

[aconway] NO-JIRA: [c] Minor comment & example fixes, multi-thread API doc fixes

[aconway] PROTON-1771: [c] threaderciser thread race test for C proactor

[aconway] PROTON-1771: [c] add missing lock around wake_if_inactive

[aconway] PROTON-1771: [c] locking around epoll_extended_t

[...truncated 226.62 KB...]
21: TEST: test_message()
21: TEST: test_message_timeout_succeed()
21: TEST: test_message_timeout_fail()
15/26 Test #21: cpp-connection_driver_test .......   Passed    0.02 sec
test 22
      Start 22: cpp-interop_test

22: Test command: 
22: Test timeout computed to be: 1500
22: TEST: test_data_ostream()
22: TEST: test_decoder_primitives_exact()
22: TEST: test_encoder_primitives()
16/26 Test #22: cpp-interop_test .................   Passed    0.00 sec
test 23
      Start 23: cpp-message_test

23: Test command: 
23: Test timeout computed to be: 1500
23: TEST: test_message_properties()
23: TEST: test_message_defaults()
23: TEST: test_message_body()
23: TEST: test_message_maps()
23: TEST: test_message_reuse()
17/26 Test #23: cpp-message_test .................   Passed    0.01 sec
test 24
      Start 24: cpp-map_test

24: Test command: 
24: Test timeout computed to be: 1500
24: TEST: test_empty()
24: TEST: test_use()
24: TEST: test_cppmap()
24: TEST: test_value()
18/26 Test #24: cpp-map_test .....................   Passed    0.01 sec
test 25
      Start 25: cpp-scalar_test

25: Test command: 
25: Test timeout computed to be: 1500
25: TEST: simple_type_test<V>(false, BOOLEAN, "false", true)
25: TEST: simple_type_test<V>(uint8_t(42), UBYTE, "42", uint8_t(50))
25: TEST: simple_type_test<V>(int8_t(-42), BYTE, "-42", int8_t(-40))
25: TEST: simple_type_test<V>(uint16_t(4242), USHORT, "4242", uint16_t(5252))
25: TEST: simple_type_test<V>(int16_t(-4242), SHORT, "-4242", int16_t(3))
25: TEST: simple_type_test<V>(uint32_t(4242), UINT, "4242", uint32_t(5252))
25: TEST: simple_type_test<V>(int32_t(-4242), INT, "-4242", int32_t(3))
25: TEST: simple_type_test<V>(uint64_t(4242), ULONG, "4242", uint64_t(5252))
25: TEST: simple_type_test<V>(int64_t(-4242), LONG, "-4242", int64_t(3))
25: TEST: simple_type_test<V>(wchar_t('X'), CHAR, "88", wchar_t('Y'))
25: TEST: simple_type_test<V>(float(1.234), FLOAT, "1.234", float(2.345))
25: TEST: simple_type_test<V>(double(11.2233), DOUBLE, "11.2233", double(12))
25: TEST: simple_type_test<V>(timestamp(1234), TIMESTAMP, "1234", 
25: TEST: simple_type_test<V>(make<decimal32>(1), DECIMAL32, 
"decimal32(0x01010101)", make<decimal32>(2))
25: TEST: simple_type_test<V>(make<decimal64>(3), DECIMAL64, 
"decimal64(0x0303030303030303)", make<decimal64>(4))
25: TEST: simple_type_test<V>(make<decimal128>(5), DECIMAL128, 
"decimal128(0x05050505050505050505050505050505)", make<decimal128>(6))
25: TEST: simple_type_test<V>( 
UUID, "00112233-4455-6677-8899-aabbccddeeff", 
25: TEST: simple_type_test<V>(std::string("xxx"), STRING, "xxx", 
25: TEST: simple_type_test<V>(symbol("aaa"), SYMBOL, "aaa", symbol("aaaa"))
25: TEST: simple_type_test<V>(binary("\010aaa"), BINARY, "b\"\\x08aaa\"", 
25: TEST: (simple_integral_test<V, char>())
25: TEST: (simple_integral_test<V, signed char>())
25: TEST: (simple_integral_test<V, unsigned char>())
25: TEST: (simple_integral_test<V, short>())
25: TEST: (simple_integral_test<V, int>())
25: TEST: (simple_integral_test<V, long>())
25: TEST: (simple_integral_test<V, unsigned short>())
25: TEST: (simple_integral_test<V, unsigned int>())
25: TEST: (simple_integral_test<V, unsigned long>())
25: TEST: (simple_integral_test<V, long long>())
25: TEST: (simple_integral_test<V, unsigned long long>())
25: TEST: (coerce_test<V>())
25: TEST: (null_test<V>())
25: TEST: (bad_get_test<V>())
25: TEST: encode_decode_test()
25: TEST: message_id_test()
25: TEST: annotation_key_test()
19/26 Test #25: cpp-scalar_test ..................   Passed    0.01 sec
test 26
      Start 26: cpp-value_test

