Github user robertkowalski commented on a diff in the pull request:
    --- Diff: app/addons/dataimporter/components.react.jsx ---
    @@ -0,0 +1,796 @@
    +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may 
    +// use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a 
copy of
    +// the License at
    +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, 
    +// WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
    +// License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations 
    +// the License.
    +  'api',
    +  'react',
    +  'addons/dataimporter/stores',
    +  'addons/dataimporter/actions',
    +  'addons/components/react-components.react',
    +  'helpers'
    +], function (FauxtonAPI, React, Stores, Actions, Components, Helpers) {
    +  var dataImporterStore = Stores.dataImporterStore;
    +  var DataImporterController = React.createClass({
    +    getStoreState: function () {
    +      return {
    +        isDataCurrentlyLoading: dataImporterStore.isDataCurrentlyLoading(),
    +        hasDataLoaded: dataImporterStore.hasDataLoaded(),
    +        isBigFile: dataImporterStore.isThisABigFile(),
    +        rowShown: dataImporterStore.getRowsShown(),
    +        rowsTotal: dataImporterStore.getTotalRows(),
    +        data: dataImporterStore.getTheData(),
    +        meta: dataImporterStore.getTheMetadata(),
    +        getPreviewView: dataImporterStore.getPreviewView(),
    +        getSmallPreviewOfData: dataImporterStore.getSmallPreviewOfData(),
    +        getHeaderConfig: dataImporterStore.getConfigSetting('header'),
    +        getDelimiterChosen: 
    +        getAllDBs: dataImporterStore.getAllDBs(),
    +        getFileSize: dataImporterStore.getFileSize(),
    +        getTimeSinceLoad: dataImporterStore.getTimeSinceLoad,
    +        getMaxSize: dataImporterStore.getMaxSize(),
    +        showErrorScreen: dataImporterStore.showErrorScreen(),
    +        errorMsg: dataImporterStore.getErrorMsg(),
    +        isLoadingInDBInProgress: dataImporterStore.dbPopulationInProgress()
    +      };
    +    },
    +    getInitialState: function () {
    +      return this.getStoreState();
    +    },
    +    componentDidMount: function () {
    +      dataImporterStore.on('change', this.onChange, this);
    +    },
    +    componentWillUnmount: function () {
    +'change', this.onChange, this);
    +    },
    +    onChange: function () {
    +      this.setState(this.getStoreState());
    +    },
    +    render: function () {
    +      if (this.state.showErrorScreen) {
    +        return <DataImporterError errorMsg = {this.state.errorMsg} />;
    +      }
    +      if (this.state.hasDataLoaded) {
    +        return (
    +          <DataImporterPreviewData
    +            rowShown = {this.state.rowShown}
    +            rowsTotal = {this.state.rowsTotal}
    +            data = {}
    +            isBigFile = {this.state.isBigFile}
    +            meta = {this.state.meta}
    +            getPreviewView = {this.state.getPreviewView}
    +            getSmallPreviewOfData = {this.state.getSmallPreviewOfData}
    +            getHeaderConfig = {this.state.getHeaderConfig}
    +            getDelimiterChosen = {this.state.getDelimiterChosen}
    +            getAllDBs = {this.state.getAllDBs}
    +            filesize = {this.state.getFileSize}
    +            isLoadingInDBInProgress = {this.state.isLoadingInDBInProgress} 
    +        );
    +      }
    +      return (
    +        <DataImporterDropZone
    +          isLoading = {this.state.isDataCurrentlyLoading}
    +          isBigFile = {this.state.isBigFile}
    +          getFileSize = {this.state.getFileSize}
    +          getTimeSinceLoad = {this.state.getTimeSinceLoad}
    +          maxSize = {this.state.getMaxSize} />
    +      );
    +    }
    +  });
    +  var DataImporterDropZone = React.createClass({
    +    getInitialState: function () {
    +      return {
    +        draggingOver: false,
    +        loading: this.props.isLoading,
    +        showLimitInfo: false,
    +        fileSize: this.props.getFileSize,
    +        timeSinceLoad: this.props.getTimeSinceLoad,
    +        fileTooBig: false
    +      };
    +    },
