries to substitute it if such a 
variable is defined. Consequently, *any later modification of the variable will 
not alter the value already substituted*.
-Moreover, in an Ant environment, a bunch of variables are going to be set by 
default via the Ant property file loading mechanism (actually they are first 
loaded as Ant properties and then imported as Ivy variables, see 
link:ant.html[Ant Tasks]), and even in the Ant properties themselves there is 
going to be eager substitution on loading, effectively making it impossible to 
override some variable purely via the file. Some 
variables will really only be able to be overridden via Ant properties because 
of this.
+Moreover, in an Ant environment, a bunch of variables are going to be set by 
default via the Ant property file loading mechanism (actually they are first 
loaded as Ant properties and then imported as Ivy variables, see 
link:ant{outfilesuffix}[Ant Tasks]), and even in the Ant properties themselves 
there is going to be eager substitution on loading, effectively making it 
impossible to override some variable purely via the 
file. Some variables will really only be able to be overridden via Ant 
properties because of this.
 Moreover, it's also important to understand the difference between Ivy 
variables and Ivy pattern tokens.
 See the Patterns chapter below for what pattern tokens are.
@@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ This algorithm takes into account special meanings of some 
text. For instance, w
  This compares the revisions as strings, using lexicographic order (the one 
used by the Java string comparison).
-See also how to configure new latest strategies 
+See also how to configure new latest strategies 
 == [[conflict]]Conflict Manager
@@ -168,9 +168,9 @@ But in some cases you will need to keep several revisions, 
and load in separate
 A list of revisions is said to be in conflict if they correspond to the same 
module, i.e. the same organisation/module name couple.
-The list of available conflict managers is available on the 
link:settings/conflict-managers.html[conflict manager configuration page].
+The list of available conflict managers is available on the 
link:settings/conflict-managers{outfilesuffix}[conflict manager configuration 
-For more details on how to setup your conflict managers by module, see the 
link:ivyfile/conflicts.html[conflicts] section in the Ivy file reference.
+For more details on how to setup your conflict managers by module, see the 
link:ivyfile/conflicts{outfilesuffix}[conflicts] section in the Ivy file 
 == [[matcher]]Pattern matcher
@@ -227,7 +227,7 @@ 
 Note that in patterns you must use the unqualified attribute name (no 
namespace prefix).
-If you don't want to use XML namespaces, it's possible but you will need to 
disable Ivy file validation, since your files won't fulfill anymore the 
official Ivy XSD. See the link:settings/settings.html[settings documentation] 
to see how to disable validation.
+If you don't want to use XML namespaces, it's possible but you will need to 
disable Ivy file validation, since your files won't fulfill anymore the 
official Ivy XSD. See the link:settings/settings{outfilesuffix}[settings 
documentation] to see how to disable validation.
 == [[checksum]]Checksums
@@ -262,7 +262,7 @@ If you want to change this default, you can set the 
variable `ivy.checksums`. He
 This is a particularly powerful and flexible feature which allows, for 
example, you to perform a build of a dependency just before it is resolved, or 
follow what's happening during the dependency resolution process accurately, 
and so on.
-For more details about events and triggers, see the 
link:settings/triggers.html[triggers] documentation page in the configuration 
section of this documentation.
+For more details about events and triggers, see the 
link:settings/triggers{outfilesuffix}[triggers] documentation page in the 
configuration section of this documentation.
 == [[circular]]Circular Dependencies
@@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ same as ignore, except that they are signaled as a warning 
 halt the dependency resolution when a circular dependency is found
-See the link:settings/settings.html[configuration page] to see how to 
configure the circular dependency strategy you want to use.
+See the link:settings/settings{outfilesuffix}[configuration page] to see how 
to configure the circular dependency strategy you want to use.
 == Cache and Change Management
@@ -293,18 +293,18 @@ An Ivy cache is composed of two different parts:
 the repository cache::
 The repository cache is where Ivy stores data downloaded from module 
repositories, along with some meta information concerning these artifacts, like 
their original location.
-This part of the cache can be shared if you use a well suited 
link:settings/lock-strategies.html[lock strategy].
+This part of the cache can be shared if you use a well suited 
link:settings/lock-strategies{outfilesuffix}[lock strategy].
 the resolution cache::
 This part of the cache is used to store resolution data, which is used by Ivy 
to reuse the results of a resolve process.
 This part of the cache is overwritten each time a new resolve is performed, 
and should never be used by multiple processes at the same time.
-While there is always only one resolution cache, you can 
link:settings/caches.html[define multiple repository caches], each 
link:settings/resolvers.html[resolver] being able to use a separate cache.
+While there is always only one resolution cache, you can 
link:settings/caches{outfilesuffix}[define multiple repository caches], each 
link:settings/resolvers{outfilesuffix}[resolver] being able to use a separate 
 === [[change]]Change management
-To optimize the dependency resolution and the way the cache is used, Ivy 
assumes by default that a revision never changes. So once Ivy has a module in 
its cache (metadata and artifacts), it trusts the cache and does not even query 
the repository. This optimization is very useful in most cases, and causes no 
problem as long as you respect this paradigm: a revision never changes. Besides 
performance, there are several link:bestpractices.html[good reasons] to follow 
this principle.
+To optimize the dependency resolution and the way the cache is used, Ivy 
assumes by default that a revision never changes. So once Ivy has a module in 
its cache (metadata and artifacts), it trusts the cache and does not even query 
the repository. This optimization is very useful in most cases, and causes no 
problem as long as you respect this paradigm: a revision never changes. Besides 
performance, there are several link:bestpractices{outfilesuffix}[good reasons] 
to follow this principle.
 However, depending on your current build system and your dependency management 
strategy, you may prefer to update your modules sometimes. There are two kinds 
of changes to consider:
@@ -318,17 +318,17 @@ In this case, setting `checkModified="true"` on your 
dependency resolver will be
 Some people, especially those coming from Maven 2 land, like to use one 
special revision to handle often updated modules. In Maven 2, this is called a 
SNAPSHOT version, and some argue that it helps save disk space to keep only one 
version for the high number of intermediary builds you can make whilst 
-Ivy supports this kind of approach with the notion of "changing revision". A 
changing revision is just that: a revision for which Ivy should consider that 
the artifacts may change over time. To handle this, you can either specify a 
dependency as changing on the link:ivyfile/dependency.html[dependency] tag, or 
use the `changingPattern` and `changingMatcher` attributes on your 
link:settings/resolvers.html[resolvers] to indicate which revision or group of 
revisions should be considered as changing.
+Ivy supports this kind of approach with the notion of "changing revision". A 
changing revision is just that: a revision for which Ivy should consider that 
the artifacts may change over time. To handle this, you can either specify a 
dependency as changing on the 
link:ivyfile/dependency{outfilesuffix}[dependency] tag, or use the 
`changingPattern` and `changingMatcher` attributes on your 
link:settings/resolvers{outfilesuffix}[resolvers] to indicate which revision or 
group of revisions should be considered as changing.
 Once Ivy knows that a revision is changing, it will follow this principle to 
avoid checking your repository too often: if the module metadata has not 
changed, it will considered the whole module (including artifacts) as not 
changed. Even if the module descriptor file has changed, it will check the 
publication data of the module to see if this is a new publication of the same 
revision or not. Then if the publication date has changed, it will check the 
artifacts' last modified timestamps, and download them accordingly.