26: Test command: 
26: Test timeout computed to be: 1500
26: TEST: simple_type_test<V>(false, BOOLEAN, "false", true)
26: TEST: simple_type_test<V>(uint8_t(42), UBYTE, "42", uint8_t(50))
26: TEST: simple_type_test<V>(int8_t(-42), BYTE, "-42", int8_t(-40))
26: TEST: simple_type_test<V>(uint16_t(4242), USHORT, "4242", uint16_t(5252))
26: TEST: simple_type_test<V>(int16_t(-4242), SHORT, "-4242", int16_t(3))
26: TEST: simple_type_test<V>(uint32_t(4242), UINT, "4242", uint32_t(5252))
26: TEST: simple_type_test<V>(int32_t(-4242), INT, "-4242", int32_t(3))
26: TEST: simple_type_test<V>(uint64_t(4242), ULONG, "4242", uint64_t(5252))
26: TEST: simple_type_test<V>(int64_t(-4242), LONG, "-4242", int64_t(3))
26: TEST: simple_type_test<V>(wchar_t('X'), CHAR, "88", wchar_t('Y'))
26: TEST: simple_type_test<V>(float(1.234), FLOAT, "1.234", float(2.345))
26: TEST: simple_type_test<V>(double(11.2233), DOUBLE, "11.2233", double(12))
26: TEST: simple_type_test<V>(timestamp(1234), TIMESTAMP, "1234", 
26: TEST: simple_type_test<V>(make<decimal32>(1), DECIMAL32, 
"decimal32(0x01010101)", make<decimal32>(2))
26: TEST: simple_type_test<V>(make<decimal64>(3), DECIMAL64, 
"decimal64(0x0303030303030303)", make<decimal64>(4))
26: TEST: simple_type_test<V>(make<decimal128>(5), DECIMAL128, 
"decimal128(0x05050505050505050505050505050505)", make<decimal128>(6))
26: TEST: simple_type_test<V>( 
UUID, "00112233-4455-6677-8899-aabbccddeeff", 
26: TEST: simple_type_test<V>(std::string("xxx"), STRING, "xxx", 
26: TEST: simple_type_test<V>(symbol("aaa"), SYMBOL, "aaa", symbol("aaaa"))
26: TEST: simple_type_test<V>(binary("\010aaa"), BINARY, "b\"\\x08aaa\"", 
26: TEST: (simple_integral_test<V, char>())
26: TEST: (simple_integral_test<V, signed char>())
26: TEST: (simple_integral_test<V, unsigned char>())
26: TEST: (simple_integral_test<V, short>())
26: TEST: (simple_integral_test<V, int>())
26: TEST: (simple_integral_test<V, long>())
26: TEST: (simple_integral_test<V, unsigned short>())
26: TEST: (simple_integral_test<V, unsigned int>())
26: TEST: (simple_integral_test<V, unsigned long>())
26: TEST: (simple_integral_test<V, long long>())
26: TEST: (simple_integral_test<V, unsigned long long>())
26: TEST: (coerce_test<V>())
26: TEST: (null_test<V>())
26: TEST: (bad_get_test<V>())
26: TEST: sequence_test<list<bool> >( ARRAY, many<bool>() + false + true, 
"@PN_BOOL[false, true]")
26: TEST: sequence_test<vector<int> >( ARRAY, many<int>() + -1 + 2, 
"@PN_INT[-1, 2]")
26: TEST: sequence_test<deque<string> >( ARRAY, many<string>() + "a" + "b", 
"@PN_STRING[\"a\", \"b\"]")
26: TEST: sequence_test<deque<symbol> >( ARRAY, many<symbol>() + "a" + "b", 
"@PN_SYMBOL[:a, :b]")
26: TEST: sequence_test<vector<value> >( LIST, many<value>() + value(0) + 
value("a"), "[0, \"a\"]")
26: TEST: sequence_test<vector<scalar> >( LIST, many<scalar>() + scalar(0) + 
scalar("a"), "[0, \"a\"]")
26: TEST: (map_test<map<string, uint64_t> >( si_pairs, "{\"a\"=0, \"b\"=1, 
26: TEST: (map_test<vector<si_pair> >( si_pairs, "{\"a\"=0, \"b\"=1, \"c\"=2}"))
26: TEST: (map_test<map<value, value> >( value_pairs, "{\"a\"=0, \"b\"=1, 
26: TEST: (map_test<map<scalar, scalar> >( scalar_pairs, "{\"a\"=0, \"b\"=1, 
26: TEST: (map_test<map<annotation_key, message_id> >( restricted_pairs, 
"{:a=0, :b=1, :c=2}"))
26: TEST: sequence_test<forward_list<binary> >( ARRAY, many<binary>() + 
binary("xx") + binary("yy"), "@PN_BINARY[b\"xx\", b\"yy\"]")
26: TEST: (map_test<unordered_map<string, uint64_t> >(si_pairs, ""))
26: TEST: null_test()
20/26 Test #26: cpp-value_test ...................   Passed    0.02 sec
test 27
      Start 27: cpp-container_test

