See <>


[freeman.fang] [CXF-7144]support to specify pullpoint queue name of WS-N

[sberyozkin] [CXF-7135] Updating JMS ConnectionFactoryFeature to support

[sberyozkin] Support token api which expect client id/secret in the form 
payload and

[coheigea] Fixing random spring versioning in beans files

[coheigea] Recording .gitmergeinfo Changes

[coheigea] Downgrading merge from 4.3 -> 4.1

[sberyozkin] Preserving the original ClientCodeRequestFilter authentication 

[sberyozkin] [CXF-7142] Catching NoClassDefError in Activators expecting 

[coheigea] Picking up latest changes from WSS4J

[coheigea] Updating to WSS4J SNAPSHOT

[...truncated 37682 lines...]
[INFO] Apache CXF Runtime XmlBeans DataBinding ............ SUCCESS [ 15.867 s]
[INFO] Apache CXF Command Line Tools WSDLTo Test .......... SUCCESS [  6.745 s]
[INFO] Apache CXF Command Line Tools WSDLTo Misctools ..... SUCCESS [ 13.258 s]
[INFO] Apache CXF Command Line Tools ...................... SUCCESS [  3.718 s]
[INFO] Apache CXF Command Line Tools WSDLTo ............... SUCCESS [  3.744 s]
[INFO] Apache CXF Runtime Aegis Databinding ............... SUCCESS [ 22.234 s]
[INFO] Apache CXF Command Line Tools JavaTo WS ............ SUCCESS [ 17.296 s]
[INFO] Apache CXF Command Line Tools JavaTo ............... SUCCESS [  3.982 s]
[INFO] Apache CXF Runtime JAX-RS Frontend ................. SUCCESS [ 27.884 s]
[INFO] Apache CXF JAX-RS Extensions: JSON Basic ........... SUCCESS [ 11.854 s]
[INFO] Apache CXF Runtime SDO DataBinding ................. SUCCESS [ 15.415 s]
[INFO] Apache CXF JAX-RS Extensions: Providers ............ SUCCESS [ 17.259 s]
[INFO] Apache CXF JAX-RS Service Description .............. SUCCESS [ 12.402 s]
[INFO] Apache CXF Command Line Tools WADLTo JAXRS Frontend  SUCCESS [ 13.169 s]
[INFO] Apache CXF Command Line Tools WADLTo ............... SUCCESS [  3.644 s]
[INFO] Apache CXF Runtime CORBA Binding ................... SUCCESS [ 21.312 s]
[INFO] Apache CXF Command Line Tools CORBA ................ SUCCESS [ 21.908 s]
[INFO] Apache CXF Runtime HTTP Async Transport ............ SUCCESS [ 15.043 s]
[INFO] Apache CXF Runtime HTTP Netty Server Transport ..... SUCCESS [ 17.492 s]
[INFO] Apache CXF Runtime HTTP Netty Client Transport ..... SUCCESS [ 12.682 s]
[INFO] Apache CXF Runtime UDP Transport ................... SUCCESS [ 12.798 s]
[INFO] Apache CXF Runtime WebSocket Transport ............. SUCCESS [ 17.919 s]
[INFO] Apache CXF Runtime ................................. SUCCESS [  3.563 s]
[INFO] Apache CXF Transports Runtime ...................... SUCCESS [  3.638 s]
[INFO] Apache CXF Runtime JiBX DataBinding ................ SUCCESS [ 15.618 s]
[INFO] Apache CXF Databinding Runtime ..................... SUCCESS [  4.376 s]
[INFO] Apache CXF Runtime Object Binding .................. SUCCESS [ 12.391 s]
[INFO] Apache CXF Runtime Colocated Binding ............... SUCCESS [ 12.336 s]
[INFO] Apache CXF Runtime Bindings ........................ SUCCESS [  3.585 s]
[INFO] Apache CXF Runtime Clustering ...................... SUCCESS [ 13.056 s]
[INFO] Apache CXF JAX-RS Client ........................... SUCCESS [ 17.317 s]
[INFO] Apache CXF Advanced Logging Feature ................ SUCCESS [ 12.875 s]
[INFO] Apache CXF Metrics Feature ......................... SUCCESS [ 13.878 s]
