     * 这里返回的impl必须要有所有的方法, Stub BlockingStube FutureStub
    protected <T> T doRefer(Class<T> type, URL url) throws RpcException {
        Class<?> enclosingClass = type.getEnclosingClass();
        if (enclosingClass == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                    type.getName() + " must be declared inside protobuf 
generated classes, " +
                            "should be something like 

        final Method dubboStubMethod;
        try {
            dubboStubMethod = enclosingClass.getDeclaredMethod("getDubboStub", 
Channel.class, long.class);
        } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Does not find getDubboStub in " 
+ enclosingClass.getName()
                    + ", please use the customized protoc-gen-grpc-dubbo-java 
to update the generated classes.");

        Channel channel = channelMap.computeIfAbsent(url.getServiceKey(),
                k -> ManagedChannelBuilder.forAddress(url.getHost(), 

        try {
            int timeout = url.getParameter(TIMEOUT_KEY, DEFAULT_TIMEOUT);
            @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") final T stub = (T) 
dubboStubMethod.invoke(null, channel, timeout);
            return stub;
        } catch (IllegalAccessException | InvocationTargetException e) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("Could not create stub through 
reflection.", e);


[ Full content available at: https://github.com/apache/dubbo/issues/3999 ]
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