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class="ctr2">24</td></tr></tfoot><tbody><tr><td id="a15"><a 
class="el_method">isLongOption(String)</a></td><td class="bar" id="b0"><img 
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class="ctr2" id="k0">1</td></tr><tr><td id="a23"><a 
class="el_method">updateRequiredOptions(Option)</a></td><td class="
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id="g7">4</td><td class="ctr1" id="h1">1</td><td class="ctr2" id="i7">8</td><td 
class="ctr1" id="j1">0</td><td class="ctr2" id="k1">1</td></tr><tr><td 
id="a6"><a href="" 
class="el_method">handleLongOptionWithEqual(String)</a></td><td class="bar" 
id="b2"><img src="../jacoco-resources/redbar.gif" width="2" height="10" 
title="4" alt="4"/><img src="../jacoco-resources/greenbar.gif" width="40" 
height="10" title="61" alt="61"/></td><td class="ctr2" id="c20">94%</td><t
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height="10" title="1" alt="1"/><img src="../jacoco-resources/greenbar.gif" 
width="23" height="10" title="5" alt="5"/></td><td class="ctr2" 
id="e15">83%</td><td class="ctr1" id="f3">1</td><td class="ctr2" 
id="g8">4</td><td class="ctr1" id="h2">1</td><td class="ctr2" 
id="i3">15</td><td class="ctr1" id="j2">0</td><td class="ctr2" 
id="k2">1</td></tr><tr><td id="a18"><a href="" 
class="el_method">isShortOption(String)</a></td><td class="bar" id="b3"><img 
src="../jacoco-resources/redbar.gif" width="2" height="10" title="4" 
alt="4"/><img src="../jacoco-resources/greenbar.gif" width="29" height="10" 
title="44" alt="44"/></td><td class="ctr2" id="c21">92%</td><td class="bar" 
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title="2" alt="2"/><img src="../jacoco-resources/greenbar.gif" width="46" 
height="10" title="10" alt="10"/></td><td class="ctr2" id="e16">83%</td><td
  class="ctr1" id="f1">2</td><td class="ctr2" id="g4">7</td><td class="ctr1" 
id="h4">0</td><td class="ctr2" id="i10">7</td><td class="ctr1" 
id="j3">0</td><td class="ctr2" id="k3">1</td></tr><tr><td id="a10"><a 
class="el_method">handleShortAndLongOption(String)</a></td><td class="bar" 
id="b4"><img src="../jacoco-resources/redbar.gif" width="2" height="10" 
title="3" alt="3"/><img src="../jacoco-resources/greenbar.gif" width="117" 
height="10" title="176" alt="176"/></td><td class="ctr2" id="c19">98%</td><td 
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height="10" title="1" alt="1"/><img src="../jacoco-resources/greenbar.gif" 
width="106" height="10" title="23" alt="23"/></td><td class="ctr2" 
id="e11">96%</td><td class="ctr1" id="f4">1</td><td class="ctr2" 
id="g1">13</td><td class="ctr1" id="h3">1</td><td class="ctr2" 
id="i0">39</td><td class="ctr1" id="j4">0</td><td class="ctr2" 
id="k4">1</td></tr><tr><td id="a9"><a href="Def" 
class="el_method">handleProperties(Properties)</a></td><td class="bar" 
id="b5"><img src="../jacoco-resources/greenbar.gif" width="57" height="10" 
title="86" alt="86"/></td><td class="ctr2" id="c0">100%</td><td class="bar" 
id="d2"><img src="../jacoco-resources/redbar.gif" width="4" height="10" 
title="1" alt="1"/><img src="../jacoco-resources/greenbar.gif" width="115" 
height="10" title="25" alt="25"/></td><td class="ctr2" id="e10">96%</td><td 
class="ctr1" id="f5">1</td><td class="ctr2" id="g0">14</td><td class="ctr1" 
id="h5">0</td><td class="ctr2" id="i1">22</td><td class="ctr1" 
id="j5">0</td><td class="ctr2" id="k5">1</td></tr><tr><td id="a22"><a 
href="" class="el_method">parse(Options, String[], 
Properties, boolean)</a></td><td class="bar" id="b6"><img 
src="../jacoco-resources/greenbar.gif" width="46" height="10" title="70" 
alt="70"/></td><td class="ctr2" id="c1">100%</td><td class="bar" id="d10"><img 
 eenbar.gif" width="27" height="10" title="6" alt="6"/></td><td class="ctr2" 
id="e0">100%</td><td class="ctr1" id="f9">0</td><td class="ctr2" 
id="g9">4</td><td class="ctr1" id="h6">0</td><td class="ctr2" 
id="i2">16</td><td class="ctr1" id="j6">0</td><td class="ctr2" 
id="k6">1</td></tr><tr><td id="a11"><a href="" 
class="el_method">handleToken(String)</a></td><td class="bar" id="b7"><img 
src="../jacoco-resources/greenbar.gif" width="46" height="10" title="70" 
alt="70"/></td><td class="ctr2" id="c2">100%</td><td class="bar" id="d4"><img 
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alt="1"/><img src="../jacoco-resources/greenbar.gif" width="87" height="10" 
title="19" alt="19"/></td><td class="ctr2" id="e12">95%</td><td class="ctr1" 
id="f6">1</td><td class="ctr2" id="g2">11</td><td class="ctr1" 
id="h7">0</td><td class="ctr2" id="i4">15</td><td class="ctr1" 
id="j7">0</td><td class="ctr2" id="k7">1</td></tr><tr><td id="a4"><a 
class="el_method">handleConcatenatedOptions(String)</a></td><td class="bar" 
id="b8"><img src="../jacoco-resources/greenbar.gif" width="38" height="10" 
title="57" alt="57"/></td><td class="ctr2" id="c3">100%</td><td class="bar" 
id="d5"><img src="../jacoco-resources/redbar.gif" width="4" height="10" 
title="1" alt="1"/><img src="../jacoco-resources/greenbar.gif" width="50" 
height="10" title="11" alt="11"/></td><td class="ctr2" id="e13">92%</td><td 
class="ctr1" id="f7">1</td><td class="ctr2" id="g5">7</td><td class="ctr1" 
id="h8">0</td><td class="ctr2" id="i5">10</td><td class="ctr1" 
id="j8">0</td><td class="ctr2" id="k8">1</td></tr><tr><td id="a12"><a 
class="el_method">handleUnknownToken(String)</a></td><td class="bar" 
id="b9"><img src="../jacoco-resources/greenbar.gif" width="23" height="10" 
title="35" alt="35"/></td><td class="ctr2" id="c4">100%</td><td class="bar" 
id="d9"><img src="../jacoco-resources/greenbar.gif" width="36
 " height="10" title="8" alt="8"/></td><td class="ctr2" id="e1">100%</td><td 
class="ctr1" id="f10">0</td><td class="ctr2" id="g6">5</td><td class="ctr1" 
id="h9">0</td><td class="ctr2" id="i12">6</td><td class="ctr1" 
id="j9">0</td><td class="ctr2" id="k9">1</td></tr><tr><td id="a7"><a 
class="el_method">handleLongOptionWithoutEqual(String)</a></td><td class="bar" 
id="b10"><img src="../jacoco-resources/greenbar.gif" width="22" height="10" 
title="33" alt="33"/></td><td class="ctr2" id="c5">100%</td><td class="bar" 
id="d11"><img src="../jacoco-resources/greenbar.gif" width="18" height="10" 
title="4" alt="4"/></td><td class="ctr2" id="e2">100%</td><td class="ctr1" 
id="f11">0</td><td class="ctr2" id="g11">3</td><td class="ctr1" 
id="h10">0</td><td class="ctr2" id="i11">7</td><td class="ctr1" 
id="j10">0</td><td class="ctr2" id="k10">1</td></tr><tr><td id="a3"><a 
class="el_method">getLongPrefix(String)</a></td><td class="b
 ar" id="b11"><img src="../jacoco-resources/greenbar.gif" width="20" 
height="10" title="30" alt="30"/></td><td class="ctr2" id="c6">100%</td><td 
class="bar" id="d12"><img src="../jacoco-resources/greenbar.gif" width="18" 
height="10" title="4" alt="4"/></td><td class="ctr2" id="e3">100%</td><td 
class="ctr1" id="f12">0</td><td class="ctr2" id="g12">3</td><td class="ctr1" 
id="h11">0</td><td class="ctr2" id="i8">8</td><td class="ctr1" 
id="j11">0</td><td class="ctr2" id="k11">1</td></tr><tr><td id="a14"><a 
class="el_method">isJavaProperty(String)</a></td><td class="bar" id="b12"><img 
src="../jacoco-resources/greenbar.gif" width="16" height="10" title="24" 
alt="24"/></td><td class="ctr2" id="c7">100%</td><td class="bar" id="d8"><img 
src="../jacoco-resources/redbar.gif" width="4" height="10" title="1" 
alt="1"/><img src="../jacoco-resources/greenbar.gif" width="23" height="10" 
title="5" alt="5"/></td><td class="ctr2" id="e17">83%</td><td class="ctr1" id="f
 8">1</td><td class="ctr2" id="g10">4</td><td class="ctr1" id="h12">0</td><td 
class="ctr2" id="i15">3</td><td class="ctr1" id="j12">0</td><td class="ctr2" 
id="k12">1</td></tr><tr><td id="a8"><a href="" 
class="el_method">handleOption(Option)</a></td><td class="bar" id="b13"><img 
