

* Use Java 7 JDK for all released Maven versions and 8 for planned 3.7.x
* Exclude H23
* [INFRA-20239] H23 should be ok now
* Revert: Use Java 7 JDK for all released Maven versions (135a0e16) due to
* Update Maven versions
* There's no M3.6.3 for Windows
* [MNG-6866] extract methods, apply SLA, introduce mass mojo adding
* [MNG-6882] - Change the URL's in tests etc. from http to https
* [MNG-5577] Simplify tests to reduce use of wiring.
* [MNG-5577] Don't use LegacyRepositoryLayout in tests.
* [MNG-5577] Convert maven-core to JSR 330
* [MNG-6867] extract methods, apply SLA
* Revert "[MNG-6867] extract methods, apply SLA"
* [MNG-6884] - Cleanup POM File after version upgrade
* [MNG-6886] upgrade plexus-cipher to 1.8 and update changed groupId
* update xmlunit (#336)
* README improvement
* added Jira badge
* [MNG-4660] --resume-from flag resolves inter-module dependencies
* [MNG-6863] --also-make is being ignored when calling --resume-from
* apache-rat-plugin - section not needed after upgrading the parent pom
* [MNG-6897] Upgrade Maven Wagon to 3.4.0
* [MNG-6672] Upgrade Maven Resolver to 1.4.2
* [MNG-2478] add "resources-filtered" filtered resource directories to
* [MNG-6891] Improve user-friendliness --fail-on-severity
* [MNG-6856] Remove dependency to Powermock
* [MNG-6893] Super POM - upgrade maven-antrun-plugin to 3.0.0
* [MNG-6873] Align JUnit version to 4.13
* A copy of the gradle wrapper ported for use with maven Lightly touched
* Adding simple README
* correcting README formatting
* Update properties file to point to maven 3.2.3
* Update to Maven 3.3.1 which resides in Maven Central
* Formatting
* Make sure the maven.multiModuleProjectDirectory envar is set for proper
* Update the wrapper jar
* Use the now standard .mvn directory
* Use the Maven 3.3.1 startup scripts to account for jvm.config and
* Use provisio packaging to produce an archive that can be deployed for
* Use a released version of provisio
* [maven-release-plugin] prepare release maven-wrapper-0.1.0
* [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
* Update location for searching for the version
* [maven-release-plugin] prepare release maven-wrapper-0.1.1
* [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
* Update properties path Whatever
* [maven-release-plugin] prepare release maven-wrapper-0.1.2
* [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
* Update the with instructions
* Fix a few typos
* Add a note about using the windows script
* Fix typo
* Remove some unused parts of the windows scripts and rename them to .cmd
* Add license file
* Add license stanza to POM
* Fix while loop so that basedir is detected in current dir
* Correct name of Windows script in README
* super-mega minor typo
* Align Un*x and Windows scripts to both use MAVEN_CONFIG consistently
* Use basedir location instead of "." to locate wrapper jar
* [maven-release-plugin] prepare release maven-wrapper-0.1.3
* [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
* Use working files to create wrapper jar
* [maven-release-plugin] prepare release maven-wrapper-0.1.4
* [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
* Use org.apache.ant
* Fix typo
* handle MAVEN_PROJECTBASEDIR correctly in cygwin
* avoid using MAVEN_CMD_LINE_ARGS for invocation since that can losse
* Remove whitespace (#22)
* Update to release version of parent
* use @REM instead of # (#27)
* Update release version
* Use Apple-recommended strategy for locating JAVA_HOME. This works
* upped version to new snapshot since 0.1.6 is already on central
* Be defensive about creating directories for files
* Fix path escaping
* remove unused MAVEN_CMD_LINE_ARGS
* adding changelog
* Quote paths in commands
* one more PR merge and changelog update
* upgraded provisio maven plugin
* updated to 0.2.0-SNAPSHOT as version due to number of changes
* updated parent to latest release
* updated wrapper maven version to 3.3.9
* fix to avoid usage of stale maven wrapper jar
* changelog updates
* support spaces in folder names on nix, simplified from
* added changelog entry about spaces fix
* updated wrapper maven version to 3.5.0
* Add .DS_Store to .gitignore
* Upgraded default Maven version to 3.5.0
* ammeded changelog
* added note about dash testing
* Use of bashisms make this script fail in minimal /bin/sh implementations
* upgraded parent
* fixing issue on Solaris
* added section about supported systems
* solaris support changelog entry and release date
* [maven-release-plugin] prepare release maven-wrapper-0.2.0
* [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
* improved wording on supported systems
* Make artifact compatible with older Java
* Ignore IntelliJ files
* added doc about Java version
* added changelog entry for java 1.5 change and release
* [maven-release-plugin] prepare release maven-wrapper-0.2.1
* [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
* fixed version in changelog
* formatting, added update via plugin
* Print out maven wrapper version at every invocation
* added changelog entry, added Takari to output
* Fix typo
* words are missing - I think this is what you mean...