-So if you want to use changing revisions, use the 
link:use/publish.html[publish] task to publish your modules, it will take care 
of updating the publication date, and everything will work fine. And remember 
to set `checkModified=true"` on your resolver too!
+So if you want to use changing revisions, use the 
link:use/publish{outfilesuffix}[publish] task to publish your modules, it will 
take care of updating the publication date, and everything will work fine. And 
remember to set `checkModified=true"` on your resolver too!
 == [[paths]]Paths handling
 As a dependency manager, Ivy has a lot of file related operations, which most 
of the time use paths or path patterns to locate the file on the filesystem.
-These paths can obviously be relative or absolute. We recommend to always use 
absolute paths, so that you don't have to worry about what is the base of your 
relative paths. Ivy provides some variables which can be used as the base of 
your absolute paths. For instance, Ivy has a concept of base directory, which 
is basically the same as for Ant. You have access to this base directory with 
the ivy.basedir variable. So if you have a path like `${ivy.basedir}/ivy.xml`, 
you have an absolute path. In link:settings.html[settings files], you also have 
a variable called `ivy.settings.dir` which points to the directory in which 
your settings file is located, which makes defining paths relative to this 
directory very easy.
+These paths can obviously be relative or absolute. We recommend to always use 
absolute paths, so that you don't have to worry about what is the base of your 
relative paths. Ivy provides some variables which can be used as the base of 
your absolute paths. For instance, Ivy has a concept of base directory, which 
is basically the same as for Ant. You have access to this base directory with 
the ivy.basedir variable. So if you have a path like `${ivy.basedir}/ivy.xml`, 
you have an absolute path. In link:settings{outfilesuffix}[settings files], you 
also have a variable called `ivy.settings.dir` which points to the directory in 
which your settings file is located, which makes defining paths relative to 
this directory very easy.
 If you really want to use relative paths, the base directory used to actually 
locate the file depends on where the relative path is defined:
@@ -342,7 +342,7 @@ If you really want to use relative paths, the base 
directory used to actually lo
 Most of the artifacts found in a repository are jars. They can be downloaded 
and used as is. But some other kind of artifacts required some __unpacking__ 
after being downloaded and before being used. Such artifacts can be zipped 
folders and packed jars. Ivy supports that kind of artifact with *packaging*.
-A __packaged__ artifact needs to be declared as such in the module descriptor 
via the attribute link:ivyfile/artifact.html[packaging]. The value of that 
attribute defined which kind of unpacking algorithm must be used. Here are the 
list of currently supported algorithms:
+A __packaged__ artifact needs to be declared as such in the module descriptor 
via the attribute link:ivyfile/artifact{outfilesuffix}[packaging]. The value of 
that attribute defined which kind of unpacking algorithm must be used. Here are 
the list of currently supported algorithms:
 * `zip`, `jar` or `war`: the artifact will be uncompressed as a folder
@@ -357,6 +357,6 @@ So, if in an `ivy.xml`, there would be declared a such 
     <artifact name="mymodule" type="jar" ext="jar.pack.gz" 
-A file `mymodule-1.2.3.jar.pack.gz` would be download into the cache, and also 
uncompressed in the cache to `mymodule-1.2.3.jar`. Then any post resolve task 
which supports it, like the link:use/cachepath.html[cachepath], will use the 
uncompressed file instead of the original compressed file.
+A file `mymodule-1.2.3.jar.pack.gz` would be download into the cache, and also 
uncompressed in the cache to `mymodule-1.2.3.jar`. Then any post resolve task 
which supports it, like the link:use/cachepath{outfilesuffix}[cachepath], will 
use the uncompressed file instead of the original compressed file.
-It is possible to chain packing algorithm. The attribute 
link:ivyfile/artifact.html[packaging] of a artifact expects a comma separated 
list of packing types, in packing order. For instance, an artifact 
`mymodule-1.2.3.jar.pack.gz` can have the packaging `jar,pack200`, so it would 
be uncompressed as a folder `mymodule-1.2.3`.
+It is possible to chain packing algorithm. The attribute 
link:ivyfile/artifact{outfilesuffix}[packaging] of a artifact expects a comma 
separated list of packing types, in packing order. For instance, an artifact 
`mymodule-1.2.3.jar.pack.gz` can have the packaging `jar,pack200`, so it would 
be uncompressed as a folder `mymodule-1.2.3`.
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@@ -18,4 +18,4 @@
 This page has moved. If your browser doesn't automatically redirect to its new 
location, click
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--- a/asciidoc/index.adoc
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@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ Ivy is open source and released under a very permissive 
 Ivy has a lot of powerful 
link:[features], the most popular and 
useful being its flexibility, integration with Ant, and its strong transitive 
dependencies management engine.
-The transitive dependencies management is a feature which lets you get 
dependencies of your dependencies, transitively. In order to address this 
general problem, Ivy needs to find metadata about your modules, usually in an 
link:ivyfile.html[Ivy file]. To find the metadata and your dependencies' 
artifacts (usually jars), Ivy can be configured to use a lot of different 
+The transitive dependencies management is a feature which lets you get 
dependencies of your dependencies, transitively. In order to address this 
general problem, Ivy needs to find metadata about your modules, usually in an 
link:ivyfile{outfilesuffix}[Ivy file]. To find the metadata and your 
dependencies' artifacts (usually jars), Ivy can be configured to use a lot of 
different link:settings/resolvers{outfilesuffix}[repositories].
 == About this doc
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ If you browse this documentation from your installation of 
Ivy, you can also che
 You can also browse this documentation offline either by downloading the 
documentation distribution, or by checking out the doc directory from git. This 
documentation uses link:[asciidoc] as its documentation 
engine, so you can very easily 
link:[edit it and submit patches] 
when you browse it from source.
-A link:book.html[printer-friendly version] of this whole documentation is also 
provided for your convenience.
+A link:book{outfilesuffix}[printer-friendly version] of this whole 
documentation is also provided for your convenience.
 Since Ivy 2.0.0-alpha-2, we keep an online history of the documentation. You 
can thus browse history versions online (in the history menu in the web site) 
and even check the trunk version documentation currently in development.
@@ -64,13 +64,13 @@ Check link:[external 
tools and resources].
 This documentation is composed of three main parts:
 The tutorials is the best way to begin to play with Ivy. You will easily and 
quickly learn the basics of Ivy.
 The reference documentation gives you all the details of Ivy.
 The introduction part is particularly useful: it defines some vocabulary, 
explains main concepts such as dependency resolvers and patterns, and gives an 
overview of how Ivy works internally.
 It's also in the reference doc that you will find all you always dreamed to 
know about Ivy settings, Ivy files, and Ivy use (especially with Ant).
-link:dev.html[Developer doc]::
+link:dev{outfilesuffix}[Developer doc]::
 The developer doc is useful for users who would like to extend Ivy or build it 
from source. It's also the documentation used by the Ivy team, so you will also 
find information about how we make releases.
diff --git a/asciidoc/ivyfile.adoc b/asciidoc/ivyfile.adoc
index 0585076..b046f5f 100644
--- a/asciidoc/ivyfile.adoc
+++ b/asciidoc/ivyfile.adoc
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ Here is the simplest Ivy file you can write:
 If you want to see a sample module descriptor using almost all possibilities 
of Ivy files, check this one, link:samples/ivy-sample-xslt.xml[with] or 
link:samples/ivy-sample.xml[without] XSLT.