src="../jacoco-resources/greenbar.gif" width="16" height="10" title="24" 
alt="24"/></td><td class="ctr2" id="c8">100%</td><td class="bar" id="d16"><img 
src="../jacoco-resources/greenbar.gif" width="9" height="10" title="2" 
alt="2"/></td><td class="ctr2" id="e4">100%</td><td class="ctr1" 
id="f13">0</td><td class="ctr2" id="g16">2</td><td class="ctr1" 
id="h13">0</td><td class="ctr2" id="i9">8</td><td class="ctr1" 
id="j13">0</td><td class="ctr2" id="k13">1</td></tr><tr><td id="a0"><a 
class="el_method">checkRequiredArgs()</a></td><td class="bar" id="b14"><img 
src="../jacoco-resources/greenbar.gif" width="9" height="10" title="14" 
alt="14"/></td><td cl
 ass="ctr2" id="c9">100%</td><td class="bar" id="d13"><img 
src="../jacoco-resources/greenbar.gif" width="18" height="10" title="4" 
alt="4"/></td><td class="ctr2" id="e5">100%</td><td class="ctr1" 
id="f14">0</td><td class="ctr2" id="g13">3</td><td class="ctr1" 
id="h14">0</td><td class="ctr2" id="i16">3</td><td class="ctr1" 
id="j14">0</td><td class="ctr2" id="k14">1</td></tr><tr><td id="a5"><a 
class="el_method">handleLongOption(String)</a></td><td class="bar" 
id="b15"><img src="../jacoco-resources/greenbar.gif" width="8" height="10" 
title="13" alt="13"/></td><td class="ctr2" id="c10">100%</td><td class="bar" 
id="d17"><img src="../jacoco-resources/greenbar.gif" width="9" height="10" 
title="2" alt="2"/></td><td class="ctr2" id="e6">100%</td><td class="ctr1" 
id="f15">0</td><td class="ctr2" id="g17">2</td><td class="ctr1" 
id="h15">0</td><td class="ctr2" id="i13">4</td><td class="ctr1" 
id="j15">0</td><td class="ctr2" id="k15">1</td></tr><tr><td id="a13"><
 a href="" 
class="el_method">isArgument(String)</a></td><td class="bar" id="b16"><img 
src="../jacoco-resources/greenbar.gif" width="8" height="10" title="12" 
alt="12"/></td><td class="ctr2" id="c11">100%</td><td class="bar" id="d14"><img 
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alt="4"/></td><td class="ctr2" id="e7">100%</td><td class="ctr1" 
id="f16">0</td><td class="ctr2" id="g14">3</td><td class="ctr1" 
id="h16">0</td><td class="ctr2" id="i18">1</td><td class="ctr1" 
id="j16">0</td><td class="ctr2" id="k16">1</td></tr><tr><td id="a17"><a 
class="el_method">isOption(String)</a></td><td class="bar" id="b17"><img 
src="../jacoco-resources/greenbar.gif" width="8" height="10" title="12" 
alt="12"/></td><td class="ctr2" id="c12">100%</td><td class="bar" id="d15"><img 
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alt="4"/></td><td class="ctr2" id="e8">100%</td><td class="ctr
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id="h17">0</td><td class="ctr2" id="i19">1</td><td class="ctr1" 
id="j17">0</td><td class="ctr2" id="k17">1</td></tr><tr><td id="a1"><a 
class="el_method">checkRequiredOptions()</a></td><td class="bar" id="b18"><img 
src="../jacoco-resources/greenbar.gif" width="7" height="10" title="11" 
alt="11"/></td><td class="ctr2" id="c13">100%</td><td class="bar" id="d18"><img 
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alt="2"/></td><td class="ctr2" id="e9">100%</td><td class="ctr1" 
id="f18">0</td><td class="ctr2" id="g18">2</td><td class="ctr1" 
id="h18">0</td><td class="ctr2" id="i17">3</td><td class="ctr1" 
id="j18">0</td><td class="ctr2" id="k18">1</td></tr><tr><td id="a16"><a 
class="el_method">isNegativeNumber(String)</a></td><td class="bar" 
id="b19"><img src="../jacoco-resources/greenbar.gif" width="5" height="10" 
title="8" alt=
 "8"/></td><td class="ctr2" id="c14">100%</td><td class="bar" id="d19"/><td 
class="ctr2" id="e19">n/a</td><td class="ctr1" id="f19">0</td><td class="ctr2" 
id="g19">1</td><td class="ctr1" id="h19">0</td><td class="ctr2" 
id="i14">4</td><td class="ctr1" id="j19">0</td><td class="ctr2" 
id="k19">1</td></tr><tr><td id="a21"><a href="" 
class="el_method">parse(Options, String[], Properties)</a></td><td class="bar" 
id="b20"><img src="../jacoco-resources/greenbar.gif" width="4" height="10" 
title="7" alt="7"/></td><td class="ctr2" id="c15">100%</td><td class="bar" 
id="d20"/><td class="ctr2" id="e20">n/a</td><td class="ctr1" id="f20">0</td><td 
class="ctr2" id="g20">1</td><td class="ctr1" id="h20">0</td><td class="ctr2" 
id="i20">1</td><td class="ctr1" id="j20">0</td><td class="ctr2" 
id="k20">1</td></tr><tr><td id="a20"><a href="" 
class="el_method">parse(Options, String[], boolean)</a></td><td class="bar" 
id="b21"><img src="../jacoco-resources/
 greenbar.gif" width="4" height="10" title="7" alt="7"/></td><td class="ctr2" 
id="c16">100%</td><td class="bar" id="d21"/><td class="ctr2" 
id="e21">n/a</td><td class="ctr1" id="f21">0</td><td class="ctr2" 
id="g21">1</td><td class="ctr1" id="h21">0</td><td class="ctr2" 
id="i21">1</td><td class="ctr1" id="j21">0</td><td class="ctr2" 
id="k21">1</td></tr><tr><td id="a19"><a href="" 
class="el_method">parse(Options, String[])</a></td><td class="bar" 
id="b22"><img src="../jacoco-resources/greenbar.gif" width="4" height="10" 
title="6" alt="6"/></td><td class="ctr2" id="c17">100%</td><td class="bar" 
id="d22"/><td class="ctr2" id="e22">n/a</td><td class="ctr1" id="f22">0</td><td 
class="ctr2" id="g22">1</td><td class="ctr1" id="h22">0</td><td class="ctr2" 
id="i22">1</td><td class="ctr1" id="j22">0</td><td class="ctr2" 
id="k22">1</td></tr><tr><td id="a2"><a href="" 
class="el_method">DefaultParser()</a></td><td class="bar" id="b23"><img src=".
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alt="3"/></td><td class="ctr2" id="c18">100%</td><td class="bar" id="d23"/><td 
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id="g23">1</td><td class="ctr1" id="h23">0</td><td class="ctr2" 
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title="3" alt="3"/><img src="../jacoco-resources/greenbar.gif" width="41" 
height="10" title="9" alt="9"/></td><td class="ctr2" id="e18">75%</td><td 
class="ctr1" id="f0">3</td><td class="ctr2" id="g3">7</td><td class="ctr1" 
id="h0">1</td><td class="ctr2" id="i6">9</td><td class="ctr1" id="j0">0</td><td 
class="ctr2" id="k0">1</td></tr><tr><td id="a23"><a 
class="el_method">updateRequiredOptions(Option)</a></td><td class="
 bar" id="b1"><img src="../jacoco-resources/redbar.gif" width="3" height="10" 
title="5" alt="5"/><img src="../jacoco-resources/greenbar.gif" width="17" 
height="10" title="26" alt="26"/></td><td class="ctr2" id="c23">84%</td><td 
class="bar" id="d6"><img src="../jacoco-resources/redbar.gif" width="4" 
height="10" title="1" alt="1"/><img src="../jacoco-resources/greenbar.gif" 
width="23" height="10" title="5" alt="5"/></td><td class="ctr2" 
id="e14">83%</td><td class="ctr1" id="f2">1</td><td class="ctr2" 
id="g7">4</td><td class="ctr1" id="h1">1</td><td class="ctr2" id="i7">8</td><td 
class="ctr1" id="j1">0</td><td class="ctr2" id="k1">1</td></tr><tr><td 
id="a6"><a href="" 
class="el_method">handleLongOptionWithEqual(String)</a></td><td class="bar" 
id="b2"><img src="../jacoco-resources/redbar.gif" width="2" height="10" 
title="4" alt="4"/><img src="../jacoco-resources/greenbar.gif" width="40" 
height="10" title="61" alt="61"/></td><td class="ctr2" id="c20">94%</td><t
 d class="bar" id="d7"><img src="../jacoco-resources/redbar.gif" width="4" 
height="10" title="1" alt="1"/><img src="../jacoco-resources/greenbar.gif" 
width="23" height="10" title="5" alt="5"/></td><td class="ctr2" 
id="e15">83%</td><td class="ctr1" id="f3">1</td><td class="ctr2" 
id="g8">4</td><td class="ctr1" id="h2">1</td><td class="ctr2" 
id="i3">15</td><td class="ctr1" id="j2">0</td><td class="ctr2" 
id="k2">1</td></tr><tr><td id="a18"><a href="" 
class="el_method">isShortOption(String)</a></td><td class="bar" id="b3"><img 
src="../jacoco-resources/redbar.gif" width="2" height="10" title="4" 
alt="4"/><img src="../jacoco-resources/greenbar.gif" width="29" height="10" 
