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[INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.7:resources (default-resources) @ 
fortress-core ---
[INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources.
[INFO] Copying 3 resources
[INFO] Copying 3 resources
[INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:3.3:compile (default-compile) @ fortress-core 
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32/118 KB   272/350 KB   124/625 KB   32/118 KB   272/350 KB   128/625 KB   
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40/118 KB   276/350 KB   128/625 KB   40/118 KB   280/350 KB   128/625 KB   
44/118 KB   280/350 KB   128/625 KB   44/118 KB   284/350 KB   128/625 KB   
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48/118 KB   288/350 KB   132/625 KB   48/118 KB   288/350 KB   136/625 KB   
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60/118 KB   304/350 KB   144/625 KB   64/118 KB   304/350 KB   144/625 KB   
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64/118 KB   308/350 KB   160/625 KB   64/118 KB   312/350 KB   160/625 KB   
68/118 KB   312/350 KB   160/625 KB   68/118 KB   316/350 KB   160/625 KB   
68/118 KB   320/350 KB   160/625 KB   72/118 KB   320/350 KB   160/625 KB   
76/118 KB   320/350 KB   160/625 KB   80/118 KB   320/350 KB   160/625 KB   
80/118 KB   320/350 KB   164/625 KB   80/118 KB   320/350 KB   168/625 KB   
80/118 KB   320/350 KB   172/625 KB   80/118 KB   320/350 KB   176/625 KB   
80/118 KB   324/350 KB   176/625 KB   80/118 KB   328/350 KB   176/625 KB   
80/118 KB   332/350 KB   176/625 KB   80/118 KB   336/350 KB   176/625 KB   
84/118 KB   336/350 KB   176/625 KB   88/118 KB   336/350 KB   176/625 KB   
92/118 KB   336/350 KB   176/625 KB   92/118 KB   336/350 KB   180/625 KB   
96/118 KB   336/350 KB   180/625 KB   96/118 KB   336/350 KB   184/625 KB   
96/118 KB   336/350 KB   188/625 KB   96/118 KB   336/350 KB   192/625 KB   
96/118 KB   340/350 KB   192/625 KB   96/118 KB   344/350 KB   192/625 KB   
96/118 KB   348/350 KB   192/625 KB   96/118 KB   350/350 KB   192/625 KB   
100/118 KB   350/350 KB   192/625 KB   104/118 KB   350/350 KB   192/625 KB   
108/118 KB   350/350 KB   192/625 KB   108/118 KB   350/350 KB   196/625 KB   
112/118 KB   350/350 KB   196/625 KB   112/118 KB   350/350 KB   200/625 KB   
112/118 KB   350/350 KB   204/625 KB   112/118 KB   350/350 KB   208/625 KB   
116/118 KB   350/350 KB   208/625 KB   118/118 KB   350/350 KB   208/625 KB   
118/118 KB   350/350 KB   212/625 KB   118/118 KB   350/350 KB   216/625 KB   
118/118 KB   350/350 KB   220/625 KB   118/118 KB   350/350 KB   224/625 KB   
118/118 KB   350/350 KB   228/625 KB   118/118 KB   350/350 KB   232/625 KB   
118/118 KB   350/350 KB   236/625 KB   118/118 KB   350/350 KB   240/625 KB   
118/118 KB   350/350 KB   244/625 KB   118/118 KB   350/350 KB   248/625 KB   
118/118 KB   350/350 KB   252/625 KB   118/118 KB   350/350 KB   256/625 KB   
118/118 KB   350/350 KB   260/625 KB   118/118 KB   350/350 KB   264/625 KB   