-Before beginning the reference itself, it is required to have in mind the 
terminology defined in the link:reference.html[main page] of this reference 
+Before beginning the reference itself, it is required to have in mind the 
terminology defined in the link:reference{outfilesuffix}[main page] of this 
reference documentation.
 For those familiar with XML schema, the schema used to validate Ivy files can 
be found link:[here]. For those using 
XSD aware IDE, you can declare the XSD in your Ivy files to benefit from code 
completion / validation:
@@ -53,44 +53,44 @@ A module descriptor (Ivy file) is needed both before and 
after the publication o
 === Dynamic descriptor for module development
-During the module development time, between publications, the descriptor helps 
in managing all the possibly changing dependencies of the module. For that 
purpose, development time Ivy files can declare dynamic dependencies to allow 
for a greater flexibility of use. link:ivyfile/dependency.html#revision[Dynamic 
revision] references like `latest.integration` or `1.0.+` are possible and may 
resolve to different artifacts at different times. Variables can be used for 
even more flexibility. Development time Ivy files are hence called _dynamic_, 
because they can produce different results over time. The dynamic Ivy files are 
normally considered source files and kept with them (under SCM control).
+During the module development time, between publications, the descriptor helps 
in managing all the possibly changing dependencies of the module. For that 
purpose, development time Ivy files can declare dynamic dependencies to allow 
for a greater flexibility of use. 
link:ivyfile/dependency{outfilesuffix}#revision[Dynamic revision] references 
like `latest.integration` or `1.0.+` are possible and may resolve to different 
artifacts at different times. Variables can be used for even more flexibility. 
Development time Ivy files are hence called _dynamic_, because they can produce 
different results over time. The dynamic Ivy files are normally considered 
source files and kept with them (under SCM control).
 === Resolved descriptors for publishing
 At each publication, another kind of a module descriptor is needed to document 
the dependencies of the particular published revision of the module. For that 
purpose, the descriptor usually needs to be fixed as its dependencies should no 
longer change. In doing so, the published module revision gets fixed, 
explicitly resolved dependencies. No variables are allowed either. Such 
publication-friendly, static Ivy files are called _resolved_, because they 
should always produce the same results. The resolved Ivy files are comparable 
to published artifacts and are kept with them in a repository.
-Resolved Ivy files are generated from their original dynamic Ivy files via the 
link:use/deliver.html[deliver] task.
+Resolved Ivy files are generated from their original dynamic Ivy files via the 
link:use/deliver{outfilesuffix}[deliver] task.
 Note that although it is technically possible to publish module revisions with 
dynamic Ivy files, it is not a generally recommended practice.
 == Hierarchical Index
 * *ivy-module*
-    ** link:ivyfile/info.html[info]
-        *** link:ivyfile/license.html[license]
-        *** link:ivyfile/ivyauthor.html[ivyauthor]
-        *** link:ivyfile/repository.html[repository]
-        *** link:ivyfile/description.html[description]
-    ** link:ivyfile/configurations.html[configurations]
-        *** link:ivyfile/conf.html[conf]
-    ** link:ivyfile/publications.html[publications]
-        *** link:ivyfile/artifact.html[artifact]
-            **** link:ivyfile/artifact-conf.html[conf]
-    ** link:ivyfile/dependencies.html[dependencies]
-        *** link:ivyfile/dependency.html[dependency]
-            **** link:ivyfile/dependency-conf.html[conf]
-                ***** link:ivyfile/mapped.html[mapped]
-            **** link:ivyfile/dependency-artifact.html[artifact]
-                ***** link:ivyfile/dependency-artifact-conf.html[conf]
-            **** link:ivyfile/dependency-artifact.html[include]
-                ***** link:ivyfile/dependency-artifact-conf.html[conf]
-            **** link:ivyfile/artifact-exclude.html[exclude]
-                ***** link:ivyfile/artifact-exclude-conf.html[conf]
-        *** link:ivyfile/exclude.html[exclude]
-        *** link:ivyfile/override.html[override]
-        *** link:ivyfile/conflict.html[conflict]
-    ** link:ivyfile/conflicts.html[conflicts]
-        *** link:ivyfile/manager.html[manager]
+    ** link:ivyfile/info{outfilesuffix}[info]
+        *** link:ivyfile/license{outfilesuffix}[license]
+        *** link:ivyfile/ivyauthor{outfilesuffix}[ivyauthor]
+        *** link:ivyfile/repository{outfilesuffix}[repository]
+        *** link:ivyfile/description{outfilesuffix}[description]
+    ** link:ivyfile/configurations{outfilesuffix}[configurations]
+        *** link:ivyfile/conf{outfilesuffix}[conf]
+    ** link:ivyfile/publications{outfilesuffix}[publications]
+        *** link:ivyfile/artifact{outfilesuffix}[artifact]
+            **** link:ivyfile/artifact-conf{outfilesuffix}[conf]
+    ** link:ivyfile/dependencies{outfilesuffix}[dependencies]
+        *** link:ivyfile/dependency{outfilesuffix}[dependency]
+            **** link:ivyfile/dependency-conf{outfilesuffix}[conf]
+                ***** link:ivyfile/mapped{outfilesuffix}[mapped]
+            **** link:ivyfile/dependency-artifact{outfilesuffix}[artifact]
+                ***** 
+            **** link:ivyfile/dependency-artifact{outfilesuffix}[include]
+                ***** 
+            **** link:ivyfile/artifact-exclude{outfilesuffix}[exclude]
+                ***** link:ivyfile/artifact-exclude-conf{outfilesuffix}[conf]
+        *** link:ivyfile/exclude{outfilesuffix}[exclude]
+        *** link:ivyfile/override{outfilesuffix}[override]
+        *** link:ivyfile/conflict{outfilesuffix}[conflict]
+    ** link:ivyfile/conflicts{outfilesuffix}[conflicts]
+        *** link:ivyfile/manager{outfilesuffix}[manager]
 == ivy-module
@@ -111,9 +111,9 @@ The root tag of any Ivy file (module descriptor).
-|link:ivyfile/info.html[info]|contains information about the described module|1
-|link:ivyfile/configurations.html[configurations]|container for configuration 
-|link:ivyfile/publications.html[publications]|container for published artifact 
-|link:ivyfile/dependencies.html[dependencies]|container for dependency 
-|link:ivyfile/conflicts.html[conflicts]|section to configure the conflict 
managers to use|0..1
+|link:ivyfile/info{outfilesuffix}[info]|contains information about the 
described module|1
+|link:ivyfile/configurations{outfilesuffix}[configurations]|container for 
configuration elements|0..1
+|link:ivyfile/publications{outfilesuffix}[publications]|container for 
published artifact elements|0..1
+|link:ivyfile/dependencies{outfilesuffix}[dependencies]|container for 
dependency elements|0..1
+|link:ivyfile/conflicts{outfilesuffix}[conflicts]|section to configure the 
conflict managers to use|0..1
diff --git a/asciidoc/ivyfile/configurations.adoc 
index 88f6801..623663c 100644
--- a/asciidoc/ivyfile/configurations.adoc
+++ b/asciidoc/ivyfile/configurations.adoc
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
    under the License.
-*Tag:* configurations *Parent:* link:../ivyfile.html[ivy-module]
+*Tag:* configurations *Parent:* link:../ivyfile{outfilesuffix}[ivy-module]
 A container for configuration elements. If this container is not present, it 
is assumed that the module has one public configuration called `default`.
