

* H30 is having issues

All tests passed

Build log:
[...truncated 6524 lines...]
[INFO]           site-sd-top-parent-same-site\pom.xml ............. SUCCESS 
(9.1 s)
[INFO] Building: site-skip\pom.xml
[INFO]           it-plugin-test\pom.xml ........................... SUCCESS 
(7.8 s)
[INFO] Building: MSITE-159\pom.xml
[INFO] run post-build script verify.bsh
[INFO]           site-skip\pom.xml ................................ SUCCESS 
(8.5 s)
[INFO] Building: surefire-report\pom.xml
[INFO] run post-build script verify.bsh
[INFO]           MSITE-159\pom.xml ................................ SUCCESS 
(6.4 s)
[INFO] Building: MSITE-265\pom.xml
[INFO] run post-build script verify.groovy
[INFO]           surefire-report\pom.xml .......................... SUCCESS 
(9.3 s)
[INFO] Building: template-skin\pom.xml
[INFO] run post-build script verify.bsh
[INFO]           MSITE-265\pom.xml ................................ SUCCESS 
(13.4 s)
[INFO] Building: MSITE-354\pom.xml
[INFO] run post-build script verify.bsh
[INFO]           MSITE-354\pom.xml ................................ SUCCESS 
(5.9 s)
[INFO] Building: MSITE-456\pom.xml
[INFO] run post-build script verify.bsh
[INFO]           template-skin\pom.xml ............................ SUCCESS 
(12.3 s)
[INFO] Building: validate\pom.xml
[INFO] run post-build script verify.bsh
[INFO]           MSITE-456\pom.xml ................................ SUCCESS 
(5.7 s)
[INFO] Building: MSITE-458\pom.xml
[INFO] run post-build script verify.groovy
[INFO]           validate\pom.xml ................................. SUCCESS 
(6.2 s)
[INFO] --- mrm-maven-plugin:1.2.0:stop (default) @ maven-site-plugin ---
[INFO] Stopping Mock Repository Manager on http://localhost:64871
[INFO] Stopped SocketConnector@
[INFO] Mock Repository Manager http://localhost:64871 is stopped.
[INFO] --- maven-checkstyle-plugin:3.0.0:check (checkstyle-check) @ 
maven-site-plugin ---
[INFO] --- maven-invoker-plugin:3.1.0:verify (integration-test) @ 
maven-site-plugin ---
[INFO] -------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Build Summary:
[INFO]   Passed: 56, Failed: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0
[INFO] -------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time:  10:58 min
[INFO] Finished at: 2020-01-12T10:55:24-08:00
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] [jenkins-event-spy] Generated 
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // dir
[Pipeline] }
[withMaven] artifactsPublisher - Archive artifact 
windows-jdk11-m3.6.x_build\pom.xml under 
[withMaven] artifactsPublisher - Archive artifact 
windows-jdk11-m3.6.x_build\target\maven-site-plugin-3.9.0-SNAPSHOT.jar under 
[withMaven] junitPublisher - Archive test results for Maven artifact 
generated by maven-surefire-plugin:test (default-test): 
Recording test results
[withMaven] openTasksPublisher - Scan Tasks for Maven artifact 
org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-site-plugin:maven-plugin:3.9.0-SNAPSHOT in 
source directory windows-jdk11-m3.6.x_build\src\main\java
[TASKS] Scanning folder 
'f:\jenkins\jenkins-slave\workspace\ven-box_maven-site-plugin_master@2' for 
files matching the pattern 'windows-jdk11-m3.6.x_build\src\main\java\**\*' - 
excludes: null
[TASKS] Found 21 files to scan for tasks
[TASKS] Found 8 open tasks.
Skipping warnings blame since pipelines do not have an SCM link.%n
[TASKS] Computing warning deltas based on reference build #52
[withMaven] invokerPublisher - Archive invoker results for Maven artifact 
 3.9.0-SNAPSHOT, snapshot:false) } generated by 
  integration-test}: windows-jdk11-m3.6.x_build\target\invoker-reports\*.xml
[INFO] run post-build script verify.bsh
[INFO]           MSITE-458\pom.xml ................................ SUCCESS 
(14.7 s)
[INFO] Building: MSITE-484\pom.xml
[INFO] run post-build script verify.groovy
[INFO]           MSITE-484\pom.xml ................................ SUCCESS 
(16.9 s)
[INFO] Building: MSITE-497\pom.xml
[withMaven] Publishers: Generated Artifacts Publisher: 104 ms, Junit Publisher: 
100 ms, Open Task Scanner Publisher: 162 ms, Dependencies Fingerprint 
Publisher: 1 ms, Invoker Publisher: 37760 ms, Pipeline Graph Publisher: 1 ms
[Pipeline] // withMaven
[Pipeline] cleanWs
[WS-CLEANUP] Deleting project workspace...
[WS-CLEANUP] Deferred wipeout is used...