* cleaned up version output
* added verbose mode activated with MVNW_VERBOSE set to true
* [maven-release-plugin] prepare release maven-wrapper-0.2.2
* [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
* updated wrapper jar
* Fix NPE due to missing MVNW_VERBOSE
* update info on wrapper
* [maven-release-plugin] prepare release maven-wrapper-0.2.3
* [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
* wrapper file upgrade
* set title of command window
* respect MVNW_VERBOSE when printing diagnostic stuff
* fix to actually read the environment variable value
* set to new maven version
* added recent pr merges
* upped version
* [pom] Use empty relativePath
* [pom] Update junit to 4.12
* [pom] Update mockito-core to 2.8.47
* [pom] Update commons-io to 2.5
* [pom] Update ant to 1.9.9
* [pom] Update provision-maven-plugin to 0.1.50
* removed redundant empty element
* added warning about issues found from provisio upgrade
* much less verbose progress reporting since it is now a new line each
* added chunk size change
* added chunk size change
* [maven-release-plugin] prepare release maven-wrapper-0.3.0
* [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
* - Added an initial version of an auto-downloader for the
* Cleaned up the code a little to not exit with 0 in case of an error.
* - Made the script use curl or wget if available and fallback to java in
* - Added a download extension for windows
* - Added Apache header to the downloader java class
* - Changed the curl and wget detection to the "possix way" using
* - Changed the wget command to use "-O" instead of "--output-document="
* - Made the wrapperUrl configurable from the
* Fixed the windows version of the script
* Removed a hack to force the script to use curl or wget ...
* Updated the download url to the https version
* Updated to the latest maven-wrapper version.
* updated to wrapper jar 0.3.0
* updated version
* added user doc for no jar approach
* added author creds
* introduced intermediary var for path to jar since it didnt work without
* changed URL to official maven repo URL
* added note about URL change
* adapted to honor the MVNW_VERBOSE flag
* dev and release help
* updated to new wrapper version in default URLs
* added release date to changelog
* [maven-release-plugin] prepare release maven-wrapper-0.4.0
* [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
* notes for next relase
* added link to fixed issue
* updated to latest parent
* spelling fix
* ant and commons-io upgrades
* added changes
* updated static files to point to 0.4.1 release
* [maven-release-plugin] prepare release maven-wrapper-0.4.1
* [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
* added wrapper version in cmd
* updated to wrapper 0.4.2 in prep of new release
* [maven-release-plugin] prepare release maven-wrapper-0.4.2
* [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
* Fixed typos
* Removed todo comment
* Download maven wrapper with authentication if availble
* Download using authentication with properties
* Update
* Added macOS as name
* updated to Maven 3.6.0, also in plugin
* On Windows, use TLS 1.2
* fix compile path for cygwin
* fix wrapper path for cygwin
* added recently merged PRs
* add info about using MAVEN_USER_HOME
* Update referenced Maven version to 3.6.0
* use quoted string for filepath
* add basic auth support
* use MVNW_USER and MVNW_PASSWORD instead of system properties
* use warning instead of info
* remove unintended line
* added recent merged PRs
* consistent usage of MVNW_USERNAME and MVWN_PASSWORD
* version update to 0.5.0-SNAPSHOT for next release
* License header cleanup (#105)
* added pr and issue links
* better instructions for dev and test
* fixed test install command
* added debug flag for testing help
* add repo manager usage docs, dev doc updates
* usage of MVNW_REPOURL for wrapper download
* MVN_REPOURL env var usage for Maven binary download
* updated everything to version 0.5.0
* [maven-release-plugin] prepare release maven-wrapper-0.5.0
* [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
* Windows note
* typo fix
* MVNW_REPOURL parsing fix for mvnw.cmd (#107)
* style improvement