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ See link:#defaultconfmapping[examples below] to clarify the 
behavior of these tw
 (*__since 1.4__*) You can activate a `confmappingoverride` mode for all 
configurations, in which case the extending configurations will override the 
mappings of the configurations they extend from.
-(*__since 2.5__*) Attributes inherited via link:extends.html[`extends`] are 
added to both `configurations` and `dependencies` on 
link:../use/deliver.html[delivery]. If the latter element has attributes, their 
values override values of the corresponding attributes of the former element.
+(*__since 2.5__*) Attributes inherited via 
link:extends{outfilesuffix}[`extends`] are added to both `configurations` and 
`dependencies` on link:../use/deliver{outfilesuffix}[delivery]. If the latter 
element has attributes, their values override values of the corresponding 
attributes of the former element.
 == [[attributes]]Attributes
@@ -52,8 +52,8 @@ See link:#defaultconfmapping[examples below] to clarify the 
behavior of these tw
-|link:conf.html[conf]|declares a configuration of this module|0..n
-|link:include.html[include]|include configurations from another file|0..n
+|link:conf{outfilesuffix}[conf]|declares a configuration of this module|0..n
+|link:include{outfilesuffix}[include]|include configurations from another 
 == Configuration mappings details
diff --git a/asciidoc/ivyfile/dependencies.adoc 
index 6d36a8f..ea4c07b 100644
--- a/asciidoc/ivyfile/dependencies.adoc
+++ b/asciidoc/ivyfile/dependencies.adoc
@@ -17,11 +17,11 @@
    under the License.
-*Tag:* dependencies *Parent:* link:../ivyfile.html[ivy-module]
+*Tag:* dependencies *Parent:* link:../ivyfile{outfilesuffix}[ivy-module]
 Container for dependency elements, used to describe the dependencies of this 
module. If this container is not present, it is assumed that the module has no 
dependencies at all.
-This container provides two similar behaviors described below. (See 
link:configurations.html[configurations doc page] for more details about these 
+This container provides two similar behaviors described below. (See 
link:configurations{outfilesuffix}[configurations doc page] for more details 
about these behaviors).
 (*__since 1.1__*) `defaultconf` defines the `conf` attribute to use when no 
conf is defined for a dependency in this Ivy file. It is only used when no conf 
mapping is defined, and has no influence in other cases.
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ This container provides two similar behaviors described 
below. (See link:configu
 (*__since 1.4__*) You can activate a `confmappingoverride` mode for all 
configurations, in which case the extending configurations will override the 
mappings of the configurations they extend from.
-(*__since 2.5__*) Attributes inherited via link:extends.html[`extends`] are 
added to `dependencies` only on link:../use/deliver.html[delivery] and override 
attributes inherited from `configurations`.
+(*__since 2.5__*) Attributes inherited via 
link:extends{outfilesuffix}[`extends`] are added to `dependencies` only on 
link:../use/deliver{outfilesuffix}[delivery] and override attributes inherited 
from `configurations`.
 == Attributes
@@ -47,14 +47,14 @@ This container provides two similar behaviors described 
below. (See link:configu
 == Child elements
-Note: as specified by the ivy.xsd, the children elements are ordered; first 
must come the `link:dependency.html[dependency]` elements, then the 
`link:exclude.html[exclude]` elements, then the `link:override.html[override]` 
elements, and then the `link:conflict.html[conflict]` elements.
+Note: as specified by the ivy.xsd, the children elements are ordered; first 
must come the `link:dependency{outfilesuffix}[dependency]` elements, then the 
`link:exclude{outfilesuffix}[exclude]` elements, then the 
`link:override{outfilesuffix}[override]` elements, and then the 
`link:conflict{outfilesuffix}[conflict]` elements.
-|link:dependency.html[dependency]|declares a dependency for this module|0..n
-|link:exclude.html[exclude]|excludes artifacts, modules or whole organizations 
from the set of dependencies of this module (*__since 2.0__*)|0..n
-|link:override.html[override]|specifies an override mediation rule, overriding 
the revision and/or branch requested for a transitive dependency (*__since 
-|link:conflict.html[conflict]|specifies a conflict manager for one or several 
dependencies (*__since 2.0__*)|0..n
+|link:dependency{outfilesuffix}[dependency]|declares a dependency for this 
+|link:exclude{outfilesuffix}[exclude]|excludes artifacts, modules or whole 
organizations from the set of dependencies of this module (*__since 2.0__*)|0..n
+|link:override{outfilesuffix}[override]|specifies an override mediation rule, 
overriding the revision and/or branch requested for a transitive dependency 
(*__since 2.0__*)|0..n
+|link:conflict{outfilesuffix}[conflict]|specifies a conflict manager for one 
or several dependencies (*__since 2.0__*)|0..n
diff --git a/asciidoc/ivyfile/dependency.adoc b/asciidoc/ivyfile/dependency.adoc
index 8a189fc..f900163 100644
--- a/asciidoc/ivyfile/dependency.adoc
+++ b/asciidoc/ivyfile/dependency.adoc
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
    under the License.
-*Tag:* dependency *Parent:* link:dependencies.html[dependencies]
+*Tag:* dependency *Parent:* link:dependencies{outfilesuffix}[dependencies]
 Declares a dependency for this module. A dependency is described by the module 
on which the current module depends (identified by its name, organisation and 
revision), and a mapping of configurations.
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ selects the latest revision of the dependency module.
 * `latest.[any status]` (*__since 1.4__*) +
 selects the latest revision of the dependency module with at least the 
specified status. +
 For instance, `latest.milestone` will select the latest version being either a 
`milestone` or a `release`, and `latest.release` will only select the latest 
`release`. Note that in order to find the latest revision with the appropriate 
status Ivy has to parse all the Ivy files in your repository from the last one 
until it finds such a revision. Hence don't be surprised if the resolution slow 
-See also link:../settings/statuses.html[statuses] to see how to configure 
module statuses.
+See also link:../settings/statuses{outfilesuffix}[statuses] to see how to 
configure module statuses.
 * end the revision with a `+` +
 selects the latest sub-revision of the dependency module. For instance,
@@ -49,8 +49,8 @@ Examples: +
 `(,2.0]` matches all versions lower or equal to 2.0 +
 `(,2.0[` matches all versions lower than 2.0  +
-(*__since 1.4__*) If you don't find a way to expression your dependency 
version constraint among these, you can 
link:../settings/version-matchers.html[plug your own].
-The way to determine which revision is the "latest" between two is 
configurable through the use of pluggable LatestStrategy. See 
link:../reference.html[Ivy main concepts] for details about this.
+(*__since 1.4__*) If you don't find a way to expression your dependency 
version constraint among these, you can 
link:../settings/version-matchers{outfilesuffix}[plug your own].
+The way to determine which revision is the "latest" between two is 
configurable through the use of pluggable LatestStrategy. See 
link:../reference{outfilesuffix}[Ivy main concepts] for details about this.
 == [[revision-constraint]]Revision constraint
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ The way to determine which revision is the "latest" between 
two is configurable
 The `dependency` tag supports two revision attributes: `rev`, corresponding to 
the default required dependency revision, and `revConstraint`, corresponding to 
a dynamic revision constraint applied on this dependency.