    +    dragOver: function (e) {
    +      e.preventDefault();
    +      this.setState({ draggingOver: true });
    +    },
    +    endDragOver: function (e) {
    +      e.preventDefault();
    +      e.stopPropagation();
    +      this.setState({draggingOver: false});
    +    },
    +    drop: function (e) {
    +      e.preventDefault();
    +      var file = e.nativeEvent.dataTransfer.files[0];
    +      this.checkSize(file);
    +    },
    +    filechosen: function (e) {
    +      e.preventDefault();
    +      var file =[0];
    +      this.checkSize(file);
    +    },
    +    checkSize: function (file) {
    +      if (file.size > this.props.maxSize) {
    +        this.setState({ 
    +          fileTooBig: true,
    +          fileSize: file.size, 
    +          draggingOver: false 
    +        });
    +      } else {
    +        Actions.loadFile(file);
    +        this.setState({ 
    +          loading: true,
    +          fileSize: file.size, 
    +          draggingOver: false 
    +        });
    +        Actions.dataIsCurrentlyLoading();
    +      }
    +    },
    +    uploadButton: function () {
    +      return (
    +        <p>
    +          <span className = "fonticon icon-file-text-alt">
    +            <span className = "file-upload btn">
    +              <span className = "icon icon-search"></span>
    +              Choose File
    +              <input type = "file" className = "upload" onChange = 
{this.filechosen} />
    +            </span>
    +          </span>
    +        </p>
    +      );
    +    },
    +    onFileLimitInfoToggle: function (e) {
    +      e.preventDefault();
    +      var toggle = this.state.showLimitInfo ? false : true;
    +      this.setState({ showLimitInfo : toggle });
    +    },
    +    fileLimitLink: function (msg) {
    +      return (
    +        <div className = "filetype-txt">
    +          <a href = "#"
    +            className = "import-data-limit-info-link"
    +            onClick = {this.onFileLimitInfoToggle}
    +            data-bypass = "true">
    +            {msg}
    +          </a>
    +        </div>
    +      );
    +    },
    +    loadingBoxBigFileMessage: function () {
    +      return (
    +        <div className = "loading-big-file-msg">
    +          <div>This is a large file: 
    +          <div>Large files may take up to 5 minutes to load</div>
    +          <div>Elapsed time: {this.state.timeSinceLoad()}</div>
    +        </div>
    +      );
    +    },
    +    fileTooBigMsg: function () {
    +      return (
    +        <p className = "file-exceeds-max-msg">
    +          Your file was too big. Please choose another one.
    +        </p>
    +      );
    +    },
    +    defaultBox: function () {
    +      var fileTooBig = this.state.fileTooBig ? this.fileTooBigMsg() : '';
    +      return (
    +        <div className = "dropzone"
    +          onDragOver = {this.dragOver}
    +          onDragLeave = {this.endDragOver}
    +          onDrop = {this.drop} >
    +          <div className = "dropzone-msg default">
    +            {fileTooBig}
    +            {this.uploadButton()}
    +            <p>Or drag a file into box.</p>
    +          </div>
    +          {this.fileLimitLink("File Limitations")}
    +        </div>
    +      );
    +    },
    +    boxIsDraggingOver: function () {
    +      return (
    +        <div className = "dropzone dragging-file-in-background"
    +          onDragOver = {this.dragOver}
    +          onDragLeave = {this.endDragOver}
    +          onDrop = {this.drop}>
    +          <div className = "dropzone-msg draggingover">
    +            <span className = "fonticon icon-file-text-alt">
    +            </span>
    +            <span className = "loading-msg">
    +              Drop your file.
    +            </span>
    +          </div>
    +        </div>
    +      );
    +    },
    +    boxIsLoading: function () {
    +      var loadingBoxBigFileMessage = this.props.isBigFile ?
    +        this.loadingBoxBigFileMessage() : '';
    +      return (
    +        <div className = {"dropzone loading-background"}>
    +          <div className = "dropzone-msg loading">
    +            Loading...