title="44" alt="44"/></td><td class="ctr2" id="c21">92%</td><td class="bar" 
id="d1"><img src="../jacoco-resources/redbar.gif" width="9" height="10" 
title="2" alt="2"/><img src="../jacoco-resources/greenbar.gif" width="46" 
height="10" title="10" alt="10"/></td><td class="ctr2" id="e16">83%</td><td
  class="ctr1" id="f1">2</td><td class="ctr2" id="g4">7</td><td class="ctr1" 
id="h4">0</td><td class="ctr2" id="i10">7</td><td class="ctr1" 
id="j3">0</td><td class="ctr2" id="k3">1</td></tr><tr><td id="a10"><a 
class="el_method">handleShortAndLongOption(String)</a></td><td class="bar" 
id="b4"><img src="../jacoco-resources/redbar.gif" width="2" height="10" 
title="3" alt="3"/><img src="../jacoco-resources/greenbar.gif" width="117" 
height="10" title="176" alt="176"/></td><td class="ctr2" id="c19">98%</td><td 
class="bar" id="d3"><img src="../jacoco-resources/redbar.gif" width="4" 
height="10" title="1" alt="1"/><img src="../jacoco-resources/greenbar.gif" 
width="106" height="10" title="23" alt="23"/></td><td class="ctr2" 
id="e11">96%</td><td class="ctr1" id="f4">1</td><td class="ctr2" 
id="g1">13</td><td class="ctr1" id="h3">1</td><td class="ctr2" 
id="i0">39</td><td class="ctr1" id="j4">0</td><td class="ctr2" 
id="k4">1</td></tr><tr><td id="a9"><a href="Def" 
class="el_method">handleProperties(Properties)</a></td><td class="bar" 
id="b5"><img src="../jacoco-resources/greenbar.gif" width="57" height="10" 
title="86" alt="86"/></td><td class="ctr2" id="c0">100%</td><td class="bar" 
id="d2"><img src="../jacoco-resources/redbar.gif" width="4" height="10" 
title="1" alt="1"/><img src="../jacoco-resources/greenbar.gif" width="115" 
height="10" title="25" alt="25"/></td><td class="ctr2" id="e10">96%</td><td 
class="ctr1" id="f5">1</td><td class="ctr2" id="g0">14</td><td class="ctr1" 
id="h5">0</td><td class="ctr2" id="i1">20</td><td class="ctr1" 
id="j5">0</td><td class="ctr2" id="k5">1</td></tr><tr><td id="a22"><a 
href="" class="el_method">parse(Options, String[], 
Properties, boolean)</a></td><td class="bar" id="b6"><img 
src="../jacoco-resources/greenbar.gif" width="46" height="10" title="70" 
alt="70"/></td><td class="ctr2" id="c1">100%</td><td class="bar" id="d10"><img 
 eenbar.gif" width="27" height="10" title="6" alt="6"/></td><td class="ctr2" 
id="e0">100%</td><td class="ctr1" id="f9">0</td><td class="ctr2" 
id="g9">4</td><td class="ctr1" id="h6">0</td><td class="ctr2" 
id="i2">16</td><td class="ctr1" id="j6">0</td><td class="ctr2" 
id="k6">1</td></tr><tr><td id="a11"><a href="" 
class="el_method">handleToken(String)</a></td><td class="bar" id="b7"><img 
src="../jacoco-resources/greenbar.gif" width="46" height="10" title="70" 
alt="70"/></td><td class="ctr2" id="c2">100%</td><td class="bar" id="d4"><img 
src="../jacoco-resources/redbar.gif" width="4" height="10" title="1" 
alt="1"/><img src="../jacoco-resources/greenbar.gif" width="87" height="10" 
title="19" alt="19"/></td><td class="ctr2" id="e12">95%</td><td class="ctr1" 
id="f6">1</td><td class="ctr2" id="g2">11</td><td class="ctr1" 
id="h7">0</td><td class="ctr2" id="i4">15</td><td class="ctr1" 
id="j7">0</td><td class="ctr2" id="k7">1</td></tr><tr><td id="a4"><a 
class="el_method">handleConcatenatedOptions(String)</a></td><td class="bar" 
id="b8"><img src="../jacoco-resources/greenbar.gif" width="38" height="10" 
title="57" alt="57"/></td><td class="ctr2" id="c3">100%</td><td class="bar" 
id="d5"><img src="../jacoco-resources/redbar.gif" width="4" height="10" 
title="1" alt="1"/><img src="../jacoco-resources/greenbar.gif" width="50" 
height="10" title="11" alt="11"/></td><td class="ctr2" id="e13">92%</td><td 
class="ctr1" id="f7">1</td><td class="ctr2" id="g5">7</td><td class="ctr1" 
id="h8">0</td><td class="ctr2" id="i5">10</td><td class="ctr1" 
id="j8">0</td><td class="ctr2" id="k8">1</td></tr><tr><td id="a12"><a 
class="el_method">handleUnknownToken(String)</a></td><td class="bar" 
id="b9"><img src="../jacoco-resources/greenbar.gif" width="23" height="10" 
title="35" alt="35"/></td><td class="ctr2" id="c4">100%</td><td class="bar" 
id="d9"><img src="../jacoco-resources/greenbar.gif" width="36
 " height="10" title="8" alt="8"/></td><td class="ctr2" id="e1">100%</td><td 
class="ctr1" id="f10">0</td><td class="ctr2" id="g6">5</td><td class="ctr1" 
id="h9">0</td><td class="ctr2" id="i12">6</td><td class="ctr1" 
id="j9">0</td><td class="ctr2" id="k9">1</td></tr><tr><td id="a7"><a 
class="el_method">handleLongOptionWithoutEqual(String)</a></td><td class="bar" 
id="b10"><img src="../jacoco-resources/greenbar.gif" width="22" height="10" 
title="33" alt="33"/></td><td class="ctr2" id="c5">100%</td><td class="bar" 
id="d11"><img src="../jacoco-resources/greenbar.gif" width="18" height="10" 
title="4" alt="4"/></td><td class="ctr2" id="e2">100%</td><td class="ctr1" 
id="f11">0</td><td class="ctr2" id="g11">3</td><td class="ctr1" 
id="h10">0</td><td class="ctr2" id="i11">7</td><td class="ctr1" 
id="j10">0</td><td class="ctr2" id="k10">1</td></tr><tr><td id="a3"><a 
class="el_method">getLongPrefix(String)</a></td><td class="b
 ar" id="b11"><img src="../jacoco-resources/greenbar.gif" width="20" 
height="10" title="30" alt="30"/></td><td class="ctr2" id="c6">100%</td><td 
class="bar" id="d12"><img src="../jacoco-resources/greenbar.gif" width="18" 
height="10" title="4" alt="4"/></td><td class="ctr2" id="e3">100%</td><td 
class="ctr1" id="f12">0</td><td class="ctr2" id="g12">3</td><td class="ctr1" 
id="h11">0</td><td class="ctr2" id="i8">8</td><td class="ctr1" 
id="j11">0</td><td class="ctr2" id="k11">1</td></tr><tr><td id="a14"><a 
class="el_method">isJavaProperty(String)</a></td><td class="bar" id="b12"><img 
src="../jacoco-resources/greenbar.gif" width="16" height="10" title="24" 
alt="24"/></td><td class="ctr2" id="c7">100%</td><td class="bar" id="d8"><img 
src="../jacoco-resources/redbar.gif" width="4" height="10" title="1" 
alt="1"/><img src="../jacoco-resources/greenbar.gif" width="23" height="10" 
title="5" alt="5"/></td><td class="ctr2" id="e17">83%</td><td class="ctr1" id="f
 8">1</td><td class="ctr2" id="g10">4</td><td class="ctr1" id="h12">0</td><td 
class="ctr2" id="i15">3</td><td class="ctr1" id="j12">0</td><td class="ctr2" 
id="k12">1</td></tr><tr><td id="a8"><a href="" 
class="el_method">handleOption(Option)</a></td><td class="bar" id="b13"><img 
src="../jacoco-resources/greenbar.gif" width="16" height="10" title="24" 
alt="24"/></td><td class="ctr2" id="c8">100%</td><td class="bar" id="d16"><img 
src="../jacoco-resources/greenbar.gif" width="9" height="10" title="2" 
alt="2"/></td><td class="ctr2" id="e4">100%</td><td class="ctr1" 
id="f13">0</td><td class="ctr2" id="g16">2</td><td class="ctr1" 
id="h13">0</td><td class="ctr2" id="i9">8</td><td class="ctr1" 
id="j13">0</td><td class="ctr2" id="k13">1</td></tr><tr><td id="a0"><a 
class="el_method">checkRequiredArgs()</a></td><td class="bar" id="b14"><img 
src="../jacoco-resources/greenbar.gif" width="9" height="10" title="14" 
alt="14"/></td><td cl
 ass="ctr2" id="c9">100%</td><td class="bar" id="d13"><img 
src="../jacoco-resources/greenbar.gif" width="18" height="10" title="4" 
alt="4"/></td><td class="ctr2" id="e5">100%</td><td class="ctr1" 
id="f14">0</td><td class="ctr2" id="g13">3</td><td class="ctr1" 
id="h14">0</td><td class="ctr2" id="i16">3</td><td class="ctr1" 
id="j14">0</td><td class="ctr2" id="k14">1</td></tr><tr><td id="a5"><a 
class="el_method">handleLongOption(String)</a></td><td class="bar" 
id="b15"><img src="../jacoco-resources/greenbar.gif" width="8" height="10" 
title="13" alt="13"/></td><td class="ctr2" id="c10">100%</td><td class="bar" 
id="d17"><img src="../jacoco-resources/greenbar.gif" width="9" height="10" 
title="2" alt="2"/></td><td class="ctr2" id="e6">100%</td><td class="ctr1" 
id="f15">0</td><td class="ctr2" id="g17">2</td><td class="ctr1" 