27: Test command: 
27: Test timeout computed to be: 1500
27: TEST: test_container_default_container_id()
27: TEST: test_container_vhost()
27: TEST: test_container_default_vhost()
27: TEST: test_container_no_vhost()
27: TEST: test_container_bad_address()
27: TEST: test_container_stop()
27: TEST: test_container_schedule_nohang()
27: TEST: test_container_immediate_stop()
27: TEST: test_container_pre_stop()
27: TEST: test_container_schedule_stop()
27: TEST: test_container_mt_stop_empty()
27: TEST: test_container_mt_stop()
21/26 Test #27: cpp-container_test ...............   Passed    0.60 sec
test 28
      Start 28: cpp-url_test

28: Test command: 
28: Test timeout computed to be: 1500
28: TEST: parse_to_string_test()
28: TEST: parse_slash_slash()
28: TEST: parse_nodefault()
22/26 Test #28: cpp-url_test .....................   Passed    0.01 sec
test 29
      Start 29: cpp-reconnect_test

29: Test command: 
29: Test timeout computed to be: 1500
29: TEST: test_failover_simple()
23/26 Test #29: cpp-reconnect_test ...............***Timeout 1500.01 sec
test 30
      Start 30: cpp-link_test

30: Test command: 
30: Test timeout computed to be: 1500
30: TEST: test_link_name()
24/26 Test #30: cpp-link_test ....................   Passed    0.01 sec
test 31
      Start 31: cpp-example-container

31: Test command: /usr/bin/python 
 "HAS_CPP11=1" "--" "/usr/bin/python" 
"-v" "ContainerExampleTest"
31: Test timeout computed to be: 1500
31: test_encode_decode (__main__.ContainerExampleTest) ... ok
31: test_flow_control (__main__.ContainerExampleTest) ... ok
31: test_helloworld (__main__.ContainerExampleTest) ... ok
31: test_message_properties (__main__.ContainerExampleTest) ... ok
31: test_multithreaded_client (__main__.ContainerExampleTest) ... ok
31: test_multithreaded_client_flow_control (__main__.ContainerExampleTest) ... 
skipped 'Test is unstable, will enable when fixed'
31: test_request_response (__main__.ContainerExampleTest) ... ok
31: test_request_response_direct (__main__.ContainerExampleTest) ... ok
31: test_scheduled_send (__main__.ContainerExampleTest) ... ok
31: test_scheduled_send_03 (__main__.ContainerExampleTest) ... ok
31: test_simple_recv_direct_send (__main__.ContainerExampleTest) ... ok
31: test_simple_recv_send (__main__.ContainerExampleTest) ... ok
31: test_simple_send_direct_recv (__main__.ContainerExampleTest) ... ok
31: test_simple_send_recv (__main__.ContainerExampleTest) ... ok
31: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
31: Ran 14 tests in 0.701s
31: OK (skipped=1)
25/26 Test #31: cpp-example-container ............   Passed    0.83 sec
test 32
      Start 32: cpp-example-container-ssl

32: Test command: /usr/bin/python 
 "HAS_CPP11=1" "--" "/usr/bin/python" 
"-v" "ContainerExampleSSLTest"
32: Test timeout computed to be: 1500
32: test_ssl (__main__.ContainerExampleSSLTest) ... ok
32: test_ssl_bad_name (__main__.ContainerExampleSSLTest) ... ok
32: test_ssl_client_cert (__main__.ContainerExampleSSLTest) ... ok
32: test_ssl_no_name (__main__.ContainerExampleSSLTest) ... ok
32: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
32: Ran 4 tests in 0.335s
32: OK
26/26 Test #32: cpp-example-container-ssl ........   Passed    0.46 sec

The following tests passed:

92% tests passed, 2 tests failed out of 26

Total Test time (real) = 3004.05 sec

The following tests FAILED:
         14 - c-proactor-tests (Timeout)
         29 - cpp-reconnect_test (Timeout)
Errors while running CTest
Build step 'Execute shell' marked build as failure
Recording test results

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