118/118 KB   350/350 KB   268/625 KB   118/118 KB   350/350 KB   272/625 KB   
118/118 KB   350/350 KB   276/625 KB   118/118 KB   350/350 KB   280/625 KB   
118/118 KB   350/350 KB   284/625 KB   118/118 KB   350/350 KB   288/625 KB   
118/118 KB   350/350 KB   292/625 KB   118/118 KB   350/350 KB   296/625 KB   
118/118 KB   350/350 KB   300/625 KB   118/118 KB   350/350 KB   304/625 KB     
                                     Downloaded: (350 
KB at 4995.6 KB/sec)
118/118 KB   308/625 KB                118/118 KB   312/625 KB   118/118 KB   
316/625 KB   118/118 KB   320/625 KB                             Downloaded: (118 KB 
at 1683.0 KB/sec)
324/625 KB                328/625 KB   332/625 KB   336/625 KB   340/625 KB   
344/625 KB   348/625 KB   352/625 KB   356/625 KB   360/625 KB   364/625 KB   
368/625 KB   372/625 KB   376/625 KB   380/625 KB   384/625 KB   388/625 KB   
392/625 KB   396/625 KB   400/625 KB   404/625 KB   408/625 KB   412/625 KB   
416/625 KB   420/625 KB   424/625 KB   428/625 KB   432/625 KB   436/625 KB   
440/625 KB   444/625 KB   448/625 KB   452/625 KB   456/625 KB   460/625 KB   
464/625 KB   468/625 KB   472/625 KB   476/625 KB   480/625 KB   484/625 KB   
488/625 KB   492/625 KB   496/625 KB   500/625 KB   504/625 KB   508/625 KB   
512/625 KB   516/625 KB   520/625 KB   524/625 KB   528/625 KB   532/625 KB   
536/625 KB   540/625 KB   544/625 KB   548/625 KB   552/625 KB   556/625 KB   
560/625 KB   564/625 KB   568/625 KB   572/625 KB   576/625 KB   580/625 KB   
584/625 KB   588/625 KB   592/625 KB   596/625 KB   600/625 KB   604/625 KB   
608/625 KB   612/625 KB   616/625 KB   620/625 KB   624/625 KB   625/625 KB     
 (625 KB at 6716.1 KB/sec)
[INFO] Changes detected - recompiling the module!
[INFO] Compiling 245 source files to 
 Some input files use or override a deprecated API.
 Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.
 Some input files use unchecked or unsafe operations.
 Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.
[INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.7:testResources (default-testResources) @ 
fortress-core ---
[INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources.
[INFO] Copying 3 resources
[INFO] Copying 3 resources
[INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:3.3:testCompile (default-testCompile) @ 
fortress-core ---
[INFO] Changes detected - recompiling the module!
[INFO] Compiling 74 source files to 
 sun.rmi.runtime.Log is internal proprietary API and may be removed in a future 
 Some input files use unchecked or unsafe operations.
 Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.
[INFO] --- maven-surefire-plugin:2.18.1:test (default-test) @ fortress-core ---
3/7 KB       6/7 KB   7/7 KB            Downloaded:
 (7 KB at 408.3 KB/sec)
2/2 KB            Downloaded:
 (2 KB at 122.4 KB/sec)
3/13 KB   6/13 KB   9/13 KB   11/13 KB   13/13 KB              Downloaded:
 (13 KB at 882.3 KB/sec)
3/3 KB              Downloaded:
 (3 KB at 159.2 KB/sec)
3/3 KB   3/3 KB            Downloaded:
 (3 KB at 189.8 KB/sec)
3/3 KB            Downloaded:
 (3 KB at 165.5 KB/sec)
3/10 KB   6/10 KB   9/10 KB   10/10 KB              Downloaded:
 (10 KB at 607.9 KB/sec)
3/23 KB    6/23 KB   9/23 KB   11/23 KB   14/23 KB   16/23 KB   19/23 KB   
22/23 KB   23/23 KB              Downloaded:
 (23 KB at 1515.1 KB/sec)
3/269 KB   5/269 KB   5/269 KB   3/39 KB   3/11 KB   5/269 KB   3/39 KB   3/11 
KB   8/269 KB   3/39 KB   3/11 KB   8/269 KB   5/39 KB   6/11 KB   8/269 KB   
5/39 KB   6/11 KB   11/269 KB   5/39 KB   6/11 KB   11/269 KB   8/39 KB   9/11 
KB   11/269 KB   8/39 KB   9/11 KB   13/269 KB   8/39 KB   9/11 KB   13/269 KB  
 11/39 KB   9/11 KB   16/269 KB   11/39 KB   11/11 KB   16/269 KB   11/39 KB   
11/11 KB   3/145 KB   16/269 KB   11/39 KB   11/11 KB   3/145 KB   16/269 KB   
13/39 KB   11/11 KB   3/145 KB   19/269 KB   13/39 KB   11/11 KB   3/145 KB   
19/269 KB   16/39 KB   11/11 KB   3/145 KB   21/269 KB   16/39 KB   11/11 KB   
5/145 KB   21/269 KB   16/39 KB   11/11 KB   5/145 KB   21/269 KB   19/39 KB   
11/11 KB   5/145 KB   24/269 KB   19/39 KB   11/11 KB   5/145 KB   24/269 KB   
19/39 KB   3/14 KB   11/11 KB   5/145 KB   24/269 KB   21/39 KB   3/14 KB   
11/11 KB   8/145 KB   24/269 KB   21/39 KB   3/14 KB   11/11 KB   8/145 KB   
27/269 KB   21/39 KB   3/14 KB   11/11 KB   8/145 KB   27/269 KB   21/39 KB   
5/14 KB   11/11 KB   8/145 KB   27/269 KB   24/39 KB   5/14 KB   11/11 KB   
8/145 KB   29/269 KB   24/39 KB   5/14 KB   11/11 KB   8/145 KB   29/269 KB   
24/39 KB   8/14 KB   11/11 KB   11/145 KB   29/269 KB   24/39 KB   8/14 KB   
11/11 KB   11/145 KB   29/269 KB   27/39 KB   8/14 KB   11/11 KB   11/145 KB   
32/269 KB   27/39 KB   8/14 KB   11/11 KB   11/145 KB   32/269 KB   27/39 KB   
11/14 KB   11/11 KB   11/145 KB   32/269 KB   29/39 KB   11/14 KB   11/11 KB   
13/145 KB   32/269 KB   29/39 KB   11/14 KB   11/11 KB   13/145 KB   32/269 KB  
 29/39 KB   13/14 KB   11/11 KB   13/145 KB   32/269 KB   29/39 KB   14/14 KB   
11/11 KB   13/145 KB   32/269 KB   32/39 KB   14/14 KB   11/11 KB   16/145 KB   
32/269 KB   32/39 KB   14/14 KB   11/11 KB   16/145 KB   32/269 KB   35/39 KB   
14/14 KB   11/11 KB   19/145 KB   32/269 KB   35/39 KB   14/14 KB   11/11 KB   
19/145 KB   36/269 KB   35/39 KB   14/14 KB   11/11 KB   19/145 KB   36/269 KB  
 37/39 KB   14/14 KB   11/11 KB   19/145 KB   40/269 KB   37/39 KB   14/14 KB   
11/11 KB   19/145 KB   44/269 KB   37/39 KB   14/14 KB   11/11 KB   19/145 KB   
44/269 KB   39/39 KB   14/14 KB   11/11 KB   19/145 KB   48/269 KB   39/39 KB   
14/14 KB   11/11 KB   21/145 KB   48/269 KB   39/39 KB   14/14 KB   11/11 KB   
24/145 KB   48/269 KB   39/39 KB   14/14 KB   11/11 KB   27/145 KB   48/269 KB  
 39/39 KB   14/14 KB   11/11 KB   27/145 KB   52/269 KB   39/39 KB   14/14 KB   
11/11 KB   27/145 KB   56/269 KB   39/39 KB   14/14 KB   11/11 KB   29/145 KB   
56/269 KB   39/39 KB   14/14 KB   11/11 KB   29/145 KB   60/269 KB   39/39 KB   
14/14 KB   11/11 KB   29/145 KB   64/269 KB   39/39 KB   14/14 KB   11/11 KB   