id="h15">0</td><td class="ctr2" id="i13">4</td><td class="ctr1" 
id="j15">0</td><td class="ctr2" id="k15">1</td></tr><tr><td id="a13"><
 a href="" 
class="el_method">isArgument(String)</a></td><td class="bar" id="b16"><img 
src="../jacoco-resources/greenbar.gif" width="8" height="10" title="12" 
alt="12"/></td><td class="ctr2" id="c11">100%</td><td class="bar" id="d14"><img 
src="../jacoco-resources/greenbar.gif" width="18" height="10" title="4" 
alt="4"/></td><td class="ctr2" id="e7">100%</td><td class="ctr1" 
id="f16">0</td><td class="ctr2" id="g14">3</td><td class="ctr1" 
id="h16">0</td><td class="ctr2" id="i18">1</td><td class="ctr1" 
id="j16">0</td><td class="ctr2" id="k16">1</td></tr><tr><td id="a17"><a 
class="el_method">isOption(String)</a></td><td class="bar" id="b17"><img 
src="../jacoco-resources/greenbar.gif" width="8" height="10" title="12" 
alt="12"/></td><td class="ctr2" id="c12">100%</td><td class="bar" id="d15"><img 
src="../jacoco-resources/greenbar.gif" width="18" height="10" title="4" 
alt="4"/></td><td class="ctr2" id="e8">100%</td><td class="ctr
 1" id="f17">0</td><td class="ctr2" id="g15">3</td><td class="ctr1" 
id="h17">0</td><td class="ctr2" id="i19">1</td><td class="ctr1" 
id="j17">0</td><td class="ctr2" id="k17">1</td></tr><tr><td id="a1"><a 
class="el_method">checkRequiredOptions()</a></td><td class="bar" id="b18"><img 
src="../jacoco-resources/greenbar.gif" width="7" height="10" title="11" 
alt="11"/></td><td class="ctr2" id="c13">100%</td><td class="bar" id="d18"><img 
src="../jacoco-resources/greenbar.gif" width="9" height="10" title="2" 
alt="2"/></td><td class="ctr2" id="e9">100%</td><td class="ctr1" 
id="f18">0</td><td class="ctr2" id="g18">2</td><td class="ctr1" 
id="h18">0</td><td class="ctr2" id="i17">3</td><td class="ctr1" 
id="j18">0</td><td class="ctr2" id="k18">1</td></tr><tr><td id="a16"><a 
class="el_method">isNegativeNumber(String)</a></td><td class="bar" 
id="b19"><img src="../jacoco-resources/greenbar.gif" width="5" height="10" 
title="8" alt=
 "8"/></td><td class="ctr2" id="c14">100%</td><td class="bar" id="d19"/><td 
class="ctr2" id="e19">n/a</td><td class="ctr1" id="f19">0</td><td class="ctr2" 
id="g19">1</td><td class="ctr1" id="h19">0</td><td class="ctr2" 
id="i14">4</td><td class="ctr1" id="j19">0</td><td class="ctr2" 
id="k19">1</td></tr><tr><td id="a21"><a href="" 
class="el_method">parse(Options, String[], Properties)</a></td><td class="bar" 
id="b20"><img src="../jacoco-resources/greenbar.gif" width="4" height="10" 
title="7" alt="7"/></td><td class="ctr2" id="c15">100%</td><td class="bar" 
id="d20"/><td class="ctr2" id="e20">n/a</td><td class="ctr1" id="f20">0</td><td 
class="ctr2" id="g20">1</td><td class="ctr1" id="h20">0</td><td class="ctr2" 
id="i20">1</td><td class="ctr1" id="j20">0</td><td class="ctr2" 
id="k20">1</td></tr><tr><td id="a20"><a href="" 
class="el_method">parse(Options, String[], boolean)</a></td><td class="bar" 
id="b21"><img src="../jacoco-resources/
 greenbar.gif" width="4" height="10" title="7" alt="7"/></td><td class="ctr2" 
id="c16">100%</td><td class="bar" id="d21"/><td class="ctr2" 
id="e21">n/a</td><td class="ctr1" id="f21">0</td><td class="ctr2" 
id="g21">1</td><td class="ctr1" id="h21">0</td><td class="ctr2" 
id="i21">1</td><td class="ctr1" id="j21">0</td><td class="ctr2" 
id="k21">1</td></tr><tr><td id="a19"><a href="" 
class="el_method">parse(Options, String[])</a></td><td class="bar" 
id="b22"><img src="../jacoco-resources/greenbar.gif" width="4" height="10" 
title="6" alt="6"/></td><td class="ctr2" id="c17">100%</td><td class="bar" 
id="d22"/><td class="ctr2" id="e22">n/a</td><td class="ctr1" id="f22">0</td><td 
class="ctr2" id="g22">1</td><td class="ctr1" id="h22">0</td><td class="ctr2" 
id="i22">1</td><td class="ctr1" id="j22">0</td><td class="ctr2" 
id="k22">1</td></tr><tr><td id="a2"><a href="" 
class="el_method">DefaultParser()</a></td><td class="bar" id="b23"><img src=".
 ./jacoco-resources/greenbar.gif" width="2" height="10" title="3" 
alt="3"/></td><td class="ctr2" id="c18">100%</td><td class="bar" id="d23"/><td 
class="ctr2" id="e23">n/a</td><td class="ctr1" id="f23">0</td><td class="ctr2" 
id="g23">1</td><td class="ctr1" id="h23">0</td><td class="ctr2" 
id="i23">1</td><td class="ctr1" id="j23">0</td><td class="ctr2" 
id="k23">1</td></tr></tbody></table><div class="footer"><span 
class="right">Created with <a href="";>JaCoCo</a></span></div></body></html>
\ No newline at end of file

 Thu Jun  8 17:47:18 2017
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ import java.util.Properties;
  * Default parser.
- * @version $Id: 1783175 2017-02-16 07:52:05Z britter $
+ * @version $Id$
  * @since 1.3
 <span class="fc" id="L31">public class DefaultParser implements 
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ import java.util.Properties;
     /** The required options and groups expected to be found when parsing the 
command line. */
     protected List expectedOpts;
-    public CommandLine parse(Options options, String[] arguments) throws 
+    public CommandLine parse(final Options options, final String[] arguments) 
throws ParseException
 <span class="fc" id="L60">        return parse(options, arguments, 
@@ -71,12 +71,12 @@ import java.util.Properties;
      * @throws ParseException if there are any problems encountered
      * while parsing the command line tokens.
-    public CommandLine parse(Options options, String[] arguments, Properties 
properties) throws ParseException
+    public CommandLine parse(final Options options, final String[] arguments, 
final Properties properties) throws ParseException
 <span class="fc" id="L76">        return parse(options, arguments, properties, 
-    public CommandLine parse(Options options, String[] arguments, boolean 
stopAtNonOption) throws ParseException
+    public CommandLine parse(final Options options, final String[] arguments, 
final boolean stopAtNonOption) throws ParseException
 <span class="fc" id="L81">        return parse(options, arguments, null, 
@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ import java.util.Properties;
      * @throws ParseException if there are any problems encountered
      * while parsing the command line tokens.
-    public CommandLine parse(Options options, String[] arguments, Properties 
properties, boolean stopAtNonOption)
+    public CommandLine parse(final Options options, final String[] arguments, 
final Properties properties, final boolean stopAtNonOption)
             throws ParseException
 <span class="fc" id="L102">        this.options = options;</span>
@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ import java.util.Properties;
 <span class="fc" id="L106">        expectedOpts = new 
         // clear the data from the groups
-<span class="fc bfc" id="L109" title="All 2 branches covered.">        for 
(OptionGroup group : options.getOptionGroups())</span>
+<span class="fc bfc" id="L109" title="All 2 branches covered.">        for 
(final OptionGroup group : options.getOptionGroups())</span>
 <span class="fc" id="L111">            group.setSelected(null);</span>
 <span class="fc" id="L112">        }</span>
@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ import java.util.Properties;
 <span class="fc bfc" id="L116" title="All 2 branches covered.">        if 
(arguments != null)</span>
-<span class="fc bfc" id="L118" title="All 2 branches covered.">            for 
(String argument : arguments)</span>
+<span class="fc bfc" id="L118" title="All 2 branches covered.">            for 
(final String argument : arguments)</span>
 <span class="fc" id="L120">                handleToken(argument);</span>
@@ -137,31 +137,31 @@ import java.util.Properties;
      * @param properties The value properties to be processed.