[INFO] Apache CXF Throttling Feature ...................... SUCCESS [ 11.937 s]
[INFO] Apache CXF Features Runtime ........................ SUCCESS [  3.864 s]
[INFO] Apache CXF Runtime JavaScript Frontend ............. SUCCESS [ 12.370 s]
[INFO] Apache CXF Frontend Runtime ........................ SUCCESS [  3.663 s]
[INFO] Apache CXF Runtime Security functionality .......... SUCCESS [ 12.903 s]
[INFO] Apache CXF Runtime SAML Security functionality ..... SUCCESS [ 20.928 s]
[INFO] Apache CXF Runtime WS MetadataExchange ............. SUCCESS [ 12.344 s]
[INFO] Apache CXF Runtime WS Security ..................... SUCCESS [ 33.436 s]
[INFO] Apache CXF Runtime WS Reliable Messaging ........... SUCCESS [ 25.916 s]
[INFO] Apache CXF Runtime WS Eventing ..................... SUCCESS [ 17.803 s]
[INFO] Apache CXF Web Services Runtime .................... SUCCESS [  3.711 s]
[INFO] Apache CXF JAX-RS Servlet Container Initializer .... SUCCESS [ 11.062 s]
[INFO] Apache CXF JAX-RS Service Description Swagger ...... SUCCESS [ 18.699 s]
[INFO] Apache CXF JAX-RS Extensions: Search ............... SUCCESS [ 30.886 s]
[INFO] Apache CXF RS XML Security ......................... SUCCESS [ 15.585 s]
[INFO] Apache CXF Runtime JOSE Core ....................... SUCCESS [ 20.628 s]
[INFO] Apache CXF Runtime JOSE JAX-RS ..................... SUCCESS [ 13.497 s]
[INFO] Apache CXF Rest Runtime ............................ SUCCESS [  3.688 s]
[INFO] Apache CXF Rest Security Runtime ................... SUCCESS [  3.635 s]
[INFO] Apache CXF JOSE Security parent .................... SUCCESS [  3.674 s]
[INFO] Apache CXF Runtime RS Security OAuth Parent ........ SUCCESS [  3.669 s]
[INFO] Apache CXF Runtime OAuth 1.0a ...................... SUCCESS [ 14.605 s]
[INFO] Apache CXF Runtime OAuth 2.0 ....................... SUCCESS [ 37.369 s]
[INFO] Apache CXF Runtime OAuth 2.0 SAML .................. SUCCESS [ 13.796 s]
[INFO] Apache CXF RS SSO SAML ............................. SUCCESS [ 15.897 s]
[INFO] Apache CXF Runtime OpenId Connect .................. SUCCESS [ 16.541 s]
[INFO] Apache CXF RS Cross-Origin Resource Sharing ........ SUCCESS [ 11.586 s]
[INFO] Apache CXF Runtime Web Management .................. SUCCESS [ 29.091 s]
[INFO] Apache CXF Runtime JavaScript Client Generator Tests SUCCESS [  6.721 s]
[INFO] Apache CXF JCA Connection .......................... SUCCESS [ 16.760 s]
[INFO] Apache CXF CDI Integration ......................... SUCCESS [ 13.132 s]
[INFO] Apache CXF Distributed Tracing using Apache HTrace . SUCCESS [ 12.136 s]
[INFO] Apache CXF Spring Boot Autoconfigure ............... SUCCESS [ 12.575 s]
[INFO] Apache CXF Spring Boot Starter JAX-WS .............. SUCCESS [ 11.678 s]
[INFO] Apache CXF Spring Boot Starter JAX-RS .............. SUCCESS [  7.233 s]
[INFO] Apache CXF Integration ............................. SUCCESS [  3.670 s]
[INFO] Apache CXF Spring Boot Integration ................. SUCCESS [  3.635 s]
[INFO] Apache CXF Java2WS Maven2 Plugin ................... SUCCESS [ 13.574 s]
[INFO] Apache CXF Java2WADL Maven2 Plugin ................. SUCCESS [ 18.116 s]
[INFO] Apache CXF WADL2Java Code Generation Maven2 Plugin . SUCCESS [ 16.587 s]
[INFO] Apache CXF CORBA Tools Maven2 Plugins .............. SUCCESS [ 14.831 s]
[INFO] Apache CXF Archetype - Simple JAX-WS Java First .... SUCCESS [  9.921 s]