32/145 KB   64/269 KB   39/39 KB   14/14 KB   11/11 KB   32/145 KB   68/269 KB  
 39/39 KB   14/14 KB   11/11 KB   32/145 KB   72/269 KB   39/39 KB   14/14 KB   
11/11 KB   32/145 KB   76/269 KB   39/39 KB   14/14 KB   11/11 KB   32/145 KB   
80/269 KB   39/39 KB   14/14 KB   11/11 KB   36/145 KB   80/269 KB   39/39 KB   
14/14 KB   11/11 KB   40/145 KB   80/269 KB   39/39 KB   14/14 KB   11/11 KB   
44/145 KB   80/269 KB   39/39 KB   14/14 KB   11/11 KB   48/145 KB   80/269 KB  
 39/39 KB   14/14 KB   11/11 KB   48/145 KB   84/269 KB   39/39 KB   14/14 KB   
11/11 KB   48/145 KB   88/269 KB   39/39 KB   14/14 KB   11/11 KB   48/145 KB   
92/269 KB   39/39 KB   14/14 KB   11/11 KB   48/145 KB   96/269 KB   39/39 KB   
14/14 KB   11/11 KB   48/145 KB   100/269 KB   39/39 KB   14/14 KB   11/11 KB   
52/145 KB   100/269 KB   39/39 KB   14/14 KB   11/11 KB   52/145 KB   104/269 
KB   39/39 KB   14/14 KB   11/11 KB   56/145 KB   104/269 KB   39/39 KB   14/14 
KB   11/11 KB   56/145 KB   108/269 KB   39/39 KB   14/14 KB   11/11 KB   
56/145 KB   112/269 KB   39/39 KB   14/14 KB   11/11 KB   60/145 KB   112/269 
KB   39/39 KB   14/14 KB   11/11 KB   64/145 KB   112/269 KB   39/39 KB   14/14 
KB                                                             Downloaded:
 (11 KB at 667.7 KB/sec)
64/145 KB   116/269 KB   39/39 KB   14/14 KB              64/145 KB   120/269 
KB   39/39 KB   14/14 KB   64/145 KB   124/269 KB   39/39 KB   14/14 KB   
64/145 KB   128/269 KB   39/39 KB   14/14 KB   68/145 KB   128/269 KB   39/39 
KB   14/14 KB   72/145 KB   128/269 KB   39/39 KB   14/14 KB                    
                              76/145 KB   128/269 KB   39/39 KB              
 (14 KB at 856.9 KB/sec)
80/145 KB   128/269 KB   39/39 KB   80/145 KB   132/269 KB   39/39 KB   80/145 
KB   136/269 KB   39/39 KB   80/145 KB   140/269 KB   39/39 KB   80/145 KB   
144/269 KB   39/39 KB                                       Downloaded:
 (39 KB at 2163.5 KB/sec)
80/145 KB   148/269 KB              84/145 KB   148/269 KB   84/145 KB   
152/269 KB   84/145 KB   156/269 KB   88/145 KB   156/269 KB   88/145 KB   
160/269 KB   92/145 KB   160/269 KB   96/145 KB   160/269 KB   96/145 KB   
164/269 KB   96/145 KB   168/269 KB   96/145 KB   172/269 KB   96/145 KB   
176/269 KB   100/145 KB   176/269 KB   104/145 KB   176/269 KB   108/145 KB   
176/269 KB   112/145 KB   176/269 KB   112/145 KB   180/269 KB   112/145 KB   
184/269 KB   112/145 KB   188/269 KB   112/145 KB   192/269 KB   112/145 KB   
196/269 KB   112/145 KB   200/269 KB   116/145 KB   200/269 KB   116/145 KB   
204/269 KB   116/145 KB   208/269 KB   120/145 KB   208/269 KB   124/145 KB   
208/269 KB   128/145 KB   208/269 KB   128/145 KB   212/269 KB   128/145 KB   
216/269 KB   128/145 KB   220/269 KB   128/145 KB   224/269 KB   132/145 KB   
224/269 KB   136/145 KB   224/269 KB   140/145 KB   224/269 KB   140/145 KB   
228/269 KB   144/145 KB   228/269 KB   144/145 KB   232/269 KB   144/145 KB   
236/269 KB   145/145 KB   236/269 KB   145/145 KB   240/269 KB   145/145 KB   