-    private void handleProperties(Properties properties) throws ParseException
+    private void handleProperties(final Properties properties) throws 
 <span class="fc bfc" id="L142" title="All 2 branches covered.">        if 
(properties == null)</span>
 <span class="fc" id="L144">            return;</span>
-<span class="fc bfc" id="L147" title="All 2 branches covered.">        for 
(Enumeration&lt;?&gt; e = properties.propertyNames(); 
+<span class="fc bfc" id="L147" title="All 2 branches covered.">        for 
(final Enumeration&lt;?&gt; e = properties.propertyNames(); 
-<span class="fc" id="L149">            String option = 
+<span class="fc" id="L149">            final String option = 
-<span class="fc" id="L151">            Option opt = 
+<span class="fc" id="L151">            final Option opt = 
 <span class="fc bfc" id="L152" title="All 2 branches covered.">            if 
(opt == null)</span>
 <span class="fc" id="L154">                throw new 
UnrecognizedOptionException(&quot;Default option wasn't defined&quot;, 
             // if the option is part of a group, check if another option of 
the group has been selected
-<span class="fc" id="L158">            OptionGroup group = 
-<span class="fc bfc" id="L159" title="All 4 branches covered.">            
boolean selected = group != null &amp;&amp; group.getSelected() != null;</span>
+<span class="fc" id="L158">            final OptionGroup group = 
+<span class="fc bfc" id="L159" title="All 4 branches covered.">            
final boolean selected = group != null &amp;&amp; group.getSelected() != 
 <span class="fc bfc" id="L161" title="All 4 branches covered.">            if 
(!cmd.hasOption(option) &amp;&amp; !selected)</span>
                 // get the value from the properties
-<span class="fc" id="L164">                String value = 
+<span class="fc" id="L164">                final String value = 
 <span class="fc bfc" id="L166" title="All 2 branches covered.">                
if (opt.hasArg())</span>
@@ -170,9 +170,9 @@ import java.util.Properties;
 <span class="fc" id="L170">                        
-<span class="fc bfc" id="L173" title="All 2 branches covered.">                
else if (!(&quot;yes&quot;.equalsIgnoreCase(value)</span>
-<span class="fc bfc" id="L174" title="All 2 branches covered.">                
        || &quot;true&quot;.equalsIgnoreCase(value)</span>
-<span class="fc bfc" id="L175" title="All 2 branches covered.">                
        || &quot;1&quot;.equalsIgnoreCase(value)))</span>
+<span class="fc bfc" id="L173" title="All 6 branches covered.">                
else if (!(&quot;yes&quot;.equalsIgnoreCase(value)</span>
+                        || &quot;true&quot;.equalsIgnoreCase(value)
+                        || &quot;1&quot;.equalsIgnoreCase(value)))
                     // if the value is not yes, true or 1 then don't add the 
option to the CommandLine
 <span class="fc" id="L178">                    continue;</span>
@@ -191,7 +191,7 @@ import java.util.Properties;
      * @throws MissingOptionException if any of the required Options
      * are not present.
-    private void checkRequiredOptions() throws MissingOptionException
+    protected void checkRequiredOptions() throws MissingOptionException
         // if there are required options that have not been processed
 <span class="fc bfc" id="L197" title="All 2 branches covered.">        if 
@@ -218,7 +218,7 @@ import java.util.Properties;
      * @param token the command line token to handle
      * @throws ParseException
-    private void handleToken(String token) throws ParseException
+    private void handleToken(final String token) throws ParseException
 <span class="fc" id="L223">        currentToken = token;</span>
@@ -258,7 +258,7 @@ import java.util.Properties;
      * @param token
-    private boolean isArgument(String token)
+    private boolean isArgument(final String token)
 <span class="fc bfc" id="L263" title="All 4 branches covered.">        return 
!isOption(token) || isNegativeNumber(token);</span>
@@ -268,14 +268,14 @@ import java.util.Properties;
      * @param token
-    private boolean isNegativeNumber(String token)
+    private boolean isNegativeNumber(final String token)
 <span class="fc" id="L275">            Double.parseDouble(token);</span>
 <span class="fc" id="L276">            return true;</span>
-<span class="fc" id="L278">        catch (NumberFormatException e)</span>
+<span class="fc" id="L278">        catch (final NumberFormatException e)</span>
 <span class="fc" id="L280">            return false;</span>
@@ -286,7 +286,7 @@ import java.util.Properties;
      * @param token
-    private boolean isOption(String token)
+    private boolean isOption(final String token)
 <span class="fc bfc" id="L291" title="All 4 branches covered.">        return 
isLongOption(token) || isShortOption(token);</span>
@@ -296,7 +296,7 @@ import java.util.Properties;
      * @param token
-    private boolean isShortOption(String token)
+    private boolean isShortOption(final String token)
         // short options (-S, -SV, -S=V, -SV1=V2, -S1S2)
 <span class="fc bfc" id="L302" title="All 4 branches covered.">        if 
(!token.startsWith(&quot;-&quot;) || token.length() == 1)</span>
@@ -305,8 +305,8 @@ import java.util.Properties;
         // remove leading &quot;-&quot; and &quot;=value&quot;
-<span class="fc" id="L308">        int pos = 
-<span class="pc bpc" id="L309" title="1 of 2 branches missed.">        String 
optName = pos == -1 ? token.substring(1) : token.substring(1, pos);</span>
+<span class="fc" id="L308">        final int pos = 
+<span class="pc bpc" id="L309" title="1 of 2 branches missed.">        final 
String optName = pos == -1 ? token.substring(1) : token.substring(1, 
 <span class="fc bfc" id="L310" title="All 2 branches covered.">        if 
 <span class="fc" id="L312">            return true;</span>
@@ -320,15 +320,15 @@ import java.util.Properties;
      * @param token
-    private boolean isLongOption(String token)
+    private boolean isLongOption(final String token)
 <span class="fc bfc" id="L325" title="All 4 branches covered.">        if 
(!token.startsWith(&quot;-&quot;) || token.length() == 1)</span>
 <span class="fc" id="L327">            return false;</span>
-<span class="fc" id="L330">        int pos = 
-<span class="pc bpc" id="L331" title="1 of 2 branches missed.">        String 
t = pos == -1 ? token : token.substring(0, pos);</span>
+<span class="fc" id="L330">        final int pos = 
+<span class="pc bpc" id="L331" title="1 of 2 branches missed.">        final 
String t = pos == -1 ? token : token.substring(0, pos);</span>
 <span class="pc bpc" id="L333" title="1 of 2 branches missed.">        if 
@@ -353,7 +353,7 @@ import java.util.Properties;
      * @param token the command line token to handle
-    private void handleUnknownToken(String token) throws ParseException
+    private void handleUnknownToken(final String token) throws ParseException
 <span class="fc bfc" id="L358" title="All 6 branches covered.">        if 
(token.startsWith(&quot;-&quot;) &amp;&amp; token.length() &gt; 1 &amp;&amp; 
@@ -377,7 +377,7 @@ import java.util.Properties;
      * @param token the command line token to handle
-    private void handleLongOption(String token) throws ParseException
+    private void handleLongOption(final String token) throws ParseException
 <span class="fc bfc" id="L382" title="All 2 branches covered.">        if 
(token.indexOf('=') == -1)</span>
@@ -399,9 +399,9 @@ import java.util.Properties;
      * @param token the command line token to handle
-    private void handleLongOptionWithoutEqual(String token) throws 
+    private void handleLongOptionWithoutEqual(final String token) throws 
-<span class="fc" id="L404">        List&lt;String&gt; matchingOpts = 
+<span class="fc" id="L404">        final List&lt;String&gt; matchingOpts = 
 <span class="fc bfc" id="L405" title="All 2 branches covered.">        if 
 <span class="fc" id="L407">            handleUnknownToken(currentToken);</span>
@@ -426,15 +426,15 @@ import java.util.Properties;
      * @param token the command line token to handle
-    private void handleLongOptionWithEqual(String token) throws ParseException
+    private void handleLongOptionWithEqual(final String token) throws 
-<span class="fc" id="L431">        int pos = token.indexOf('=');</span>
+<span class="fc" id="L431">        final int pos = token.indexOf('=');</span>
-<span class="fc" id="L433">        String value = token.substring(pos + 
+<span class="fc" id="L433">        final String value = token.substring(pos + 
-<span class="fc" id="L435">        String opt = token.substring(0, pos);</span>
+<span class="fc" id="L435">        final String opt = token.substring(0, 
-<span class="fc" id="L437">        List&lt;String&gt; matchingOpts = 
+<span class="fc" id="L437">        final List&lt;String&gt; matchingOpts = 
 <span class="fc bfc" id="L438" title="All 2 branches covered.">        if 
 <span class="fc" id="L440">            handleUnknownToken(currentToken);</span>
@@ -445,7 +445,7 @@ import java.util.Properties;
-<span class="fc" id="L448">            Option option = 
+<span class="fc" id="L448">            final Option option = 
 <span class="pc bpc" id="L450" title="1 of 2 branches missed.">            if 
@@ -479,11 +479,11 @@ import java.util.Properties;
      * @param token the command line token to handle
-    private void handleShortAndLongOption(String token) throws ParseException
+    private void handleShortAndLongOption(final String token) throws 
-<span class="fc" id="L484">        String t = 
+<span class="fc" id="L484">        final String t = 
-<span class="fc" id="L486">        int pos = t.indexOf('=');</span>
+<span class="fc" id="L486">        final int pos = t.indexOf('=');</span>
 <span class="fc bfc" id="L488" title="All 2 branches covered.">        if 
(t.length() == 1)</span>
@@ -512,7 +512,7 @@ import java.util.Properties;
                 // look for a long prefix (-Xmx512m)
-<span class="fc" id="L515">                String opt = 
+<span class="fc" id="L515">                final String opt = 
 <span class="fc bfc" id="L517" title="All 4 branches covered.">                
if (opt != null &amp;&amp; options.getOption(opt).acceptsArg())</span>
@@ -537,13 +537,13 @@ import java.util.Properties;
             // equal sign found (-xxx=yyy)
-<span class="fc" id="L540">            String opt = t.substring(0, pos);</span>
-<span class="fc" id="L541">            String value = t.substring(pos + 
+<span class="fc" id="L540">            final String opt = t.substring(0, 
+<span class="fc" id="L541">            final String value = t.substring(pos + 
 <span class="fc bfc" id="L543" title="All 2 branches covered.">            if 
(opt.length() == 1)</span>
                 // -S=V
-<span class="fc" id="L546">                Option option = 
+<span class="fc" id="L546">                final Option option = 
 <span class="pc bpc" id="L547" title="1 of 4 branches missed.">                
if (option != null &amp;&amp; option.acceptsArg())</span>
 <span class="fc" id="L549">                    handleOption(option);</span>
@@ -576,15 +576,15 @@ import java.util.Properties;
      * @param token
-    private String getLongPrefix(String token)
+    private String getLongPrefix(final String token)
-<span class="fc" id="L581">        String t = 
+<span class="fc" id="L581">        final String t = 
         int i;
 <span class="fc" id="L584">        String opt = null;</span>
 <span class="fc bfc" id="L585" title="All 2 branches covered.">        for (i 
= t.length() - 2; i &gt; 1; i--)</span>
-<span class="fc" id="L587">            String prefix = t.substring(0, 
+<span class="fc" id="L587">            final String prefix = t.substring(0, 
 <span class="fc bfc" id="L588" title="All 2 branches covered.">            if 
 <span class="fc" id="L590">                opt = prefix;</span>
@@ -598,10 +598,10 @@ import java.util.Properties;
      * Check if the specified token is a Java-like property (-Dkey=value).