[INFO] Apache CXF Archetype - Simple JAX-RS webapp ........ SUCCESS [  6.816 s]
[INFO] Apache CXF Maven Archetypes ........................ SUCCESS [  3.772 s]
[INFO] Apache CXF STS Core ................................ SUCCESS [ 25.201 s]
[INFO] Apache CXF STS war deployment ...................... SUCCESS [ 28.157 s]
[INFO] Apache CXF STS basic systests ...................... SUCCESS [ 15.287 s]
[INFO] Apache CXF STS advanced systests ................... SUCCESS [ 12.703 s]
[INFO] Apache CXF STS test OSGi deployment ................ SUCCESS [ 12.866 s]
[INFO] Apache CXF STS test Karaf Features ................. SUCCESS [  5.402 s]
[INFO] Apache CXF Karaf Parent ............................ SUCCESS [  3.694 s]
[INFO] Apache CXF Karaf Features .......................... SUCCESS [ 10.355 s]
[INFO] Apache CXF Karaf Commands .......................... SUCCESS [ 13.017 s]
[INFO] Apache CXF STS Integration Tests ................... SUCCESS [ 12.927 s]
[INFO] Apache CXF Services ................................ SUCCESS [  3.568 s]
[INFO] Apache CXF STS service ............................. SUCCESS [  3.605 s]
[INFO] Apache CXF STS systests ............................ SUCCESS [  3.659 s]
[INFO] Apache CXF WSN API ................................. SUCCESS [ 22.876 s]
[INFO] Apache CXF WSN Core ................................ SUCCESS [ 15.783 s]
[INFO] Apache CXF WSN OSGi ................................ SUCCESS [ 12.095 s]
[INFO] Apache CXF WSN service ............................. SUCCESS [  3.629 s]
[INFO] Apache CXF WS-Discovery API ........................ SUCCESS [ 15.654 s]
[INFO] Apache CXF WS-Discovery Service .................... SUCCESS [  7.508 s]
[INFO] Apache CXF WS-Discovery ............................ SUCCESS [  3.619 s]
[INFO] Apache CXF XKMS Common ............................. SUCCESS [ 19.757 s]
[INFO] Apache CXF XKMS X509 Handlers ...................... SUCCESS [ 14.779 s]
[INFO] Apache CXF XKMS Service ............................ SUCCESS [ 12.004 s]
[INFO] Apache CXF XKMS Client ............................. SUCCESS [ 14.151 s]
[INFO] Apache CXF XKMS Karaf Features ..................... SUCCESS [ 10.622 s]
[INFO] Apache CXF XKMS OSGi deployment .................... SUCCESS [  7.168 s]
[INFO] Apache CXF XKMS LDAP repository .................... SUCCESS [ 12.947 s]
[INFO] Apache CXF XKMS Service war deployment ............. SUCCESS [ 45.134 s]
[INFO] Apache CXF XKMS Integration Tests .................. SUCCESS [  6.708 s]
[INFO] Apache CXF XKMS .................................... SUCCESS [  3.535 s]
[INFO] Apache CXF Bundle Parent ........................... SUCCESS [  3.917 s]
[INFO] Apache CXF Compatibility Bundle Jar ................ SUCCESS [  8.889 s]
[INFO] Apache CXF :: OSGi :: Integration Tests ............ SUCCESS [ 22.111 s]
[INFO] Apache CXF :: OSGi :: Integration Tests pure felix . SUCCESS [ 10.098 s]
[INFO] Apache CXF OSGi parent ............................. SUCCESS [  3.629 s]
[INFO] Apache CXF Container Integration System Tests ...... SUCCESS [  3.951 s]
[INFO] Apache CXF Container Integration Test Webapp ....... SUCCESS [ 15.311 s]
[INFO] Apache CXF Container Integration Test Grizzly ...... SUCCESS [ 18.871 s]
[INFO] Apache CXF Uncategorized System Tests .............. SUCCESS [ 13.833 s]