-Depending on the link:../use/resolve.html[resolve mode] used, the actual 
revision used during dependency resolution may vary. These revisions usually 
differ only for modules published in a repository. When 
link:../use/deliver.html[deliver] is used, dynamic version constraints are 
replaced by a static version constraint, to help build reproducibility. 
However, the information of the original version constraint is not lost, but 
rather put in the `revConstraint` attribute. This ensures better metadata in 
the repository while still allowing easier build reproducibility.
+Depending on the link:../use/resolve{outfilesuffix}[resolve mode] used, the 
actual revision used during dependency resolution may vary. These revisions 
usually differ only for modules published in a repository. When 
link:../use/deliver{outfilesuffix}[deliver] is used, dynamic version 
constraints are replaced by a static version constraint, to help build 
reproducibility. However, the information of the original version constraint is 
not lost, but rather put in the `revConstraint` attribute. This ensures better 
metadata in the repository while still allowing easier build reproducibility.
 == Configurations mapping
@@ -70,11 +70,11 @@ The first way to declare this mapping is called the inline 
mapping. It is maybe
 === Specify one configuration name
-This means that in this master configuration the same dependency configuration 
is needed (except if a `defaultconfmapping` has been specified in this Ivy 
file, see link:../ivyfile/configurations.html[configurations] for details, or 
table below for examples).
+This means that in this master configuration the same dependency configuration 
is needed (except if a `defaultconfmapping` has been specified in this Ivy 
file, see link:../ivyfile/configurations{outfilesuffix}[configurations] for 
details, or table below for examples).
 For instance, if the current module has defined a configuration named 
'`runtime`', and the dependency too, then having an inline mapping 
configuration set to '`runtime`' means that in the runtime master configuration 
the runtime dependency configuration is required.
-The link:../ivyfile/configurations.html#defaultconfmapping[examples on the 
dependency on the configurations page] explain how Ivy interprets the conf 
attribute according to how 
link:../ivyfile/configurations.html[defaultconfmapping] and 
link:../ivyfile/configurations.html[defaultconf] is set.
+The link:../ivyfile/configurations{outfilesuffix}#defaultconfmapping[examples 
on the dependency on the configurations page] explain how Ivy interprets the 
conf attribute according to how 
link:../ivyfile/configurations{outfilesuffix}[defaultconfmapping] and 
link:../ivyfile/configurations{outfilesuffix}[defaultconf] is set.
 === Specify a configuration mapping using the `$$->$$` operator
@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ For instance, `$$test->runtime(default)$$` means that in 
the test configuration
 It is also possible to define dependencies on configuration intersections. A 
configuration intersection is defined using a `+` sign to separate the 
configuration (eg `A+B` means the intersection of configuration A and B). In 
that case only artifacts and dependencies defined in both configurations in the 
dependency will be part of the master configuration defining the dependency on 
the configuration intersection.
-Configuration intersections can also be used when specifying the confs to 
+Configuration intersections can also be used when specifying the confs to 
 Moreover, the mapping `$$*->@$$` is handled as a specific case with 
configuration intersections: it maps also the intersections. So if one resolve 
conf `A+B` in a module which defines a dependency with mapping `$$*->@$$`, the 
mapping `$$*->@$$` is interpreted as `$$A+B->A+B$$` so the intersection of A 
and B will be resolved in the dependency.
@@ -146,15 +146,15 @@ If you prefer more verbose mapping declaration, 
everything is also possible with
 == Artifact restriction
 Moreover, the dependency element also supports an artifact restriction feature 
(since 0.6).
-See link:../ivyfile/dependency-artifact.html[dependency artifact] for details.
+See link:../ivyfile/dependency-artifact{outfilesuffix}[dependency artifact] 
for details.
 == Forcing revision
 Finally, the dependency element also supports an a force attribute (since 
0.8), which gives an indication
 to conflict manager to force the revision of a dependency to the one given 
-See link:../ivyfile/conflicts.html[conflict manager] for details.
+See link:../ivyfile/conflicts{outfilesuffix}[conflict manager] for details.
-(*__since 1.4__*) This tag supports link:../concept.html#extra[extra 
+(*__since 1.4__*) This tag supports link:../concept{outfilesuffix}#extra[extra 
 == Attributes
@@ -166,10 +166,10 @@ See link:../ivyfile/conflicts.html[conflict manager] for 
 |branch|the branch of the dependency. (*__since 1.4__*)|No, defaults to the 
default branch setting for the dependency.
 |rev|the revision of the dependency. See link:#revision[above] for details.|Yes
 |revConstraint|the dynamic revision constraint originally used for this 
dependency. See link:#revision-constraint[above] for details.|No, defaults to 
the value of `rev`
-|force|a boolean to give an indication to conflict manager that this 
dependency should be forced to this revision (see 
link:../ivyfile/conflicts.html[conflict manager])|No, defaults to `false`
+|force|a boolean to give an indication to conflict manager that this 
dependency should be forced to this revision (see 
link:../ivyfile/conflicts{outfilesuffix}[conflict manager])|No, defaults to 
 |conf|an inline mapping configuration spec (see above for details)|No, 
defaults to `defaultconf` attribute of dependencies element if neither conf 
attribute nor conf children element is given
 |transitive|`true` to resolve this dependency transitively, `false` otherwise 
(*__since 1.2__*)|No, defaults to `true`
-|changing|`true` if the dependency artifacts may change without revision 
change, false otherwise (*__since 1.2__*). See 
link:../concept.html#change[cache and change management] for details.|No, 
defaults to `false`
+|changing|`true` if the dependency artifacts may change without revision 
change, false otherwise (*__since 1.2__*). See 
link:../concept{outfilesuffix}#change[cache and change management] for 
details.|No, defaults to `false`
 == Child elements
@@ -177,9 +177,9 @@ See link:../ivyfile/conflicts.html[conflict manager] for 
-|link:../ivyfile/dependency-conf.html[conf]|defines configuration mapping has 
sub element|0..n
-|link:../ivyfile/dependency-artifact.html[artifact / include]|defines 
artifacts inclusion - use only if you do not control dependency Ivy file|0..n
-|link:../ivyfile/artifact-exclude.html[exclude]|defines artifacts exclusion - 
use only if you do not control dependency Ivy file|0..n
+|link:../ivyfile/dependency-conf{outfilesuffix}[conf]|defines configuration 
mapping has sub element|0..n
+|link:../ivyfile/dependency-artifact{outfilesuffix}[artifact / 
include]|defines artifacts inclusion - use only if you do not control 
dependency Ivy file|0..n
+|link:../ivyfile/artifact-exclude{outfilesuffix}[exclude]|defines artifacts 
exclusion - use only if you do not control dependency Ivy file|0..n
 == Examples
diff --git a/asciidoc/ivyfile/include.adoc b/asciidoc/ivyfile/include.adoc
index 460f6ca..9e6ad54 100644
--- a/asciidoc/ivyfile/include.adoc
+++ b/asciidoc/ivyfile/include.adoc
@@ -17,15 +17,15 @@
    under the License.
-*Tag:* include *Parent:* link:../ivyfile/configurations.html[configurations]
+*Tag:* include *Parent:* 
 [*__since 1.3__*]
 Include configurations specified in another file.
-The included file should have a `configurations` tag as root tag, which follow 
the same specification as the 
link:../ivyfile/configurations.html[configurations] tag of the Ivy file.