-    private boolean isJavaProperty(String token)
+    private boolean isJavaProperty(final String token)
-<span class="fc" id="L603">        String opt = token.substring(0, 1);</span>
-<span class="fc" id="L604">        Option option = 
+<span class="fc" id="L603">        final String opt = token.substring(0, 
+<span class="fc" id="L604">        final Option option = 
 <span class="pc bpc" id="L606" title="1 of 6 branches missed.">        return 
option != null &amp;&amp; (option.getArgs() &gt;= 2 || option.getArgs() == 
@@ -632,7 +632,7 @@ import java.util.Properties;
      * @param option
-    private void updateRequiredOptions(Option option) throws 
+    private void updateRequiredOptions(final Option option) throws 
 <span class="fc bfc" id="L637" title="All 2 branches covered.">        if 
@@ -642,7 +642,7 @@ import java.util.Properties;
         // if the option is in an OptionGroup make that option the selected 
option of the group
 <span class="fc bfc" id="L643" title="All 2 branches covered.">        if 
(options.getOptionGroup(option) != null)</span>
-<span class="fc" id="L645">            OptionGroup group = 
+<span class="fc" id="L645">            final OptionGroup group = 
 <span class="pc bpc" id="L647" title="1 of 2 branches missed.">            if 
@@ -680,11 +680,11 @@ import java.util.Properties;
      * @throws ParseException if there are any problems encountered
      *                        while parsing the command line token.
-    protected void handleConcatenatedOptions(String token) throws 
+    protected void handleConcatenatedOptions(final String token) throws 
 <span class="fc bfc" id="L685" title="All 2 branches covered.">        for 
(int i = 1; i &lt; token.length(); i++)</span>
-<span class="fc" id="L687">            String ch = 
+<span class="fc" id="L687">            final String ch = 
 <span class="fc bfc" id="L689" title="All 2 branches covered.">            if 

 Thu Jun  8 17:47:18 2017
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ import java.util.List;
  * The class GnuParser provides an implementation of the
  * {@link Parser#flatten(Options, String[], boolean) flatten} method.
- * @version $Id: 1445352 2013-02-12 20:48:19Z tn $
+ * @version $Id$
  * @deprecated since 1.3, use the {@link DefaultParser} instead
@@ -48,15 +48,15 @@ import java.util.List;
      * @return a String array of the flattened arguments
-    protected String[] flatten(Options options, String[] arguments, boolean 
+    protected String[] flatten(final Options options, final String[] 
arguments, final boolean stopAtNonOption)
-<span class="fc" id="L53">        List&lt;String&gt; tokens = new 
+<span class="fc" id="L53">        final List&lt;String&gt; tokens = new 
 <span class="fc" id="L55">        boolean eatTheRest = false;</span>
 <span class="fc bfc" id="L57" title="All 2 branches covered.">        for (int 
i = 0; i &lt; arguments.length; i++)</span>
-<span class="fc" id="L59">            String arg = arguments[i];</span>
+<span class="fc" id="L59">            final String arg = arguments[i];</span>
 <span class="fc bfc" id="L61" title="All 2 branches covered.">            if 
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ import java.util.List;
 <span class="fc bfc" id="L70" title="All 2 branches covered.">            else 
if (arg.startsWith(&quot;-&quot;))</span>
-<span class="fc" id="L72">                String opt = 
+<span class="fc" id="L72">                final String opt = 
 <span class="fc bfc" id="L74" title="All 2 branches covered.">                
if (options.hasOption(opt))</span>

 Thu Jun  8 17:47:18 2017
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ import java.util.List;
  * Please report issues at
  * &lt;/pre&gt;
- * @version $Id: 1677407 2015-05-03 14:31:12Z britter $
+ * @version $Id$
 <span class="fc" id="L73">public class HelpFormatter</span>
@@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ import java.util.List;
      * - use get/setNewLine methods instead.
 <span class="fc" id="L150">    @Deprecated</span>
-<span class="fc" id="L151">    public String defaultNewLine = 
+    public String defaultNewLine = 
      * the shortOpt prefix
@@ -192,7 +192,7 @@ import java.util.List;
      * @param width the new value of 'width'
-    public void setWidth(int width)
+    public void setWidth(final int width)
 <span class="fc" id="L197">        this.defaultWidth = width;</span>
 <span class="fc" id="L198">    }</span>
@@ -212,7 +212,7 @@ import java.util.List;
      * @param padding the new value of 'leftPadding'
-    public void setLeftPadding(int padding)
+    public void setLeftPadding(final int padding)
 <span class="fc" id="L217">        this.defaultLeftPad = padding;</span>
 <span class="fc" id="L218">    }</span>
@@ -232,7 +232,7 @@ import java.util.List;
      * @param padding the new value of 'descPadding'
-    public void setDescPadding(int padding)
+    public void setDescPadding(final int padding)
 <span class="fc" id="L237">        this.defaultDescPad = padding;</span>
 <span class="fc" id="L238">    }</span>
@@ -252,7 +252,7 @@ import java.util.List;
      * @param prefix the new value of 'syntaxPrefix'
-    public void setSyntaxPrefix(String prefix)
+    public void setSyntaxPrefix(final String prefix)
 <span class="fc" id="L257">        this.defaultSyntaxPrefix = prefix;</span>
 <span class="fc" id="L258">    }</span>
@@ -272,7 +272,7 @@ import java.util.List;
      * @param newline the new value of 'newLine'
-    public void setNewLine(String newline)
+    public void setNewLine(final String newline)
 <span class="fc" id="L277">        this.defaultNewLine = newline;</span>
 <span class="fc" id="L278">    }</span>
@@ -292,7 +292,7 @@ import java.util.List;
      * @param prefix the new value of 'optPrefix'
-    public void setOptPrefix(String prefix)
+    public void setOptPrefix(final String prefix)
 <span class="fc" id="L297">        this.defaultOptPrefix = prefix;</span>
 <span class="fc" id="L298">    }</span>
@@ -312,7 +312,7 @@ import java.util.List;
      * @param prefix the new value of 'longOptPrefix'
-    public void setLongOptPrefix(String prefix)
+    public void setLongOptPrefix(final String prefix)
 <span class="fc" id="L317">        this.defaultLongOptPrefix = prefix;</span>
 <span class="fc" id="L318">    }</span>
@@ -335,7 +335,7 @@ import java.util.List;
      * @param longOptSeparator the separator, typically ' ' or '='.