[INFO] Apache CXF Transport System Tests .................. SUCCESS [ 10.436 s]
[INFO] Apache CXF Transport SSL3 System Tests ............. SUCCESS [  8.951 s]
[INFO] Apache CXF Transport System Tests JMS .............. SUCCESS [ 15.498 s]
[INFO] Apache CXF JAX-WS System Tests ..................... SUCCESS [ 11.246 s]
[INFO] Apache CXF Databinding System Tests ................ SUCCESS [ 11.256 s]
[INFO] Apache CXF JAX-RS System Tests ..................... SUCCESS [ 21.198 s]
[INFO] Apache CXF WS-* Specifications System Tests ........ SUCCESS [ 11.197 s]
[INFO] Apache CXF WS-RM Specifications System Tests ....... SUCCESS [  7.294 s]
[INFO] Apache CXF WS-Security System Tests ................ SUCCESS [ 19.718 s]
[INFO] Apache CXF WS-Security Interop System Tests ........ SUCCESS [ 16.176 s]
[INFO] Apache CXF Kerberos Integration System Tests ....... SUCCESS [ 25.064 s]
[INFO] Apache CXF JAX-RS System Advanced Security Tests ... SUCCESS [  9.888 s]
[INFO] Test for writing wsdl to repo ...................... SUCCESS [ 18.394 s]
[INFO] Test for generating code from wsdl in repo ......... SUCCESS [ 18.224 s]
[INFO] Apache CXF System Tests ............................ SUCCESS [  3.633 s]
[INFO] Apache CXF System Tests for Maven Plugins .......... SUCCESS [  3.646 s]
[INFO] Apache CXF CDI Integration System Tests ............ SUCCESS [  5.248 s]
[INFO] Apache CXF CDI Integration System Tests - Base ..... SUCCESS [ 15.992 s]
[INFO] Apache CXF CDI Integration System Tests - Weld ..... SUCCESS [  9.347 s]
[INFO] Apache CXF CDI Integration System Tests - Weld with multiple apps 
SUCCESS [  8.813 s]
[INFO] Apache CXF CDI Integration System Tests - Weld with no apps SUCCESS [  
8.913 s]
[INFO] Apache CXF CDI Integration System Tests - OWB ...... SUCCESS [  7.506 s]
[INFO] Apache CXF CDI Integration System Tests - OWB with multiple apps SUCCESS 
[  9.077 s]
[INFO] Apache CXF CDI Integration System Tests - OWB with no apps SUCCESS [  
9.136 s]
[INFO] Apache CXF Servlet Container Initializer Integration System Tests 
SUCCESS [ 10.699 s]
[INFO] Apache CXF Distributed Tracing Integration System Tests SUCCESS [ 10.194 
[INFO] Apache CXF JiBX Integration System Tests ........... SUCCESS [  3.803 s]
[INFO] Apache CXF JAX-RS JiBX System Tests ................ SUCCESS [ 25.626 s]
[INFO] Apache CXF Data Binding JiBX System Tests .......... SUCCESS [ 12.437 s]
[INFO] Apache CXF Manifest Jar ............................ SUCCESS [  9.995 s]
[INFO] Apache CXF JavaDoc ................................. SUCCESS [04:49 min]
[INFO] Apache CXF Samples ................................. SUCCESS [  0.472 s]
[INFO] Colocated Demo using Document/Literal Style ........ SUCCESS [  3.988 s]
[INFO] JavaScript Client Demo using Document/Literal Style  SUCCESS [  1.333 s]
[INFO] Generated JavaScript Sample using JAX-WS and JSR-181 SUCCESS [  0.073 s]
[INFO] Java First demo service using the JAXWSFactoryBeans  SUCCESS [  0.041 s]
[INFO] Java First demo using JMS .......................... SUCCESS [  0.051 s]
[INFO] JAX-RS Content Negotiation Demo .................... SUCCESS [  0.084 s]
[INFO] JAX-RS Basic Demo With HTTPS communications ........ SUCCESS [  0.294 s]
[INFO] JAX-RS Basic Demo .................................. SUCCESS [  0.035 s]
[INFO] JAX-RS WebSocket Demo .............................. SUCCESS [  1.159 s]
