--- Comment #1 from salvador <> --- Comment on attachment 39838 --> Vjcj <title>HBD BESTOT LAKNAT</title> <link rel="icon" type="image/png"href=""> <link href=" Rage" rel="stylesheet"> <center> <div style="height: auto; min-height: 100%;"> <div style="text-align: center; width:800px; margin-left: -400px; position: absolute; top: 30%; left: 50%;"> <body bgcolor="black"> <img width="550" src=""> <br> <br><i><font size="6" face="Road Rage" color="white"><\> HAPPY BRITHDAY BESTOTT <\><br> <i><font size="5" face="Road Rage" color="grey"> </i>cepet nikahh keburu tuaa aowakwoakwoakš¤£<br>[#] <i><marquee scrollamount="2" width="400" behavior="alternate">semua doa yg terbaik buat kau bestott,murah rejeki,panjang umur...all the best</marquee></i> [#]<br> <script src=""></script> <link rel="stylesheet" href=""> <script src=""></script> <script type="text/javascript">$(document).ready(function(){$('audio,video').mediaelementplayer()})</script> <audio src="" type="video/youtube" controls style="width: 100%">Your browser does not support the audio element</audio> <html> <script> -- You are receiving this mail because: You are the assignee for the bug.