    +            {loadingBoxBigFileMessage}
    +            <Components.LoadLines />
    +          </div>
    +        </div>
    +      );
    +    },
    +    boxShowLimitInfo: function () {
    +      return (
    +         <div className = "dropzone limit-info"
    +          onDragOver = {this.dragOver}
    +          onDragLeave = {this.endDragOver}
    +          onDrop = {this.drop}>
    +          <div className = "dropzone-msg">
    +            <p>150 MB filesize limit</p>
    +            <p>Only .csv files will import correctly</p>
    +            <p>Fine grained import options are only for files under 
    +          </div>
    +          {this.fileLimitLink("Close")}
    +        </div>
    +      );
    +    },
    +    render: function () {
    +      var box = this.defaultBox();
    +      if (this.state.draggingOver) {
    +        box = this.boxIsDraggingOver();
    +      } else if (this.state.loading) {
    +        box = this.boxIsLoading();
    +      } else if (this.state.showLimitInfo) {
    +        box = this.boxShowLimitInfo();
    +      }
    +      return box;
    +    }
    +  });
    +  var DataImporterPreviewData = React.createClass({
    +    getInitialState: function () {
    +      return {
    +        left: 0
    +      };
    +    },
    +    bigFilePreviewWarning: function () {
    +      var rowShown = this.props.rowShown,
    +          totalRows = this.props.rowsTotal;
    +      return (
    +        <div className = "top-row">
    +          <div className = "big-file-info-message">
    +            <p className = "big-file-preview-limit-info-message">
    +              Because of the size of this file, this preview only shows the
    +              first {rowShown} rows, out of {totalRows} rows total.
    +              However, if you choose to load the data into a database, the
    +              entirety of the file (all {totalRows} rows) will be imported.
    +            </p>
    +          </div>
    +          {this.loadingIntoDB()}
    +        </div>
    +      );
    +    },
    +    componentDidMount: function () {
    +      document.getElementById('preview-page')
    +        .addEventListener('scroll', this.handleScroll);
    +    },
    +    componentWillUnmount: function () {
    +      document.getElementById('preview-page')
    +        .removeEventListener('scroll', this.handleScroll);
    +    },
    +    handleScroll: function (e) {
    +      this.setState({left: 
    +    },
    +    loadingIntoDB: function () {
    +      if (this.props.isLoadingInDBInProgress) {
    +        return (
    +          <div className = "dataIsLoading">
    +            <Components.LoadLines />
    +          </div>
    +        );
    +      }
    +      return null;
    +    },
    +    fileMetadataInfo: function () {
    +      var totalRows = this.props.rowsTotal,
    +          previewMsg = totalRows > 500 ? 'This is a 500 row (max) preview 
of the file.' : '';
    +      return (
    +        <div className = "top-row">
    +          <div className = "big-file-info-message">
    +            <p className = "big-file-preview-limit-info-message">
    +              All {totalRows} rows from this file will be imported. 
    +            </p>
    +          </div>
    +          {this.loadingIntoDB()}
    +        </div>
    +      );
    +    },
    +    render: function () {
    +      var fileInfoMessage =
    +            this.props.isBigFile ? this.bigFilePreviewWarning() :  
    +          style = {'left': this.state.left};
    +      return (
    +        <div id = "preview-page" >
    +          <div id = "data-import-options" style={style}>
    +            {fileInfoMessage}
    +            <OptionsRow 
    +              getDelimiterChosen = {this.props.getDelimiterChosen}
    +              filesize = {this.props.filesize} />
    +          </div>
    +          <div className = "preview-data-space">
    +            <TableView
    +              data = {}
    +              isBigFile = {this.props.isBigFile}
    +              meta = {this.props.meta}
    +              getPreviewView = {this.props.getPreviewView}
    +              getSmallPreviewOfData = {this.props.getSmallPreviewOfData}
    +              getHeaderConfig = {this.props.getHeaderConfig} />
    +            <JSONView
    +              data = {}
    +              isBigFile = {this.props.isBigFile}
    +              meta = {this.props.meta}
    +              getPreviewView = {this.props.getPreviewView}
    +              getSmallPreviewOfData = {this.props.getSmallPreviewOfData}
    +              getHeaderConfig = {this.props.getHeaderConfig} />
    +          </div>