[INFO] JAX-RS WebSocket WebApp Demo ....................... SUCCESS [  2.759 s]
[INFO] JAX-RS WebSocket Blueprint Demo .................... SUCCESS [  5.008 s]
[INFO] JAX-RS Basic Demo .................................. SUCCESS [  0.097 s]
[INFO] JAX-RS Swagger Demo ................................ SUCCESS [  1.734 s]
[INFO] JAX-RS Swagger2 Demo ............................... SUCCESS [  0.466 s]
[INFO] JAX-RS Swagger2 WebApp Demo ........................ SUCCESS [  2.679 s]
[INFO] CXF JAX-RS Swagger2 Blueprint Demo ................. SUCCESS [  1.245 s]
[INFO] JAX-RS Swagger2 Spring Demo ........................ SUCCESS [  0.055 s]
[INFO] JAX-RS Basic Oidc Demo ............................. SUCCESS [  2.832 s]
[INFO] JAX-RS Big Query Demo .............................. SUCCESS [  1.998 s]
[INFO] CXF sample using a callback object ................. SUCCESS [  2.183 s]
[INFO] WSDL first demo using BARE Style in XML Binding (pure XML over HTTP) 
SUCCESS [  0.690 s]
[INFO] JAX-WS Dispatch/Provider Demo ...................... SUCCESS [  0.592 s]
[INFO] WSDL first demo using Document/Literal Style and XMLBeans DataBinding 
SUCCESS [  1.537 s]
[INFO] WSDL first demo using SOAP12 in Document/Literal Style SUCCESS [  0.961 
[INFO] CXF Dynamic Client Sample .......................... SUCCESS [  0.628 s]
[INFO] JMS Transport Queue Demo using Document-Literal Style SUCCESS [  0.562 s]
[INFO] WSDL first demo using the jms transport and jmsConfigFeature SUCCESS [  
0.669 s]
[INFO] RESTful Hello World Demo ........................... SUCCESS [  0.087 s]
[INFO] WSDL first demo using Document/Literal Style ....... SUCCESS [  4.151 s]
[INFO] CXF sample using the Aegis Binding without any webservice SUCCESS [  
0.172 s]
[INFO] Java First demo using JAX-WS APIs .................. SUCCESS [  2.212 s]
[INFO] WS-RM Demo ......................................... SUCCESS [  1.090 s]
[INFO] CXF Sample of Stream GZIP Interceptor .............. SUCCESS [  0.700 s]
[INFO] Spring HTTP Sample ................................. SUCCESS [  2.450 s]
[INFO] Spring HTTP Servlet demo with ruby support ......... SUCCESS [  6.342 s]
[INFO] Spring HTTP Servlet demo with groovy support ....... SUCCESS [  4.335 s]
[INFO] Hello world javascript demo ........................ SUCCESS [  1.126 s]
[INFO] CXF WS-Security UT Demo ............................ SUCCESS [  0.827 s]
[INFO] CXF WS-Security Signature Encryption Demo .......... SUCCESS [  0.670 s]
[INFO] CXF WS-SecurityPolicy Signature Encryption Demo .... SUCCESS [  0.617 s]
[INFO] WS-SecurityPolicy UT Demo .......................... SUCCESS [  0.669 s]
[INFO] MTOM Demo for SWA and XOP .......................... SUCCESS [  0.715 s]
[INFO] JAX-WS Asynchronous Demo using Document/Literal Style SUCCESS [  2.800 s]
[INFO] Java First POJO Sample ............................. SUCCESS [  0.034 s]
[INFO] WS-Policy Demo ..................................... SUCCESS [  0.808 s]
[INFO] Hello World Client Demo using JavaScript ........... SUCCESS [  0.680 s]
[INFO] WSDL first demo using HTTPS ........................ SUCCESS [  0.654 s]
[INFO] WS-Addressing Demo ................................. SUCCESS [  0.680 s]
[INFO] Sample using SOAP Headers .......................... SUCCESS [  0.575 s]
[INFO] SOAP/JMS Transport Specification Demo using Document-Literal Style 