244/269 KB   145/145 KB   248/269 KB   145/145 KB   252/269 KB   145/145 KB   
256/269 KB   145/145 KB   260/269 KB   145/145 KB   264/269 KB   145/145 KB   
268/269 KB   145/145 KB   269/269 KB                             Downloaded:
 (145 KB at 4515.6 KB/sec)
 (269 KB at 7882.4 KB/sec)
[INFO] --- maven-antrun-plugin:1.8:run (default) @ fortress-core ---
3/4 KB                    4/4 KB            Downloaded:
 (4 KB at 286.2 KB/sec)
3/10 KB   5/10 KB   8/10 KB   10/10 KB              Downloaded: (10 
KB at 408.7 KB/sec)
3/6 KB     5/6 KB   6/6 KB            Downloaded:
 (6 KB at 390.8 KB/sec)
3/3 KB            Downloaded:
 (3 KB at 162.9 KB/sec)
3/37 KB   3/1972 KB   3/37 KB   3/238 KB   3/37 KB   3/238 KB   3/1972 KB   
3/37 KB   6/238 KB   5/1972 KB   3/37 KB   6/238 KB   5/1972 KB   3/37 KB   
9/238 KB   8/1972 KB   3/37 KB   9/238 KB   8/1972 KB   6/37 KB   9/238 KB   
8/1972 KB   3/18 KB   6/37 KB   9/238 KB   8/1972 KB   3/18 KB   6/37 KB   
11/238 KB   11/1972 KB   3/18 KB   6/37 KB   11/238 KB   11/1972 KB   6/18 KB   
6/37 KB   11/238 KB   11/1972 KB   6/18 KB   6/37 KB   14/238 KB   11/1972 KB   
6/18 KB   9/37 KB   14/238 KB   11/1972 KB   9/18 KB   9/37 KB   14/238 KB   
11/1972 KB   9/18 KB   9/37 KB   16/238 KB   13/1972 KB   9/18 KB   9/37 KB   
16/238 KB   13/1972 KB   11/18 KB   9/37 KB   16/238 KB   13/1972 KB   11/18 KB 
  9/37 KB   19/238 KB   16/1972 KB   11/18 KB   9/37 KB   19/238 KB   16/1972 
KB   14/18 KB   9/37 KB   19/238 KB   16/1972 KB   14/18 KB   11/37 KB   19/238 
KB   16/1972 KB   14/18 KB   11/37 KB   22/238 KB   16/1972 KB   16/18 KB   
11/37 KB   22/238 KB   19/1972 KB   16/18 KB   11/37 KB   22/238 KB   19/1972 
KB   18/18 KB   11/37 KB   22/238 KB   19/1972 KB   18/18 KB   11/37 KB   
25/238 KB   19/1972 KB   18/18 KB   14/37 KB   25/238 KB   19/1972 KB   18/18 
KB   14/37 KB   27/238 KB   21/1972 KB   18/18 KB   14/37 KB   27/238 KB   
21/1972 KB   18/18 KB   14/37 KB   30/238 KB   21/1972 KB   18/18 KB   16/37 KB 
  30/238 KB   24/1972 KB   18/18 KB   16/37 KB   30/238 KB   24/1972 KB   18/18 
KB   16/37 KB   32/238 KB   27/1972 KB   18/18 KB   16/37 KB   32/238 KB   
27/1972 KB   18/18 KB   19/37 KB   32/238 KB   29/1972 KB   18/18 KB   19/37 KB 
  32/238 KB   29/1972 KB   18/18 KB   22/37 KB   32/238 KB   29/1972 KB   18/18 
KB   22/37 KB   36/238 KB   29/1972 KB   18/18 KB   22/37 KB   40/238 KB   
32/1972 KB   18/18 KB   22/37 KB   40/238 KB   32/1972 KB   18/18 KB   22/37 KB 
  44/238 KB   32/1972 KB   18/18 KB   25/37 KB   44/238 KB   32/1972 KB   18/18 
KB   25/37 KB   48/238 KB   32/1972 KB   18/18 KB   27/37 KB   48/238 KB   
32/1972 KB   18/18 KB   30/37 KB   48/238 KB   32/1972 KB   18/18 KB   30/37 KB 
  52/238 KB   32/1972 KB   18/18 KB   30/37 KB   56/238 KB   32/1972 KB   18/18 
KB   30/37 KB   60/238 KB   32/1972 KB   18/18 KB   32/37 KB   64/238 KB   
32/1972 KB   18/18 KB   32/37 KB   64/238 KB   36/1972 KB   18/18 KB   32/37 KB 
  64/238 KB   40/1972 KB   18/18 KB   32/37 KB   64/238 KB   44/1972 KB   18/18 
KB   32/37 KB   64/238 KB   44/1972 KB   18/18 KB   35/37 KB   64/238 KB   