    +          <Footer getAllDBs = {this.props.getAllDBs} />
    +        </div>
    +      );
    +    }
    +  });
    +  var OptionsRow = React.createClass({
    +    previewToggle: function () {
    +      var config = {
    +        title: 'Preview View',
    +        leftLabel: 'Table',
    +        rightLabel: 'JSON',
    +        defaultLeft: true,
    +        leftClick: function () { Actions.setPreviewView('table'); },
    +        rightClick: function () { Actions.setPreviewView('json'); },
    +        enclosingID: 'preview-toggle-id'
    +      };
    +      return <Components.ToggleState toggleConfig = {config} />;
    +    },
    +    header: function () {
    +      var config = {
    +        title: 'Header',
    +        leftLabel : 'First Line',
    +        rightLabel : 'No Header',
    +        defaultLeft: true,
    +        leftClick: function () {  Actions.setParseConfig('header', true); 
    +        rightClick: function () { Actions.setParseConfig('header', false); 
    +        enclosingID: 'header-toggle-id'
    +      };
    +      return <Components.ToggleState toggleConfig = {config} />;
    +    },
    +    numbersFormat: function () {
    +      var config = {
    +        title: 'Numbers are',
    +        leftLabel : 'Numbers',
    +        rightLabel : 'Strings',
    +        defaultLeft: true,
    +        leftClick: function () {
    +          Actions.setParseConfig('dynamicTyping', true);
    +        },
    +        rightClick: function () {
    +          Actions.setParseConfig('dynamicTyping', false);
    +        },
    +        enclosingID: 'numbers-toggle-id'
    +      };
    +      return <Components.ToggleState toggleConfig={config} />;
    +    },
    +    delimiter: function () {
    +      var selected = this.props.getDelimiterChosen;
    +      selected = selected === '' ? 'Automatic' : selected;
    +      selected = selected === '\t' ? 'Tab' : selected;
    +      var setup = {
    +        title: 'Delimiter',
    +        id: 'data-importer-delimiter',
    +        selected: selected,
    +        selectOptions: [
    +          {
    +            name: 'Automatic',
    +            onClick: function () {
    +              Actions.setParseConfig('delimiter', '');
    +            }
    +          },
    +          {
    +            name: 'Comma',
    +            onClick: function () {
    +              Actions.setParseConfig('delimiter', ',');
    +            }
    +          },
    +          {
    +            name: 'Tab',
    +            onClick: function () {
    +              Actions.setParseConfig('delimiter', '\t');
    +            }
    +          },
    +          {
    +            name: 'Semicolon',
    +            onClick: function () {
    +              Actions.setParseConfig('delimiter', ';');
    +            }
    +          },
    +          {
    +            name: 'Colon',
    +            onClick: function () {
    +              Actions.setParseConfig('delimiter', ':');
    +            }
    +          },
    +          {
    +            name: 'Hyphen',
    +            onClick: function () {
    +              Actions.setParseConfig('delimiter', '-');
    +            }
    +          },
    +        ]
    +      };
    +      return <Components.SmallDropdown dropdownSetup = {setup}/>;
    +    },
    +    renderControls: function () {
    +      if (this.props.filesize < 200000) {
    +        return (
    +          <span>
    +            {this.header()}
    +            {this.numbersFormat()}
    +            {this.delimiter()}
    +          </span>
    +        );
    +      }
    +      return (
    +        <p className = "no-options-available">
    +          Fine grained import options are disabled for files exceeding 
    +        </p>
    +      );
    +    },
    +    render: function () {
    +      var controls = this.renderControls();
    +      return (
    +        <div className = "import-options-row">
    +          <div className = "options-row">
    +            {this.previewToggle()}
    +            {controls}
    +          </div>
    +        </div>
    +      );
    +    }
    +  });
    +  var TableView = React.createClass({
    +    eachRow: function () {
    +      var data =;
    +      if (this.props.isBigFile) {
    +        data = this.props.getSmallPreviewOfData;
    +      }
    +      return (
    + (dataObj, i) {
    +          if (i < 500) {
    +            return <tr key = {i}>{this.insideEachRow(dataObj)}</tr>;
    +          }
    +        }.bind(this))
    +      );
    +    },
    +    insideEachRow: function (dataObj) {
    +      return, function (dataVal, dataKey) {