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // stage
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // ws
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // node
[Pipeline] }
[INFO]           MSITE-497\pom.xml ................................ SUCCESS 
(25.5 s)
[INFO] Building: MSITE-504\pom.xml
[INFO]           MSITE-504\pom.xml ................................ SUCCESS 
(17.2 s)
[INFO] Building: MSITE-506\pom.xml
[INFO]           MSITE-506\pom.xml ................................ SUCCESS 
(20.3 s)
[INFO] Building: MSITE-507\pom.xml
[INFO] run post-build script verify.groovy
[INFO]           MSITE-507\pom.xml ................................ SUCCESS 
(11.4 s)
[INFO] Building: MSITE-512\pom.xml
[INFO] run post-build script verify.groovy
[INFO]           MSITE-512\pom.xml ................................ SUCCESS 
(10.1 s)
[INFO] Building: MSITE-548\pom.xml
[INFO] run post-build script verify.bsh
[INFO]           MSITE-548\pom.xml ................................ SUCCESS 
(9.3 s)
[INFO] Building: MSITE-566\pom.xml
[INFO] run post-build script verify.bsh
[INFO]           MSITE-566\pom.xml ................................ SUCCESS 
(5.0 s)
[INFO] Building: MSITE-582\pom.xml
[INFO] run post-build script verify.groovy
[INFO]           MSITE-582\pom.xml ................................ SUCCESS 
(6.0 s)
[INFO] Building: MSITE-604\pom.xml
[INFO] run post-build script verify.groovy
[INFO]           MSITE-604\pom.xml ................................ SUCCESS 
(6.7 s)
[INFO] Building: MSITE-609\pom.xml
[INFO] run post-build script verify.bsh
[INFO]           MSITE-609\pom.xml ................................ SUCCESS 
(6.8 s)
[INFO] Building: MSITE-627\pom.xml
[INFO] run post-build script verify.bsh
[INFO]           MSITE-627\pom.xml ................................ SUCCESS 
(22.0 s)
[INFO] Building: MSITE-644\pom.xml
[INFO]           MSITE-644\pom.xml ................................ SUCCESS 
(5.7 s)
[INFO] Building: MSITE-658\pom.xml
[INFO] run post-build script verify.bsh
[INFO]           MSITE-658\pom.xml ................................ SUCCESS 
(8.5 s)
[INFO] Building: MSITE-665\pom.xml
[INFO]           MSITE-665\pom.xml ................................ SUCCESS 
(13.5 s)
[INFO] Building: MSITE-705-debug\pom.xml
[INFO] run post-build script verify.groovy
[INFO]           MSITE-705-debug\pom.xml .......................... SUCCESS 
(6.7 s)
[INFO] Building: MSITE-705-no-debug\pom.xml
[INFO] run post-build script verify.groovy
[INFO]           MSITE-705-no-debug\pom.xml ....................... SUCCESS 
(6.7 s)
[INFO] Building: MSITE-723\pom.xml
[INFO] run post-build script verify.groovy
[INFO]           MSITE-723\pom.xml ................................ SUCCESS 
(8.4 s)
[INFO] Building: MSITE-842\pom.xml
[INFO] run post-build script verify.groovy
[INFO]           MSITE-842\pom.xml ................................ SUCCESS 
(13.9 s)
[INFO] Building: new-configuration\pom.xml
[INFO] run post-build script verify.groovy
[INFO]           new-configuration\pom.xml ........................ SUCCESS 
(7.1 s)
[INFO] Building: no-version\pom.xml
[INFO] run post-build script verify.groovy
[INFO]           no-version\pom.xml ............................... SUCCESS 
(7.2 s)
[INFO] Building: report-changes-generation\pom.xml
[INFO] run post-build script verify.bsh
[INFO]           report-changes-generation\pom.xml ................ SUCCESS 
(8.0 s)
[INFO] Building: reportConfig\pom.xml
[INFO] run post-build script verify.groovy
[INFO]           reportConfig\pom.xml ............................. SUCCESS 
(6.5 s)
[INFO] Building: resources\pom.xml
[INFO] run post-build script verify.groovy
[INFO]           resources\pom.xml ................................ SUCCESS 
(5.9 s)
[INFO] Building: site-attach-descriptor\pom.xml
[INFO] run post-build script verify.bsh
[INFO]           site-attach-descriptor\pom.xml ................... SUCCESS 
(7.5 s)
[INFO] Building: site-deploy\pom.xml
[INFO] run post-build script verify.bsh
[INFO]           site-deploy\pom.xml .............................. SUCCESS 
(6.8 s)
[INFO] Building: site-inheritance\pom.xml
[INFO] run post-build script verify.bsh
[INFO]           site-inheritance\pom.xml ......................... SUCCESS 
(9.7 s)
[INFO] Building: site-jar\pom.xml
[INFO] run post-build script verify.bsh
[INFO]           site-jar\pom.xml ................................. SUCCESS 
(7.4 s)
[INFO] Building: site-sd\pom.xml
[INFO] run post-build script verify.groovy
[INFO]           site-sd\pom.xml .................................. SUCCESS 
(9.4 s)
[INFO] Building: site-sd-2\pom.xml
[INFO] run post-build script verify.groovy