      * @since 1.3
-    public void setLongOptSeparator(String longOptSeparator)
+    public void setLongOptSeparator(final String longOptSeparator)
 <span class="fc" id="L340">        this.longOptSeparator = 
 <span class="fc" id="L341">    }</span>
@@ -356,7 +356,7 @@ import java.util.List;
      * @param name the new value of 'argName'
-    public void setArgName(String name)
+    public void setArgName(final String name)
 <span class="fc" id="L361">        this.defaultArgName = name;</span>
 <span class="fc" id="L362">    }</span>
@@ -390,7 +390,7 @@ import java.util.List;
      * @param comparator the {@link Comparator} to use for sorting the options
      * @since 1.2
-    public void setOptionComparator(Comparator&lt;Option&gt; comparator)
+    public void setOptionComparator(final Comparator&lt;Option&gt; comparator)
 <span class="fc" id="L395">        this.optionComparator = comparator;</span>
 <span class="fc" id="L396">    }</span>
@@ -403,7 +403,7 @@ import java.util.List;
      * @param cmdLineSyntax the syntax for this application
      * @param options the Options instance
-    public void printHelp(String cmdLineSyntax, Options options)
+    public void printHelp(final String cmdLineSyntax, final Options options)
 <span class="fc" id="L408">        printHelp(getWidth(), cmdLineSyntax, null, 
options, null, false);</span>
 <span class="fc" id="L409">    }</span>
@@ -418,7 +418,7 @@ import java.util.List;
      * @param autoUsage whether to print an automatically generated
      * usage statement
-    public void printHelp(String cmdLineSyntax, Options options, boolean 
+    public void printHelp(final String cmdLineSyntax, final Options options, 
final boolean autoUsage)
 <span class="nc" id="L423">        printHelp(getWidth(), cmdLineSyntax, null, 
options, null, autoUsage);</span>
 <span class="nc" id="L424">    }</span>
@@ -433,7 +433,7 @@ import java.util.List;
      * @param options the Options instance
      * @param footer the banner to display at the end of the help
-    public void printHelp(String cmdLineSyntax, String header, Options 
options, String footer)
+    public void printHelp(final String cmdLineSyntax, final String header, 
final Options options, final String footer)
 <span class="nc" id="L438">        printHelp(cmdLineSyntax, header, options, 
footer, false);</span>
 <span class="nc" id="L439">    }</span>
@@ -450,7 +450,7 @@ import java.util.List;
      * @param autoUsage whether to print an automatically generated
      * usage statement
-    public void printHelp(String cmdLineSyntax, String header, Options 
options, String footer, boolean autoUsage)
+    public void printHelp(final String cmdLineSyntax, final String header, 
final Options options, final String footer, final boolean autoUsage)
 <span class="nc" id="L455">        printHelp(getWidth(), cmdLineSyntax, 
header, options, footer, autoUsage);</span>
 <span class="nc" id="L456">    }</span>
@@ -466,7 +466,7 @@ import java.util.List;
      * @param options the Options instance
      * @param footer the banner to display at the end of the help
-    public void printHelp(int width, String cmdLineSyntax, String header, 
Options options, String footer)
+    public void printHelp(final int width, final String cmdLineSyntax, final 
String header, final Options options, final String footer)
 <span class="nc" id="L471">        printHelp(width, cmdLineSyntax, header, 
options, footer, false);</span>
 <span class="nc" id="L472">    }</span>
@@ -484,10 +484,10 @@ import java.util.List;
      * @param autoUsage whether to print an automatically generated 
      * usage statement
-    public void printHelp(int width, String cmdLineSyntax, String header,
-                          Options options, String footer, boolean autoUsage)
+    public void printHelp(final int width, final String cmdLineSyntax, final 
String header,
+                          final Options options, final String footer, final 
boolean autoUsage)
-<span class="fc" id="L490">        PrintWriter pw = new 
+<span class="fc" id="L490">        final PrintWriter pw = new 
 <span class="fc" id="L492">        printHelp(pw, width, cmdLineSyntax, header, 
options, getLeftPadding(), getDescPadding(), footer, autoUsage);</span>
 <span class="fc" id="L493">        pw.flush();</span>
@@ -510,9 +510,9 @@ import java.util.List;
      * @throws IllegalStateException if there is no room to print a line
-    public void printHelp(PrintWriter pw, int width, String cmdLineSyntax, 
-                          String header, Options options, int leftPad, 
-                          int descPad, String footer)
+    public void printHelp(final PrintWriter pw, final int width, final String 
+                          final String header, final Options options, final 
int leftPad, 
+                          final int descPad, final String footer)
 <span class="fc" id="L517">        printHelp(pw, width, cmdLineSyntax, header, 
options, leftPad, descPad, footer, false);</span>
 <span class="fc" id="L518">    }</span>
@@ -537,9 +537,9 @@ import java.util.List;
      * @throws IllegalStateException if there is no room to print a line
-    public void printHelp(PrintWriter pw, int width, String cmdLineSyntax,
-                          String header, Options options, int leftPad,
-                          int descPad, String footer, boolean autoUsage)
+    public void printHelp(final PrintWriter pw, final int width, final String 
+                          final String header, final Options options, final 
int leftPad,
+                          final int descPad, final String footer, final 
boolean autoUsage)
 <span class="fc bfc" id="L544" title="All 4 branches covered.">        if 
(cmdLineSyntax == null || cmdLineSyntax.length() == 0)</span>
@@ -576,27 +576,27 @@ import java.util.List;
      * @param app The application name
      * @param options The command line Options
-    public void printUsage(PrintWriter pw, int width, String app, Options 
+    public void printUsage(final PrintWriter pw, final int width, final String 
app, final Options options)
         // initialise the string buffer
-<span class="fc" id="L582">        StringBuffer buff = new 
StringBuffer(getSyntaxPrefix()).append(app).append(&quot; &quot;);</span>
+<span class="fc" id="L582">        final StringBuffer buff = new 
StringBuffer(getSyntaxPrefix()).append(app).append(&quot; &quot;);</span>
         // create a list for processed option groups
-<span class="fc" id="L585">        Collection&lt;OptionGroup&gt; 
processedGroups = new ArrayList&lt;OptionGroup&gt;();</span>
+<span class="fc" id="L585">        final Collection&lt;OptionGroup&gt; 
processedGroups = new ArrayList&lt;OptionGroup&gt;();</span>
-<span class="fc" id="L587">        List&lt;Option&gt; optList = new 
+<span class="fc" id="L587">        final List&lt;Option&gt; optList = new 
 <span class="fc bfc" id="L588" title="All 2 branches covered.">        if 
(getOptionComparator() != null)</span>
 <span class="fc" id="L590">            Collections.sort(optList, 
         // iterate over the options
-<span class="fc bfc" id="L593" title="All 2 branches covered.">        for 
(Iterator&lt;Option&gt; it = optList.iterator(); it.hasNext();)</span>
+<span class="fc bfc" id="L593" title="All 2 branches covered.">        for 
(final Iterator&lt;Option&gt; it = optList.iterator(); it.hasNext();)</span>
             // get the next Option
-<span class="fc" id="L596">            Option option =;</span>
+<span class="fc" id="L596">            final Option option =;</span>
             // check if the option is part of an OptionGroup
-<span class="fc" id="L599">            OptionGroup group = 
+<span class="fc" id="L599">            final OptionGroup group = 
             // if the option is part of a group 
 <span class="fc bfc" id="L602" title="All 2 branches covered.">            if 
(group != null)</span>
@@ -641,20 +641,20 @@ import java.util.List;
      * @param group the group to append
      * @see #appendOption(StringBuffer,Option,boolean)
-    private void appendOptionGroup(StringBuffer buff, OptionGroup group)
+    private void appendOptionGroup(final StringBuffer buff, final OptionGroup 
 <span class="fc bfc" id="L646" title="All 2 branches covered.">        if 
 <span class="fc" id="L648">            buff.append(&quot;[&quot;);</span>
-<span class="fc" id="L651">        List&lt;Option&gt; optList = new 
+<span class="fc" id="L651">        final List&lt;Option&gt; optList = new 
 <span class="pc bpc" id="L652" title="1 of 2 branches missed.">        if 
(getOptionComparator() != null)</span>
 <span class="fc" id="L654">            Collections.sort(optList, 
         // for each option in the OptionGroup
-<span class="fc bfc" id="L657" title="All 2 branches covered.">        for 
(Iterator&lt;Option&gt; it = optList.iterator(); it.hasNext();)</span>
+<span class="fc bfc" id="L657" title="All 2 branches covered.">        for 
(final Iterator&lt;Option&gt; it = optList.iterator(); it.hasNext();)</span>
             // whether the option is required or not is handled at group level
 <span class="fc" id="L660">            appendOption(buff,, 
@@ -678,7 +678,7 @@ import java.util.List;
      * @param option the Option to append
      * @param required whether the Option is required or not
-    private void appendOption(StringBuffer buff, Option option, boolean 
+    private void appendOption(final StringBuffer buff, final Option option, 
final boolean required)
 <span class="fc bfc" id="L683" title="All 2 branches covered.">        if 
@@ -716,9 +716,9 @@ import java.util.List;
      * @param width The number of characters per line for the usage statement.
      * @param cmdLineSyntax The usage statement.
-    public void printUsage(PrintWriter pw, int width, String cmdLineSyntax)
+    public void printUsage(final PrintWriter pw, final int width, final String 
-<span class="fc" id="L721">        int argPos = cmdLineSyntax.indexOf(' ') + 
+<span class="fc" id="L721">        final int argPos = cmdLineSyntax.indexOf(' 
') + 1;</span>
 <span class="fc" id="L723">        printWrapped(pw, width, 
getSyntaxPrefix().length() + argPos, getSyntaxPrefix() + cmdLineSyntax);</span>
 <span class="fc" id="L724">    }</span>
@@ -735,10 +735,10 @@ import java.util.List;
      * @param descPad the number of characters of padding to be prefixed
      * to each description line
-    public void printOptions(PrintWriter pw, int width, Options options, 
-                             int leftPad, int descPad)
+    public void printOptions(final PrintWriter pw, final int width, final 
Options options, 
+                             final int leftPad, final int descPad)
-<span class="fc" id="L741">        StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();</span>
+<span class="fc" id="L741">        final StringBuffer sb = new 
 <span class="fc" id="L743">        renderOptions(sb, width, options, leftPad, 
 <span class="fc" id="L744">        pw.println(sb.toString());</span>
@@ -751,7 +751,7 @@ import java.util.List;
      * @param width The number of characters to display per line
      * @param text The text to be written to the PrintWriter
-    public void printWrapped(PrintWriter pw, int width, String text)
+    public void printWrapped(final PrintWriter pw, final int width, final 
String text)
 <span class="fc" id="L756">        printWrapped(pw, width, 0, text);</span>
 <span class="fc" id="L757">    }</span>
@@ -764,9 +764,9 @@ import java.util.List;
      * @param nextLineTabStop The position on the next line for the first tab.