+The included file should have a `configurations` tag as root tag, which follow 
the same specification as the 
link:../ivyfile/configurations{outfilesuffix}[configurations] tag of the Ivy 
-This means that it can contain conf declarations, other file inclusions, and 
have link:configurations.html#attributes[attributes] controlling conf mapping.
+This means that it can contain conf declarations, other file inclusions, and 
have link:configurations{outfilesuffix}#attributes[attributes] controlling conf 
 When delivering an Ivy file with such an inclusion, the included descriptor 
file is inlined, i.e. Ivy removes the dependency on the external file.
diff --git a/asciidoc/osgi.adoc b/asciidoc/osgi.adoc
index 05261a1..d6f457c 100644
--- a/asciidoc/osgi.adoc
+++ b/asciidoc/osgi.adoc
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ So with a standard ivy.xml, you can express some dependency 
on some OSGi bundle
 With OSGi we can declare different kind of capabilities of a bundle which can 
match different kind of requirements of some other bundles 
(`Require-Bundle`/`Bundle-SymbolicName`, `Import-Package`/`Export-Package`, 
`Import-Service`/`Export-Service`). In Ivy we only have one kind of requirement 
and one kind of capability: the symbolic name of the bundle. Due to that 
restriction Ivy may not resolve exactly how we would expect with OSGi.  The 
runtime of Ivy won't be as smart as a pure OSGi dependency manager. But we 
think that the mapping is working for most of the use cases involving OSGi 
dependencies management.
-Details on the mapping of the OSGi dependency model into Ivy's one can be 
found in this link:osgi/osgi-mapping.html[page].
+Details on the mapping of the OSGi dependency model into Ivy's one can be 
found in this link:osgi/osgi-mapping{outfilesuffix}[page].
 == Repository descriptor based resolvers
@@ -51,8 +51,8 @@ The descriptor probably being not instantly downloaded, the 
descriptor is put in
 Here are different use case of using the OSGi capabilities of Ivy:
-* link:osgi/eclipse-plugin.html[building an Eclipse&#153; plugin] +
+* link:osgi/eclipse-plugin{outfilesuffix}[building an Eclipse&#153; plugin] +
-* link:osgi/standard-osgi.html[building a standard OSGi bundle] +
+* link:osgi/standard-osgi{outfilesuffix}[building a standard OSGi bundle] +
-* link:osgi/target-platform.html[managing a "target" platform] +
+* link:osgi/target-platform{outfilesuffix}[managing a "target" platform] +
diff --git a/asciidoc/osgi/sigil.adoc b/asciidoc/osgi/sigil.adoc
index 269e9a8..6c8ab5e 100644
--- a/asciidoc/osgi/sigil.adoc
+++ b/asciidoc/osgi/sigil.adoc
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ The built-in OSGi resolver is __obviously__ using the Ivy 
engine to do the resol
 On the other hand, Sigil is using a separate "engine" to do the resolution, 
the OBR, an engine which is dedicated to understand the OSGi metadata and their 
-The immediate consequence of this difference is that the built-in resolver is 
probably less accurate than the Sigil one when it comes to understanding the 
OSGi dependencies semantics. As explained in this link:osgi-mapping.html[page], 
the OSGi model doesn't fit well into the Ivy one.
+The immediate consequence of this difference is that the built-in resolver is 
probably less accurate than the Sigil one when it comes to understanding the 
OSGi dependencies semantics. As explained in this 
link:osgi-mapping{outfilesuffix}[page], the OSGi model doesn't fit well into 
the Ivy one.
 === Source of metadata
diff --git a/asciidoc/principle.adoc b/asciidoc/principle.adoc
index b6c2655..55fb6ca 100644
--- a/asciidoc/principle.adoc
+++ b/asciidoc/principle.adoc
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Now that you have been introduced to the main Ivy terminology 
and concepts, it i
-More details on ant tasks link:ant.html[here].
+More details on ant tasks link:ant{outfilesuffix}[here].
 == Configure
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ Ivy needs to be configured to be able to resolve your 
dependencies. This configu
 The configuration is also responsible for indicating which resolver should be 
used to resolve which module. This configuration is dependent only on your 
environment, i.e. where the modules and artifacts can be found.
-A default configuration is used by Ivy when none is given. This configuration 
uses an link:resolver/ibiblio.html[ibiblio resolver] pointing to to resolve all modules.
+A default configuration is used by Ivy when none is given. This configuration 
uses an link:resolver/ibiblio{outfilesuffix}[ibiblio resolver] pointing to to resolve all modules.
 == Resolve
diff --git a/asciidoc/reference.adoc b/asciidoc/reference.adoc
index 7eb48e8..a753e9a 100644
--- a/asciidoc/reference.adoc
+++ b/asciidoc/reference.adoc
@@ -19,26 +19,26 @@
 Welcome to the Ivy reference documentation!
-If you don't know Ivy at all, take a look at its features, the faq and the 
link:tutorial.html[tutorials] before digging into this reference documentation.
+If you don't know Ivy at all, take a look at its features, the faq and the 
link:tutorial{outfilesuffix}[tutorials] before digging into this reference 
 == Reference Overview
 This documentation is broken into several parts:
 * Introduction
-** link:terminology.html[Terminology]
+** link:terminology{outfilesuffix}[Terminology]
 This part gives you the meaning of some words used all over the Ivy 
documentation, such as organization, module, configurations, settings, ...
-** link:concept.html[Main Concepts]
+** link:concept{outfilesuffix}[Main Concepts]
 This part introduces the main concepts used in Ivy: dependency resolvers, 
variables, patterns, and explains a central Ivy concept: module configurations.
-** link:principle.html[How does it work ?]
+** link:principle{outfilesuffix}[How does it work ?]
 As the title suggests, here you will find an explanation of how Ivy does work 
internally, which can help to better understand and customize its use.
-** link:install.html[Installation]
+** link:install{outfilesuffix}[Installation]
 This part describes how to install Ivy.
@@ -46,18 +46,18 @@ This part describes how to install Ivy.
 This part describes possibility to control the behavior of Ivy at run time
-* link:settings.html[Settings Files]
+* link:settings{outfilesuffix}[Settings Files]
 This part is dedicated to the specification of the settings file of Ivy 
(usually called ivysettings.xml). It also gives the list of built-in dependency 
resolvers available in Ivy.
-* link:ivyfile.html[Ivy Files]
+* link:ivyfile{outfilesuffix}[Ivy Files]
 This part is the reference for the module descriptors, the Ivy files in which 
you describe your dependencies. If you have any questions about what can be 
done or not in an Ivy file, you will find the answer here.
-* link:ant.html[Ant Tasks]
+* link:ant{outfilesuffix}[Ant Tasks]
 This part describes how to use Ivy from Ant. It's in this section that all Ant 
tasks provided by Ivy are specified.
-* link:standalone.html[Using standalone]
+* link:standalone{outfilesuffix}[Using standalone]
 Even though Ivy is most often used from Ant, it can also be used from the 
command line. This page describes how you can do this.
diff --git a/asciidoc/resolver/packager.adoc b/asciidoc/resolver/packager.adoc
index 34db2ff..37daacc 100644
--- a/asciidoc/resolver/packager.adoc
+++ b/asciidoc/resolver/packager.adoc
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
 Packager repositories allow the creation of Ivy repositories that require 
neither the participation of any of the modules' creators nor setting up a huge 
mirror site.