[INFO]           site-sd-2\pom.xml ................................ SUCCESS 
(11.7 s)
[INFO] Building: site-sd-lang\pom.xml
[INFO] run post-build script verify.bsh
[INFO]           site-sd-lang\pom.xml ............................. SUCCESS 
(11.6 s)
[INFO] Building: site-sd-stagingSiteURL\pom.xml
[INFO] run post-build script verify.groovy
[INFO]           site-sd-stagingSiteURL\pom.xml ................... SUCCESS 
(6.7 s)
[INFO] Building: site-sd-submodule\pom.xml
[INFO] run post-build script verify.groovy
[INFO]           site-sd-submodule\pom.xml ........................ SUCCESS 
(8.2 s)
[INFO] Building: site-sd-top-parent-different-site\pom.xml
[INFO] run post-build script verify.groovy
[INFO]           site-sd-top-parent-different-site\pom.xml ........ SUCCESS 
(8.6 s)
[INFO] Building: site-sd-top-parent-no-site\pom.xml
[INFO] run post-build script verify.groovy
[INFO]           site-sd-top-parent-no-site\pom.xml ............... SUCCESS 
(10.7 s)
[INFO] Building: site-sd-top-parent-same-site\pom.xml
[INFO] run post-build script verify.groovy
[INFO]           site-sd-top-parent-same-site\pom.xml ............. SUCCESS 
(8.8 s)
[INFO] Building: site-skip\pom.xml
[INFO] run post-build script verify.bsh
[INFO]           site-skip\pom.xml ................................ SUCCESS 
(8.3 s)
[INFO] Building: surefire-report\pom.xml
[INFO] run post-build script verify.groovy
[INFO]           surefire-report\pom.xml .......................... SUCCESS 
(8.1 s)
[INFO] Building: template-skin\pom.xml
[INFO] run post-build script verify.bsh
[INFO]           template-skin\pom.xml ............................ SUCCESS 
(11.3 s)
[INFO] Building: validate\pom.xml
[INFO] run post-build script verify.groovy
[INFO]           validate\pom.xml ................................. SUCCESS 
(6.0 s)
[INFO] --- mrm-maven-plugin:1.2.0:stop (default) @ maven-site-plugin ---
[INFO] Stopping Mock Repository Manager on http://localhost:53259
[INFO] Stopped SocketConnector@
[INFO] Mock Repository Manager http://localhost:53259 is stopped.
[INFO] --- maven-checkstyle-plugin:3.0.0:check (checkstyle-check) @ 
maven-site-plugin ---
[INFO] --- maven-invoker-plugin:3.1.0:verify (integration-test) @ 
maven-site-plugin ---
[INFO] -------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Build Summary:
[INFO]   Passed: 56, Failed: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0
[INFO] -------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time:  11:28 min
[INFO] Finished at: 2020-01-12T11:02:13-08:00
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] [jenkins-event-spy] Generated 
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // dir
[Pipeline] }
[withMaven] artifactsPublisher - Archive artifact 
windows-jdk12-m3.6.x_build\pom.xml under 
[withMaven] artifactsPublisher - Archive artifact 
windows-jdk12-m3.6.x_build\target\maven-site-plugin-3.9.0-SNAPSHOT.jar under 
[withMaven] junitPublisher - Archive test results for Maven artifact 
generated by maven-surefire-plugin:test (default-test): 
Recording test results
[withMaven] openTasksPublisher - Scan Tasks for Maven artifact 
org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-site-plugin:maven-plugin:3.9.0-SNAPSHOT in 
source directory windows-jdk12-m3.6.x_build\src\main\java
[TASKS] Scanning folder 
'f:\jenkins\jenkins-slave\workspace\ven-box_maven-site-plugin_master@2' for 
files matching the pattern 'windows-jdk12-m3.6.x_build\src\main\java\**\*' - 
excludes: null
[TASKS] Found 21 files to scan for tasks
[TASKS] Found 8 open tasks.
Skipping warnings blame since pipelines do not have an SCM link.%n
[TASKS] Computing warning deltas based on reference build #52
[withMaven] invokerPublisher - Archive invoker results for Maven artifact 
 3.9.0-SNAPSHOT, snapshot:false) } generated by 
  integration-test}: windows-jdk12-m3.6.x_build\target\invoker-reports\*.xml
[withMaven] Publishers: Generated Artifacts Publisher: 122 ms, Junit Publisher: 
112 ms, Open Task Scanner Publisher: 172 ms, Invoker Publisher: 41729 ms, 
Pipeline Graph Publisher: 1 ms
[Pipeline] // withMaven
[Pipeline] cleanWs
[WS-CLEANUP] Deleting project workspace...
[WS-CLEANUP] Deferred wipeout is used...
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // stage
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // ws
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // node
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // parallel
[Pipeline] stage
[Pipeline] { (Notifications)
[Pipeline] echo
Build result: FAILURE
[Pipeline] jiraIssueSelector
[Pipeline] echo
The authors of changes [rfscholte].
[Pipeline] echo
Sending email ...
[Pipeline] emailext

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