      * @param text The text to be written to the PrintWriter
-    public void printWrapped(PrintWriter pw, int width, int nextLineTabStop, 
String text)
+    public void printWrapped(final PrintWriter pw, final int width, final int 
nextLineTabStop, final String text)
-<span class="fc" id="L769">        StringBuffer sb = new 
+<span class="fc" id="L769">        final StringBuffer sb = new 
 <span class="fc" id="L771">        renderWrappedTextBlock(sb, width, 
nextLineTabStop, text);</span>
 <span class="fc" id="L772">        pw.println(sb.toString());</span>
@@ -788,7 +788,7 @@ import java.util.List;
      * @return the StringBuffer with the rendered Options contents.
-    protected StringBuffer renderOptions(StringBuffer sb, int width, Options 
options, int leftPad, int descPad)
+    protected StringBuffer renderOptions(final StringBuffer sb, final int 
width, final Options options, final int leftPad, final int descPad)
 <span class="fc" id="L793">        final String lpad = 
 <span class="fc" id="L794">        final String dpad = 
@@ -798,18 +798,18 @@ import java.util.List;
         // the longest opt string this list will be then used to 
         // sort options ascending
 <span class="fc" id="L800">        int max = 0;</span>
-<span class="fc" id="L801">        List&lt;StringBuffer&gt; prefixList = new 
+<span class="fc" id="L801">        final List&lt;StringBuffer&gt; prefixList = 
new ArrayList&lt;StringBuffer&gt;();</span>
-<span class="fc" id="L803">        List&lt;Option&gt; optList = 
+<span class="fc" id="L803">        final List&lt;Option&gt; optList = 
 <span class="pc bpc" id="L805" title="1 of 2 branches missed.">        if 
(getOptionComparator() != null)</span>
 <span class="fc" id="L807">            Collections.sort(optList, 
-<span class="fc bfc" id="L810" title="All 2 branches covered.">        for 
(Option option : optList)</span>
+<span class="fc bfc" id="L810" title="All 2 branches covered.">        for 
(final Option option : optList)</span>
-<span class="fc" id="L812">            StringBuffer optBuf = new 
+<span class="fc" id="L812">            final StringBuffer optBuf = new 
 <span class="fc bfc" id="L814" title="All 2 branches covered.">            if 
(option.getOpt() == null)</span>
@@ -827,7 +827,7 @@ import java.util.List;
 <span class="fc bfc" id="L828" title="All 2 branches covered.">            if 
-<span class="fc" id="L830">                String argName = 
+<span class="fc" id="L830">                final String argName = 
 <span class="pc bpc" id="L831" title="1 of 4 branches missed.">                
if (argName != null &amp;&amp; argName.length() == 0)</span>
                     // if the option has a blank argname
@@ -846,10 +846,10 @@ import java.util.List;
 <span class="fc" id="L847">        int x = 0;</span>
-<span class="fc bfc" id="L849" title="All 2 branches covered.">        for 
(Iterator&lt;Option&gt; it = optList.iterator(); it.hasNext();)</span>
+<span class="fc bfc" id="L849" title="All 2 branches covered.">        for 
(final Iterator&lt;Option&gt; it = optList.iterator(); it.hasNext();)</span>
-<span class="fc" id="L851">            Option option =;</span>
-<span class="fc" id="L852">            StringBuilder optBuf = new 
+<span class="fc" id="L851">            final Option option =;</span>
+<span class="fc" id="L852">            final StringBuilder optBuf = new 
 <span class="fc bfc" id="L854" title="All 2 branches covered.">            if 
(optBuf.length() &lt; max)</span>
@@ -858,7 +858,7 @@ import java.util.List;
 <span class="fc" id="L859">            optBuf.append(dpad);</span>
-<span class="fc" id="L861">            int nextLineTabStop = max + 
+<span class="fc" id="L861">            final int nextLineTabStop = max + 
 <span class="pc bpc" id="L863" title="1 of 2 branches missed.">            if 
(option.getDescription() != null)</span>
@@ -887,7 +887,7 @@ import java.util.List;
      * @return the StringBuffer with the rendered Options contents.
-    protected StringBuffer renderWrappedText(StringBuffer sb, int width, 
+    protected StringBuffer renderWrappedText(final StringBuffer sb, final int 
                                              int nextLineTabStop, String text)
 <span class="fc" id="L893">        int pos = findWrapPos(text, width, 
@@ -939,11 +939,11 @@ import java.util.List;
      * @param nextLineTabStop The position on the next line for the first tab.
      * @param text The text to be rendered.
-    private Appendable renderWrappedTextBlock(StringBuffer sb, int width, int 
nextLineTabStop, String text)
+    private Appendable renderWrappedTextBlock(final StringBuffer sb, final int 
width, final int nextLineTabStop, final String text)
-<span class="fc" id="L946">            BufferedReader in = new 
BufferedReader(new StringReader(text));</span>
+<span class="fc" id="L946">            final BufferedReader in = new 
BufferedReader(new StringReader(text));</span>
             String line;
 <span class="fc" id="L948">            boolean firstLine = true;</span>
 <span class="fc bfc" id="L949" title="All 2 branches covered.">            
while ((line = in.readLine()) != null)</span>
@@ -959,7 +959,7 @@ import java.util.List;
 <span class="fc" id="L959">                renderWrappedText(sb, width, 
nextLineTabStop, line);</span>
-<span class="nc" id="L962">        catch (IOException e) //NOPMD</span>
+<span class="nc" id="L962">        catch (final IOException e) //NOPMD</span>
             // cannot happen
 <span class="fc" id="L965">        }</span>
@@ -981,7 +981,7 @@ import java.util.List;
      * @return position on which the text must be wrapped or -1 if the wrap
      * position is at the end of the text
-    protected int findWrapPos(String text, int width, int startPos)
+    protected int findWrapPos(final String text, final int width, final int 
         // the line ends before the max wrap pos or a new line char found
 <span class="fc" id="L987">        int pos = text.indexOf('\n', 
@@ -1030,9 +1030,9 @@ import java.util.List;
      * @return The String of padding
-    protected String createPadding(int len)
+    protected String createPadding(final int len)
-<span class="fc" id="L1035">        char[] padding = new char[len];</span>
+<span class="fc" id="L1035">        final char[] padding = new 
 <span class="fc" id="L1036">        Arrays.fill(padding, ' ');</span>
 <span class="fc" id="L1038">        return new String(padding);</span>
@@ -1045,7 +1045,7 @@ import java.util.List;
      * @return The String of without the trailing padding
-    protected String rtrim(String s)
+    protected String rtrim(final String s)
 <span class="fc bfc" id="L1050" title="All 4 branches covered.">        if (s 
== null || s.length() == 0)</span>
@@ -1085,7 +1085,7 @@ import java.util.List;
          *         the first argument is less than, equal to, or greater than 
          *         second.
-        public int compare(Option opt1, Option opt2)
+        public int compare(final Option opt1, final Option opt2)
 <span class="fc" id="L1090">            return 

 Thu Jun  8 17:47:18 2017
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ package org.apache.commons.cli;
  * Thrown when an option requiring an argument
  * is not provided with an argument.
- * @version $Id: 1443102 2013-02-06 18:12:16Z tn 
+ * @version $Id$
 public class MissingArgumentException extends ParseException
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ public class MissingArgumentException ex
      * @param message the detail message
-    public MissingArgumentException(String message)
+    public MissingArgumentException(final String message)
 <span class="fc" id="L44">        super(message);</span>
 <span class="fc" id="L45">    }</span>
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ public class MissingArgumentException ex
      * @param option the option requiring an argument
      * @since 1.2
-    public MissingArgumentException(Option option)
+    public MissingArgumentException(final Option option)
 <span class="fc" id="L56">        this(&quot;Missing argument for option: 
&quot; + option.getKey());</span>
 <span class="fc" id="L57">        this.option = option;</span>

 Thu Jun  8 17:47:18 2017
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ import java.util.Iterator;
  * Thrown when a required option has not been provided.
- * @version $Id: 1443102 2013-02-06 18:12:16Z tn $
+ * @version $Id$
 public class MissingOptionException extends ParseException
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ public class MissingOptionException exte
      * @param message the detail message
-    public MissingOptionException(String message)
+    public MissingOptionException(final String message)
 <span class="fc" id="L44">        super(message);</span>
 <span class="fc" id="L45">    }</span>
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ public class MissingOptionException exte
      * @param missingOptions the list of missing options and groups
      * @since 1.2
-    public MissingOptionException(List missingOptions)
+    public MissingOptionException(final List missingOptions)
 <span class="fc" id="L56">        this(createMessage(missingOptions));</span>
 <span class="fc" id="L57">        this.missingOptions = missingOptions;</span>
@@ -75,13 +75,13 @@ public class MissingOptionException exte
      * @param missingOptions the list of missing options and groups
      * @since 1.2
-    private static String createMessage(List&lt;?&gt; missingOptions)
+    private static String createMessage(final List&lt;?&gt; missingOptions)
-<span class="fc" id="L80">        StringBuilder buf = new 
StringBuilder(&quot;Missing required option&quot;);</span>
+<span class="fc" id="L80">        final StringBuilder buf = new 
StringBuilder(&quot;Missing required option&quot;);</span>
 <span class="fc bfc" id="L81" title="All 2 branches covered.">        
buf.append(missingOptions.size() == 1 ? &quot;&quot; : &quot;s&quot;);</span>
 <span class="fc" id="L82">        buf.append(&quot;: &quot;);</span>
-<span class="fc" id="L84">        Iterator&lt;?&gt; it = 
+<span class="fc" id="L84">        final Iterator&lt;?&gt; it = 
 <span class="fc bfc" id="L85" title="All 2 branches covered.">        while 
 <span class="fc" id="L87">            buf.append(;</span>

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