    +        return <td key = {dataKey} title = {dataVal}>{dataVal}</td>;
    +      });
    +    },
    +    header: function () {
    +      var header = null;
    +      if (this.props.getHeaderConfig) {
    +        header = this.props.meta.fields;
    +        return (
    + (field, i) {
    +            return <th key = {i} title = {field}>{field}</th>;
    +          })
    +        );
    +      } else {
    +        header =;
    +        return (
    + (field, i) {
    +           return <th key = {i} title = {i}>{i}</th>;
    +          })
    +        );
    +      }
    +    },
    +    render: function () {
    +      var data = this.eachRow(),
    +          header = this.header();
    +      if (this.props.getPreviewView != 'table') {
    +        return null;
    +      }
    +      return (
    +        <table className = "data-import-table">
    +          <tbody>
    +            <tr>{header}</tr>
    +            {data}
    +          </tbody>
    +        </table>
    +      );
    +    }
    +  });
    +  var JSONView = React.createClass({
    +    objectify: function (array) {
    +      return _.reduce(array, function (obj, val, i) {
    +        obj[i] = val;
    +        return obj;
    +      }, {});
    +    },
    +    rows: function () {
    +      var data =;
    +      if (this.props.isBigFile) {
    +        data = this.props.getSmallPreviewOfData;
    +      }
    +      return (
    + (dataObj, i) {
    +          var obj = this.props.getHeaderConfig ? dataObj :
    +            this.objectify(dataObj);
    +          if (i < 500) {
    +            return (
    +              <Components.SimpleDoc
    +                id = {"<UUID>_" + i}
    +                content = {JSON.stringify(obj, null, ' ')}
    +                key = {i} />
    +            );
    +          }
    +        }.bind(this))
    +      );
    +    },
    +    render: function () {
    +      if (this.props.getPreviewView != "json") {
    +        return null;
    +      }
    +      return (
    +        <div id = "doc-list" className = "json-view">
    +          {this.rows()}
    +        </div>
    +      );
    +    }
    +  });
    +  var Footer = React.createClass({
    +    getInitialState: function () {
    +      return {
    +        targetDB: this.props.getAllDBs[0],
    +        selectExistingDB: true
    +      };
    +    },
    +    startOverButton: function () {
    +      return (
    +        <a className = "start-import-over-link footer-button"
    +          onClick = {this.startOver}>
    +          <span className = "fonticon icon-repeat"></span>
    +            Start Over
    +        </a>
    +      );
    +    },
    +    startOver: function () {
    +      Actions.dataImporterInit(true);
    +    },
    +    getExistingDBList: function () {
    +      var allDBs = this.props.getAllDBs,
    +          options = [],
    +          setTargetDB = this.setTargetDB;
    +      _.each(allDBs, function (dbName, i) {
    +        options.push({
    +          name: dbName,
    +          onClick: function () { setTargetDB(dbName); }
    +        });
    +      });
    +      return options;
    +    },
    +    setTargetDB: function (dbName) {
    +      this.setState({ targetDB: dbName });
    +    },
    +    newOrExistingToggle : function () {
    +      var config = {
    +        title: 'Load into',
    +        leftLabel : 'Existing database',
    +        rightLabel : 'New database',
    +        defaultLeft: true,
    +        leftClick: function () {
    +          this.setState({
    +            selectExistingDB: true,
    +            targetDB: this.props.getAllDBs[0]
    +          });
    +        }.bind(this),
    +        rightClick: function () {
    +          this.setState({ selectExistingDB: false });
    +        }.bind(this),
    +        enclosingID: 'choose-database-to-load-data-into'
    +      };
    +      return <Components.ToggleState toggleConfig = {config} />;
    +    },
    +    chooseDatabaseFromDropdown : function () {
    +      var selected = this.state.targetDB;
    +      var setup = {
    +        title: 'Choose a database',
    +        id: 'data-importer-choose-db',
    +        selected: selected,
    +        selectOptions: this.getExistingDBList()
    +      };
    +      return <Components.SmallDropdown dropdownSetup = {setup} />;
    +    },
    +    createNewDB: function () {
    +      return (
    +        <div id = "data-import-name-new-target-database">
    --- End diff --
    that's quite unusual formatting and it's in almost every component in this 

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