Github user davisp commented on a diff in the pull request:
    --- Diff: src/couch_file.erl ---
    @@ -524,34 +529,83 @@ handle_info({'EXIT', _, Reason}, Fd) ->
         {stop, Reason, Fd}.
    -find_header(_Fd, -1) ->
    -    no_valid_header;
     find_header(Fd, Block) ->
         case (catch load_header(Fd, Block)) of
         {ok, Bin} ->
             {ok, Bin};
         _Error ->
    -        find_header(Fd, Block -1)
    +        ReadCount = config:get_integer(
    +            "couchdb", "find_header_read_count", ?DEFAULT_READ_COUNT),
    +        find_header(Fd, Block -1, ReadCount)
     load_header(Fd, Block) ->
         {ok, <<1, HeaderLen:32/integer, RestBlock/binary>>} =
             file:pread(Fd, Block * ?SIZE_BLOCK, ?SIZE_BLOCK),
    -    TotalBytes = calculate_total_read_len(5, HeaderLen),
    -    case TotalBytes > byte_size(RestBlock) of
    -    false ->
    -        <<RawBin:TotalBytes/binary, _/binary>> = RestBlock;
    -    true ->
    -        {ok, Missing} = file:pread(
    -            Fd, (Block * ?SIZE_BLOCK) + 5 + byte_size(RestBlock),
    -            TotalBytes - byte_size(RestBlock)),
    -        RawBin = <<RestBlock/binary, Missing/binary>>
    +    load_header(Fd, Block * ?SIZE_BLOCK, HeaderLen, RestBlock).
    +load_header(Fd, Pos, HeaderLen) ->
    +    load_header(Fd, Pos, HeaderLen, <<>>).
    +load_header(Fd, Pos, HeaderLen, RestBlock) ->
    +    TotalBytes = calculate_total_read_len(?PREFIX_SIZE, HeaderLen),
    +    RawBin = case TotalBytes =< byte_size(RestBlock) of
    +        true ->
    +            <<RawBin0:TotalBytes/binary, _/binary>> = RestBlock,
    +            RawBin0;
    +        false ->
    +            ReadStart = Pos + ?PREFIX_SIZE + byte_size(RestBlock),
    +            ReadLen = TotalBytes - byte_size(RestBlock),
    +            {ok, Missing} = file:pread(Fd, ReadStart, ReadLen),
    +            <<RestBlock/binary, Missing/binary>>
         <<Md5Sig:16/binary, HeaderBin/binary>> =
    -        iolist_to_binary(remove_block_prefixes(5, RawBin)),
    +        iolist_to_binary(remove_block_prefixes(?PREFIX_SIZE, RawBin)),
         Md5Sig = couch_crypto:hash(md5, HeaderBin),
         {ok, HeaderBin}.
    +%% Read multiple block locations using a single file:pread/2.
    +-spec find_header(file:fd(), block_id(), non_neg_integer()) ->
    +    {ok, binary()} | no_valid_header.
    +find_header(_Fd, Block, _ReadCount) when Block < 0 ->
    +    no_valid_header;
    +find_header(Fd, Block, ReadCount) ->
    +    FirstBlock = max(0, Block - ReadCount + 1),
    +    BlockLocations = [?SIZE_BLOCK*B || B <- lists:seq(FirstBlock, Block)],
    +    {ok, DataL} = file:pread(Fd, [{L, ?PREFIX_SIZE} || L <- 
    +    %% Since BlockLocations are ordered from oldest to newest, we rely
    +    %% on lists:foldl/3 to reverse the order, making HeaderLocations
    +    %% correctly ordered from newest to oldest.
    +    HeaderLocations = lists:foldl(fun
    +        ({Loc, <<1, HeaderSize:32/integer>>}, Acc) ->
    +            [{Loc, HeaderSize} | Acc];
    +        (_, Acc) ->
    +            Acc
    +        end, [], lists:zip(BlockLocations, DataL)),
    +    case find_newest_header(Fd, HeaderLocations) of
    +        {ok, _Location, HeaderBin} ->
    +            {ok, HeaderBin};
    +        _ ->
    +            ok = file:advise(
    +                Fd, hd(BlockLocations), ReadCount * ?SIZE_BLOCK, 
    +            NextBlock = hd(BlockLocations) div ?SIZE_BLOCK - 1,
    +            find_header(Fd, NextBlock, ReadCount)
    +    end.
    +-spec find_newest_header(file:fd(), [{location(), header_size()}]) ->
    +    {ok, binary()} | not_found.
    +find_newest_header(_Fd, []) ->
    +    not_found;
    +find_newest_header(Fd, [{Location, Size}|LocationSizes]) ->
    --- End diff --
    Missing whitespace around the | operator.

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