nickva commented on a change in pull request #470: Scheduling Replicator

 File path: src/couch_replicator/src/couch_replicator_rate_limiter.erl
 @@ -0,0 +1,263 @@
+% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
+% use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+% the License at
+% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+% WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+% License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
+% the License.
+% This module implements rate limiting based on a variation the additive
+% increase / multiplicative decrease feedback control algorithm.
+% This is an adaptive algorithm which converges on available channel
+% capacity where each participant (client) doesn't a priori know the
+% capacity, and participants don't communicate or know about each other (so 
+% don't coordinate to divide the capacity among themselves).
+% The algorithm referenced above estimates a rate, whereas the implemented
+% algorithm uses an interval (in milliseconds). It preserves the original
+% semantics, that is the failure part is multplicative and the success part is
+% additive. The relationship between rate and interval is: rate = 1000 /
+% interval.
+% There are two main API functions:
+%   success(Key) -> IntervalInMilliseconds
+%   failure(Key) -> IntervalInMilliseconds
+% Key is any term, typically something like {Method, Url}. The result from the
+% function is the current period value. Caller then might decide to sleep for
+% that amount of time before or after each request.
+   start_link/0
+   init/1,
+   terminate/2,
+   handle_call/3,
+   handle_info/2,
+   handle_cast/2,
+   code_change/3
+   interval/1,
+   max_interval/0,
+   failure/1,
+   success/1
+% Types
+-type key() :: any().
+-type interval() :: non_neg_integer().
+-type msec() :: non_neg_integer().
+% Definitions
+% Main parameters of the algorithm. The factor is the multiplicative part and
+% base interval is the additive.
+-define(BASE_INTERVAL, 20).
+-define(BACKOFF_FACTOR, 1.2).
+% If estimated period exceeds a limit, it is clipped to this value. This
+% defines a practical limit of this algorithm. This is driven by real world
+% concerns such as having a connection which sleeps for too long and ends up
+% with socket timeout errors, or replication jobs which occupy a scheduler
+% slot without making any progress.
+-define(MAX_INTERVAL, 25000).
+% Specify when (threshold) and how much (factor) to decay the estimated period.
+% If there is a long pause between consecutive updates, the estimated period
+% would become less accurate as more time passes. In such case choose to
+% optimistically decay the estimated value. That is assume there a certain
+% rate of successful requests happened. (For reference, TCP congestion 
+% also handles a variation of this in RFC 5681 under "Restarting Idle
+% Connections" section).
+-define(TIME_DECAY_FACTOR, 2).
+-define(TIME_DECAY_THRESHOLD, 1000).
+% Limit the rate of updates applied. This controls the rate of change of the
+% estimated value. In colloquial terms it defines how "twitchy" the algorithm
+% is. Or, another way to look at it, this is as a poor version of a low pass
+% filter. (Some alternative TCP congestion control algorithms, like Westwood+
+% use something similar to solve the ACK compression problem).
+-record(state, {timer}).
+-record(rec, {id, backoff, ts}).
+-spec start_link() -> {ok, pid()} | ignore | {error, term()}.
+start_link() ->
+    gen_server:start_link({local, ?MODULE}, ?MODULE, [], []).
+-spec interval(key()) -> interval().
+interval(Key) ->
+    {Interval, _Timestamp} = interval_and_timestamp(Key),
+    Interval.
+-spec max_interval() -> interval().
+max_interval() ->
+-spec failure(key()) -> interval().
+failure(Key) ->
+    {Interval, Timestamp} = interval_and_timestamp(Key),
+    update_failure(Key, Interval, Timestamp, now_msec()).
+-spec success(key()) -> interval().
+success(Key) ->
+    {Interval, Timestamp} = interval_and_timestamp(Key),
+    update_success(Key, Interval, Timestamp, now_msec()).
+% gen_server callbacks
+init([]) ->
+    couch_replicator_rate_limiter_tables:create(,
+    {ok, #state{timer = new_timer()}}.
+terminate(_Reason, _State) ->
+    ok.
+handle_call(_Msg, _From, State) ->
+    {reply, invalid, State}.
+handle_cast(_, State) ->
+    {noreply, State}.
+handle_info(cleanup, #state{timer = Timer}) ->
+    erlang:cancel_timer(Timer),
+    TableNames = couch_replicator_rate_limiter_tables:table_names(),
 Review comment:
   Ok. Will do.
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