* prep for 0.5.1 release
* [maven-release-plugin] prepare release maven-wrapper-0.5.1
* [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
* On Windows, use TLS 1.2
* prep for 0.5.2 release
* [maven-release-plugin] prepare release maven-wrapper-0.5.2
* [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
* Add missing required space between 'true' and ']'
* usage of MVNW_REPOURL for wrapper download
* resolved
* title fix
* [maven-release-plugin] prepare release maven-wrapper-0.5.3
* [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
* Added version to default usage
* Adapt mvnw.cmd to also honour MVNW_VERBOSE
* Added recent changes
* Provide a 'standardized' way to retrieve CLI arguments
* Updated with recent changes
* updated changelog and docs for dev to fix #78
* prepped for 0.5.4 release
* prepped for 0.5.4 release
* [maven-release-plugin] prepare release maven-wrapper-0.5.4
* [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
* update to new release
* removed wrong space in jar download URL
* update to Maven 3.6.1
* update to default to Maven 3.6.1
* update for 0.5.5 release
* [maven-release-plugin] prepare release maven-wrapper-0.5.5
* [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
* update to latest release
* source format only
* more details about what happens for users
* Corrects the false Maven2 reference in the startup scripts (#121)
* Remove trailing whitespace
* Fix typo
* Update to Maven 3.6.3
* Update for 0.5.6 release
* [maven-release-plugin] prepare release maven-wrapper-0.5.6
* [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
* [MNG-5937] Fix licenses, removed unwanted root files
* [MNG-5937] Split wrapper jar from assemblies Remove unused cli package
* [MNG-5937] Optimize code for Java 8
* [MNG-5937] Adjust JenkinsFile to pick up wrapper dists Improve assembly
* [MNG-6914] Align mvn and mvnw scripts
* [MNG-6819] Fix NullPointerException in StringVisitorModelInterpolator
* [MNG-6819] Refactor unit tests for ModelInterpolator
* [MNG-6819] Fix also NPE in StringSearchModelInterpolator
* [MNG-6819] Undo unintended changes after rebase
* Get maven user home (~/.m2) with the same logic with maven
* [MNG-6900] Upgrade Jansi to 1.18
* [MNG-6919] drop wrapperUrl from Ensure
* Add a Jenkinsfile to run it test (per default it runs it master branch
* fix mvnDebug which was not working anymore for unix
* [MNG-5868] No duplicate artifacts in attached artifacts if attached
* [MNG-6828] DependencyResolutionException breaks serialization
* Fix maven-checkstyle-plugin 3.1.1 reported error
* [MNG-6937] StringSearchModelInterpolatorTest fails on symlinked paths
* Fixes alignment in settings.xml
* Do not create empty file on error
* Revert "[MNG-6562] added WARNING on default bindings plugins unlocked
* [MNG-6562] WARN if plugins injected by default lifecycle bindings don't
* [MNG-5760] Add `-r/--resume` to automatically resume from the last
* [MNG-6942] Arbitrary file write during archive extraction ("Zip Slip")
* [MNG-6891] delete useless codes
* [MNG-6863] Support --also-make flag in combination with --resume-from.
* Update documentation on how to run ITs including tests for maven-wrapper
* [MNG-6919] test maven-wrapper with spaced paths
* fix script with the file path separator :)
* fix typo on profile id
* this need to use install to install plugins
* [MNG-5868] Adding serval times the same artifact via MavenProjectHelper
* [MNG-5937] improved check & msg for unconfigured wrapper properties
* add color to ITs rendering
* [MNG-5937] fail in setUp() instead of constructor gives better reporting
* display (near-)method name as a method
* Fix ugly labels caused by 96416e787d73a50eb27d4f5cf5ccb41b49458026
* [MNG-6938] MavenITBootstrapTest fails with
* [MNG-6939] ITs fail when MAVENCODEBASE is relative (Unix)
* [MNG-6939] ITs fail when MAVENCODEBASE is relative (Windows)
* Lock plugin versions in extension lifecycle to prevent it'll pick up the
* [MNG-6562] WARN if plugins injected by default lifecycle bindings don't
* [MNG-5760] Add `-r/--resume` to automatically resume from the last

All tests passed

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