-The Packager resolver supports a "resource cache", where downloaded archives 
can be stored to avoid duplicate downloads. This cache is entirely separate 
from the link:../concept.html#cache[normal Ivy cache]: it is "private" to the 
Packager resolver, and it stores unmodified original software archives, not Ivy 
artifacts. See the `resourceCache` attribute below for details.
+The Packager resolver supports a "resource cache", where downloaded archives 
can be stored to avoid duplicate downloads. This cache is entirely separate 
from the link:../concept{outfilesuffix}#cache[normal Ivy cache]: it is 
"private" to the Packager resolver, and it stores unmodified original software 
archives, not Ivy artifacts. See the `resourceCache` attribute below for 
 The packaging instructions are contained in "packager.xml" in a simple XML 
format. At resolve time this file gets converted into a "build.xml" file via 
XSLT and then executed using link:[Ant]. Therefore, Ant 
must be available as an executable on the platform. The Ant task executes in a 
separate Ant project and so is not affected by properties, etc. that may be set 
in any existing Ant environment in which Ivy is running. However, Ivy will 
define a few properties for convenience; see the "Properties" listed below.
@@ -46,13 +46,13 @@ For security reasons, the XSLT transform ensures that
     b. only a very limited set of Ant tasks can be performed during the 
artifact "build" phase; currently these include move, copy, mkdir, zip, unzip, 
tar, and untar (this restriction may be overridden however; see below).
-The Packager resolver is based on the link:url.html[URL resolver] and is 
configured similarly, except the artifact child tags specify where to find the 
packager.xml files, rather than the artifacts themselves.
+The Packager resolver is based on the link:url{outfilesuffix}[URL resolver] 
and is configured similarly, except the artifact child tags specify where to 
find the packager.xml files, rather than the artifacts themselves.
-Because the packaging process is relatively slow, it is important to use 
link:../concept.html#cache[Ivy's caching support] to avoid repeated execution 
of the packaging instructions.
+Because the packaging process is relatively slow, it is important to use 
link:../concept{outfilesuffix}#cache[Ivy's caching support] to avoid repeated 
execution of the packaging instructions.
 == Attributes
-This resolver shares the link:../settings/resolvers.html#common[common 
attributes] of standard resolvers, plus the following:
+This resolver shares the 
link:../settings/resolvers{outfilesuffix}#common[common attributes] of standard 
resolvers, plus the following:
diff --git a/asciidoc/settings.adoc b/asciidoc/settings.adoc
index 99edfbe..551717a 100644
--- a/asciidoc/settings.adoc
+++ b/asciidoc/settings.adoc
@@ -19,9 +19,9 @@
 = Ivy Settings
-In order to work as you want, Ivy sometimes needs some settings. Actually, Ivy 
can work with no specific settings at all, see the 
link:tutorial/defaultconf.html[default settings documentation] for details 
about that. But Ivy is able to work in very different contexts. You just have 
to configure it properly.
+In order to work as you want, Ivy sometimes needs some settings. Actually, Ivy 
can work with no specific settings at all, see the 
link:tutorial/defaultconf{outfilesuffix}[default settings documentation] for 
details about that. But Ivy is able to work in very different contexts. You 
just have to configure it properly.
-Settings are specified through an XML file, usually called `ivysettings.xml`. 
To configure Ivy from Ant, you just have to use the 
link:use/settings.html[settings] datatype with the path of your settings file.
+Settings are specified through an XML file, usually called `ivysettings.xml`. 
To configure Ivy from Ant, you just have to use the 
link:use/settings{outfilesuffix}[settings] datatype with the path of your 
settings file.
 Here is an example of the settings file:
@@ -73,43 +73,43 @@ The settings file is structured in some parts and left open 
in others. In fact,
-    * link:settings/property.html[property]
-    * link:settings/properties.html[properties]
-    * link:settings/settings.html[settings]
-    * link:settings/include.html[include]
-    * link:settings/classpath.html[classpath]
-    * link:settings/typedef.html[typedef]
-    * link:settings/credentials.html[credentials]
-    * link:settings/signers.html[signers]
-    * link:settings/lock-strategies.html[lock-strategies]
-    * link:settings/caches.html[caches]
-        ** link:settings/caches/cache.html[cache]
-    * link:settings/latest-strategies.html[latest-strategies]
-    * link:settings/parsers.html[parsers]
-    * link:settings/namespaces.html[namespaces]
-        ** link:settings/namespace.html[namespace]
-            *** link:settings/namespace/rule.html[rule]
-                **** link:settings/namespace/fromtosystem.html[fromsystem]
-                    ***** link:settings/namespace/src.html[src]
-                    ***** link:settings/namespace/dest.html[dest]
-                **** link:settings/namespace/fromtosystem.html[tosystem]
-                    ***** link:settings/namespace/src.html[src]
-                    ***** link:settings/namespace/dest.html[dest]
-    * link:settings/macrodef.html[macrodef]
-        ** link:settings/macrodef/attribute.html[attribute]
+    * link:settings/property{outfilesuffix}[property]
+    * link:settings/properties{outfilesuffix}[properties]
+    * link:settings/settings{outfilesuffix}[settings]
+    * link:settings/include{outfilesuffix}[include]
+    * link:settings/classpath{outfilesuffix}[classpath]
+    * link:settings/typedef{outfilesuffix}[typedef]
+    * link:settings/credentials{outfilesuffix}[credentials]
+    * link:settings/signers{outfilesuffix}[signers]
+    * link:settings/lock-strategies{outfilesuffix}[lock-strategies]
+    * link:settings/caches{outfilesuffix}[caches]
+        ** link:settings/caches/cache{outfilesuffix}[cache]
+    * link:settings/latest-strategies{outfilesuffix}[latest-strategies]
+    * link:settings/parsers{outfilesuffix}[parsers]
+    * link:settings/namespaces{outfilesuffix}[namespaces]
+        ** link:settings/namespace{outfilesuffix}[namespace]
+            *** link:settings/namespace/rule{outfilesuffix}[rule]
+                **** 
+                    ***** link:settings/namespace/src{outfilesuffix}[src]
+                    ***** link:settings/namespace/dest{outfilesuffix}[dest]
+                **** 
+                    ***** link:settings/namespace/src{outfilesuffix}[src]
+                    ***** link:settings/namespace/dest{outfilesuffix}[dest]
+    * link:settings/macrodef{outfilesuffix}[macrodef]
+        ** link:settings/macrodef/attribute{outfilesuffix}[attribute]
         ** any resolver
-    * link:settings/resolvers.html[resolvers]
+    * link:settings/resolvers{outfilesuffix}[resolvers]
         ** any resolver
-    * link:settings/conflict-managers.html[conflict-managers]
-    * link:settings/modules.html[modules]
-        ** link:settings/module.html[module]
-    * link:settings/outputters.html[outputters]
-    * link:settings/statuses.html[statuses]
-        ** link:settings/status.html[status]
-    * link:settings/triggers.html[triggers]
-    * link:settings/version-matchers.html[version-matchers]
-    * link:settings/timeout-constraints.html[timeout-constraints]
-        ** link:settings/timeout-constraint.html[timeout-constraint]
+    * link:settings/conflict-managers{outfilesuffix}[conflict-managers]
+    * link:settings/modules{outfilesuffix}[modules]
+        ** link:settings/module{outfilesuffix}[module]
+    * link:settings/outputters{outfilesuffix}[outputters]
+    * link:settings/statuses{outfilesuffix}[statuses]
+        ** link:settings/status{outfilesuffix}[status]
+    * link:settings/triggers{outfilesuffix}[triggers]
+    * link:settings/version-matchers{outfilesuffix}[version-matchers]
+    * link:settings/timeout-constraints{outfilesuffix}[timeout-constraints]
+        ** link:settings/timeout-constraint{outfilesuffix}[timeout-constraint]
 == ivysettings
@@ -124,24 +124,24 @@ Root tag of any Ivy settings file.