SUCCESS [  0.988 s]
[INFO] CXF sample using WRAPPED Style in XML Binding (pure XML over HTTP) 
SUCCESS [  0.673 s]
[INFO] CXF sample using code first POJO's and the Aegis Binding SUCCESS [  
0.534 s]
[INFO] Sample of JAX-* Service Using an Aegis Client ...... SUCCESS [  0.080 s]
[INFO] JAX-WS Handler Demo ................................ SUCCESS [  0.827 s]
[INFO] WSDL first demo using RPC-Literal Style ............ SUCCESS [  0.631 s]
[INFO] JMS Transport Publish/Subscribe Demo using Document-Literal Style 
SUCCESS [  0.651 s]
[INFO] JAX-RS Spring Security Demo ........................ SUCCESS [  3.253 s]
[INFO] Spring Boot CXF REST Application ................... SUCCESS [  3.521 s]
[INFO] Spring Boot CXF REST Scan Application .............. FAILURE [  6.727 s]
[INFO] Spring Boot CXF REST Scan Application Client ....... SKIPPED
[INFO] Eureka Registry for CXF SpringBoot demos ........... SKIPPED
[INFO] Spring Boot CXF Web Services Sample ................ SKIPPED
[INFO] Apache CXF Samples LogBrowser ...................... SKIPPED
[INFO] Apache CXF Samples LogBrowser Blueprint ............ SKIPPED
[INFO] WS-Notification Demo ............................... SKIPPED
[INFO] CXF STS Demo ....................................... SKIPPED
[INFO] Bank sample using JAX-WS API's to talk via CORBA/IIOP SKIPPED
[INFO] Bank sample using JAX-WS API's to talk via CORBA/IIOP SKIPPED
[INFO] hello-world sample using JAX-WS API's to talk via CORBA/IIOP SKIPPED
[INFO] OAuth 1.0a server .................................. SKIPPED
[INFO] OAuth 1.0a client .................................. SKIPPED
[INFO] JAX-RS Minimal OSGI Demo ........................... SKIPPED
[INFO] WS-Discovery Sample ................................ SKIPPED
[INFO] WS-Eventing Demo ................................... SKIPPED
[INFO] Demo using the throttling feature .................. SKIPPED
[INFO] JAX-RS Demo Using Distributed Tracing with Apache HTrace SKIPPED
[INFO] Apache CXF Distribution ............................ SKIPPED
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 46:55 min
[INFO] Finished at: 2016-11-22T07:36:57+00:00
[INFO] Final Memory: 267M/772M
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal 
org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-compiler-plugin:3.1:compile (default-compile) on 
project spring-boot-sample-rs-cxf-scan-app: Compilation failure
 no suitable constructor found for 
[ERROR] constructor 
 is not applicable
[ERROR] (actual argument 
 cannot be converted to 
by method invocation conversion)
[ERROR] constructor 
 is not applicable
[ERROR] (actual argument 
 cannot be converted to org.springframework.boot.actuate.endpoint.PublicMetrics 
by method invocation conversion)
[ERROR] -> [Help 1]
[ERROR] To see the full stack trace of the errors, re-run Maven with the -e 
[ERROR] Re-run Maven using the -X switch to enable full debug logging.
[ERROR] For more information about the errors and possible solutions, please 
read the following articles:
[ERROR] [Help 1]
[ERROR] After correcting the problems, you can resume the build with the command
[ERROR]   mvn <goals> -rf :spring-boot-sample-rs-cxf-scan-app
Build step 'Invoke top-level Maven targets' marked build as failure

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