48/1972 KB   18/18 KB   35/37 KB   64/238 KB   48/1972 KB   18/18 KB   37/37 KB 
  64/238 KB   48/1972 KB   18/18 KB   37/37 KB   68/238 KB   48/1972 KB   18/18 
KB   37/37 KB   72/238 KB   48/1972 KB   18/18 KB   37/37 KB   76/238 KB   
48/1972 KB   18/18 KB   37/37 KB   80/238 KB   52/1972 KB   18/18 KB   37/37 KB 
  80/238 KB   56/1972 KB   18/18 KB   37/37 KB   80/238 KB   60/1972 KB   18/18 
KB   37/37 KB   80/238 KB   64/1972 KB   18/18 KB   37/37 KB   80/238 KB   
64/1972 KB   18/18 KB   37/37 KB   84/238 KB   64/1972 KB   18/18 KB   37/37 KB 
  88/238 KB   64/1972 KB   18/18 KB   37/37 KB   92/238 KB   64/1972 KB   18/18 
KB   37/37 KB   96/238 KB   68/1972 KB   18/18 KB   37/37 KB   96/238 KB   
72/1972 KB   18/18 KB   37/37 KB   96/238 KB   72/1972 KB   18/18 KB   37/37 KB 
  100/238 KB   76/1972 KB   18/18 KB   37/37 KB   100/238 KB   76/1972 KB   
18/18 KB   37/37 KB   104/238 KB   76/1972 KB   18/18 KB   37/37 KB   108/238 
KB   80/1972 KB   18/18 KB   37/37 KB   108/238 KB   80/1972 KB   18/18 KB   
37/37 KB   112/238 KB                                                   
 (18 KB at 997.2 KB/sec)
80/1972 KB   37/37 KB   116/238 KB              80/1972 KB   37/37 KB   120/238 
KB   80/1972 KB   37/37 KB   124/238 KB   80/1972 KB   37/37 KB   128/238 KB   
84/1972 KB   37/37 KB   128/238 KB   88/1972 KB   37/37 KB   128/238 KB   
92/1972 KB   37/37 KB   128/238 KB   96/1972 KB   37/37 KB   128/238 KB   
96/1972 KB   37/37 KB   132/238 KB   96/1972 KB   37/37 KB   136/238 KB   
96/1972 KB   37/37 KB   140/238 KB   96/1972 KB   37/37 KB   144/238 KB   
100/1972 KB   37/37 KB   144/238 KB   104/1972 KB   37/37 KB   144/238 KB   
108/1972 KB   37/37 KB   144/238 KB   112/1972 KB   37/37 KB   144/238 KB   
112/1972 KB   37/37 KB   148/238 KB   112/1972 KB   37/37 KB   152/238 KB   
112/1972 KB   37/37 KB   156/238 KB   112/1972 KB   37/37 KB   160/238 KB   
116/1972 KB   37/37 KB   160/238 KB   120/1972 KB   37/37 KB   160/238 KB   
124/1972 KB   37/37 KB   160/238 KB   128/1972 KB   37/37 KB   160/238 KB   
128/1972 KB   37/37 KB   164/238 KB   128/1972 KB   37/37 KB   168/238 KB       
                                  128/1972 KB   172/238 KB              
128/1972 KB   176/238 KB   Downloaded:
 (37 KB at 1592.9 KB/sec)
132/1972 KB   176/238 KB   136/1972 KB   176/238 KB   140/1972 KB   176/238 KB  
 144/1972 KB   176/238 KB   144/1972 KB   180/238 KB   144/1972 KB   184/238 KB 
  144/1972 KB   188/238 KB   144/1972 KB   192/238 KB   148/1972 KB   192/238 
KB   152/1972 KB   192/238 KB   156/1972 KB   192/238 KB   156/1972 KB   
196/238 KB   160/1972 KB   196/238 KB   160/1972 KB   200/238 KB   160/1972 KB  
 204/238 KB   160/1972 KB   208/238 KB   164/1972 KB   208/238 KB   168/1972 KB 
  208/238 KB   168/1972 KB   212/238 KB   172/1972 KB   212/238 KB   172/1972 
KB   216/238 KB   176/1972 KB   216/238 KB   176/1972 KB   220/238 KB   
176/1972 KB   224/238 KB   180/1972 KB   224/238 KB   180/1972 KB   228/238 KB  
 180/1972 KB   232/238 KB   184/1972 KB   232/238 KB   184/1972 KB   236/238 KB 