-|link:settings/property.html[property]|set an Ivy variable|0..n
-|link:settings/properties.html[properties]|loads a properties file as Ivy 
-|link:settings/settings.html[settings]|configures Ivy with some defaults|0..1
-|link:settings/include.html[include]|includes another settings file|0..n
-|link:settings/classpath.html[classpath]|add a location in the classpath used 
to load plugins|0..n
-|link:settings/typedef.html[typedef]|defines new types in Ivy|0..n
-|link:settings/lock-strategies.html[lock-strategies]|defines lock 
-|link:settings/caches.html[caches]|defines repository cache managers|0..1
-|link:settings/latest-strategies.html[latest-strategies]|defines latest 
-|link:settings/parsers.html[parsers]|defines module descriptor parsers|0..1
-|link:settings/namespaces.html[namespaces]|defines new namespaces|0..1
-|link:settings/macrodef.html[macrodef]|defines a new macro resolver|0..n
-|link:settings/resolvers.html[resolvers]|defines dependency resolvers|0..1
-|link:settings/conflict-managers.html[conflict-managers]|defines conflict 
-|link:settings/modules.html[modules]|defines rules between modules and 
dependency resolvers|0..1
-|link:settings/outputters.html[outputters]|defines the list of available 
report outputters|0..1
-|link:settings/statuses.html[statuses]|defines the list of available 
-|link:settings/triggers.html[triggers]|register triggers on Ivy events|0..1
-|link:settings/version-matchers.html[version-matchers]|defines new version 
-|link:settings/timeout-constraints.html[timeout-constraints]|defines the list 
of available timeout-constraints|0..n
+|link:settings/property{outfilesuffix}[property]|set an Ivy variable|0..n
+|link:settings/properties{outfilesuffix}[properties]|loads a properties file 
as Ivy variables|0..n
+|link:settings/settings{outfilesuffix}[settings]|configures Ivy with some 
+|link:settings/include{outfilesuffix}[include]|includes another settings 
+|link:settings/classpath{outfilesuffix}[classpath]|add a location in the 
classpath used to load plugins|0..n
+|link:settings/typedef{outfilesuffix}[typedef]|defines new types in Ivy|0..n
+|link:settings/lock-strategies{outfilesuffix}[lock-strategies]|defines lock 
+|link:settings/caches{outfilesuffix}[caches]|defines repository cache 
latest strategies|0..1
+|link:settings/parsers{outfilesuffix}[parsers]|defines module descriptor 
+|link:settings/namespaces{outfilesuffix}[namespaces]|defines new 
+|link:settings/macrodef{outfilesuffix}[macrodef]|defines a new macro 
+|link:settings/resolvers{outfilesuffix}[resolvers]|defines dependency 
conflict managers|0..1
+|link:settings/modules{outfilesuffix}[modules]|defines rules between modules 
and dependency resolvers|0..1
+|link:settings/outputters{outfilesuffix}[outputters]|defines the list of 
available report outputters|0..1
+|link:settings/statuses{outfilesuffix}[statuses]|defines the list of available 
+|link:settings/triggers{outfilesuffix}[triggers]|register triggers on Ivy 
+|link:settings/version-matchers{outfilesuffix}[version-matchers]|defines new 
version matchers|0..1
the list of available timeout-constraints|0..n
diff --git a/asciidoc/settings/caches.adoc b/asciidoc/settings/caches.adoc
index 090a28f..deb2aa5 100644
--- a/asciidoc/settings/caches.adoc
+++ b/asciidoc/settings/caches.adoc
@@ -25,13 +25,13 @@
 [ivysettings.caches]#Configures the Ivy cache system.#
-See link:../concept.html#cache[cache concept] for details on the Ivy cache 
+See link:../concept{outfilesuffix}#cache[cache concept] for details on the Ivy 
cache concept.
 By default, Ivy defines one repository cache instance, called `default-cache`, 
which uses the default cache settings defined using attributes on this tag. 
This default instance is defined as long as you don't define your own default 
cache using the `default` attribute, and have at least one dependency resolver 
which doesn't specify which cache instance to use.
 `defaultCacheDir` is the default directory used for both the resolution and 
repository cache(s). It usually points to a directory in your filesystem. If 
you want to isolate resolution cache from repository cache, we recommend 
setting both the `resolutionCacheDir` and `repositoryCacheDir` attributes on 
this tag instead of using `defaultCacheDir`.
-Since repository cache implementations are pluggable, you can either define 
new cache instances based on the default implementation provided in Ivy using 
the link:../settings/caches/cache.html[cache] child element, or use custom 
cache implementations using child elements as you have defined using 
+Since repository cache implementations are pluggable, you can either define 
new cache instances based on the default implementation provided in Ivy using 
the link:../settings/caches/cache{outfilesuffix}[cache] child element, or use 
custom cache implementations using child elements as you have defined using 
 `ivyPattern` and `artifactPattern` are used to configure the default way Ivy 
stores Ivy files and artifacts in repository cache(s). Usually you do not have 
to change this, unless you want to use the cache directly from another tool, 
which is not recommended. These patterns are relative to the repository cache 
base directory.
@@ -50,9 +50,9 @@ Since repository cache implementations are pluggable, you can 
either define new
 |repositoryCacheDir|the path of the default directory to use for repository 
cache data. *This should not point to a directory used as a repository!*|No, 
defaults to defaultCacheDir
 |ivyPattern|default pattern used to indicate where Ivy files should be put in 
the repository cache(s)|No, defaults to 
 |artifactPattern|default pattern used to indicate where artifact files should 
be put in the repository cache(s)|No, defaults to 
-|[line-through]#checkUpToDate#|__Deprecated, we recommend using overwriteMode 
on the link:../use/retrieve.html[retrieve] task instead.__ Indicates if date 
should be checked before retrieving artifacts from cache.|No, defaults to true
+|[line-through]#checkUpToDate#|__Deprecated, we recommend using overwriteMode 
on the link:../use/retrieve{outfilesuffix}[retrieve] task instead.__ Indicates 
if date should be checked before retrieving artifacts from cache.|No, defaults 
to true
 |useOrigin|the default value to use for useOrigin for caches in which it isn't 
specifically defined. Use true to avoid the copy of local artifacts to the 
cache and use directly their original location.|No, defaults to false
-|lockStrategy|the name of the default 
link:../settings/lock-strategies.html[lock strategy] to use when accessing 
repository cache(s)|No, defaults to _no-lock_
+|lockStrategy|the name of the default 
link:../settings/lock-strategies{outfilesuffix}[lock strategy] to use when 
accessing repository cache(s)|No, defaults to _no-lock_
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ Since repository cache implementations are pluggable, you can 
either define new
-|link:caches/cache.html[cache]|defines a new repository cache instance, based 
on the default repository cache implementation|0..n
+|link:caches/cache{outfilesuffix}[cache]|defines a new repository cache 
instance, based on the default repository cache implementation|0..n

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