  188/1972 KB   236/238 KB   188/1972 KB   238/238 KB   192/1972 KB   238/238 
KB   196/1972 KB   238/238 KB   200/1972 KB   238/238 KB   204/1972 KB   
238/238 KB   208/1972 KB   238/238 KB   212/1972 KB   238/238 KB   216/1972 KB  
 238/238 KB   220/1972 KB   238/238 KB   224/1972 KB   238/238 KB   228/1972 KB 
  238/238 KB   232/1972 KB   238/238 KB   236/1972 KB   238/238 KB   240/1972 
KB   238/238 KB   244/1972 KB   238/238 KB   248/1972 KB   238/238 KB   
252/1972 KB   238/238 KB   256/1972 KB   238/238 KB   260/1972 KB   238/238 KB  
 264/1972 KB   238/238 KB   268/1972 KB   238/238 KB   272/1972 KB   238/238 KB 
  276/1972 KB   238/238 KB   280/1972 KB   238/238 KB   284/1972 KB   238/238 
KB   288/1972 KB   238/238 KB   292/1972 KB   238/238 KB   296/1972 KB   
238/238 KB   300/1972 KB   238/238 KB   304/1972 KB   238/238 KB                
 (238 KB at 6595.3 KB/sec)
308/1972 KB                312/1972 KB   316/1972 KB   320/1972 KB   324/1972 
KB   328/1972 KB   332/1972 KB   336/1972 KB   340/1972 KB   344/1972 KB   
348/1972 KB   352/1972 KB   356/1972 KB   360/1972 KB   364/1972 KB   368/1972 
KB   372/1972 KB   376/1972 KB   380/1972 KB   384/1972 KB   388/1972 KB   
392/1972 KB   396/1972 KB   400/1972 KB   404/1972 KB   408/1972 KB   412/1972 
KB   416/1972 KB   420/1972 KB   424/1972 KB   428/1972 KB   432/1972 KB   
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1968/1972 KB   1972/1972 KB   1972/1972 KB                  Downloaded: 
(1972 KB at 11951.2 KB/sec)
[INFO] Executing tasks

[INFO] Executed tasks
[INFO] --- maven-antrun-plugin:1.8:run (initialize-fortress-config) @ 
fortress-core ---
[WARNING] Parameter tasks is deprecated, use target instead
[INFO] Executing tasks



     [echo] Determine configuration requirements


     [echo] ###############  Modify fortress configuration per user settings  
   [delete] Deleting: 
   [delete] Deleting: 
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 32.056 s
[INFO] Finished at: 2018-09-07T12:06:32+00:00
[INFO] Final Memory: 46M/449M
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal 
(initialize-fortress-config) on project fortress-core: An Ant BuildException 
has occured: The following error occurred while executing this line:
 The following error occurred while executing this line:
 Warning: Could not find file 
 to copy.
[ERROR] around Ant part ...<ant 
 target="init-fortress-config"/>... @ 4:143 in 
[ERROR] -> [Help 1]
[ERROR] To see the full stack trace of the errors, re-run Maven with the -e 
[ERROR] Re-run Maven using the -X switch to enable full debug logging.
[ERROR] For more information about the errors and possible solutions, please 
read the following articles:
[ERROR] [Help 1]
Build step 'Invoke top-level Maven targets' marked build as failure
[dir-fortress-core-docker-apacheds-test] $ /bin/bash 
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE               COMMAND             CREATED             
STATUS              PORTS               NAMES

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