This is an automated email from the ASF dual-hosted git repository.

kezhenxu94 pushed a commit to branch master
in repository

The following commit(s) were added to refs/heads/master by this push:
     new 3e00a9d  Add screenshots for use cases (#71)
3e00a9d is described below

commit 3e00a9dbd62bb50082aec0f38d1640efe0c43531
Author: Hoshea Jiang <>
AuthorDate: Fri Nov 6 12:02:20 2020 +0800

    Add screenshots for use cases (#71)
--- | 127 ++++++++++----------------------------------------------------
 1 file changed, 20 insertions(+), 107 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ b/
index 62df566..a8ed9a3 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -378,48 +378,14 @@ otherwise,
 $ ./bin/swctl --display=graph metrics linear --name=service_instance_resp_time 
--service "load balancer1.system"
 q to 
-│         │                                                                    
⡜⠢⡀                 │
-│  1181.80│                                      ⡰⡀                            
                             ⢀⡠⢢         ⡰⢣                                    
⡰⠁ ⠈⠢⡀               │
-│         │                                     ⢠⠃⠱⡀              ⡀            
                           ⢀⠔⠁  ⠱⡀     ⢀⠜  ⢣                        ⢀⠞⡄       
⢠⠃    ⠈⠢⡀             │
-│         │                                     ⡎  ⠱⡀          ⢀⠔⠊⠱⡀           
      ⢀⣀⣀⣀              ⢀⡠⠊⠁     ⠘⢄   ⢀⠎    ⢣                      ⡠⠃ ⠘⡄      ⡎ 
      ⠈⠑⠢⢄⡀  ⢀⡠⠔⠊⠁  │
-│         │          ⢀⠤⣀⡀       ⢀⡀             ⡸    ⢣        ⡠⠔⠁   ⠱⡀          
  ⡠⠊⠉⠉⠁   ⠉⠉⠒⠒⠤⠤⣀⣀⣀ ⢀⡠⠔⠊⠁          ⠣⡀⡠⠃      ⢣           ⢀⠔⠤⡀     ⡰⠁   ⠘⡄    ⡜  
          ⠈⠑⠊⠁      │
-│  1043.41│⡀       ⢀⠔⠁  ⠈⠑⠒⠤⠔⠒⠊⠉⠁⠈⠒⢄          ⢀⠇     ⢣    ⢀⠤⠊       ⠱⡀         
⢀⠔⠁                ⠉⠁               ⠑⠁        ⢣         ⡠⠃  ⠈⠒⢄ ⢀⠜      ⠘⡄  ⢰⠁  
-│         │⠈⠑⠤⣀   ⡠⠊                ⠑⠤⡀       ⡜       ⢣ ⣀⠔⠁          ⠱⡀       
⡰⠁                                              ⠣⢄⣀    ⢠⠊       ⠉⠊        ⠘⡄⢠⠃  
-│         │    ⠑⠢⠊                    ⠈⠢⡀    ⢰⠁        ⠋              ⠱⡀  ⣀⠤⠔⠊ 
                                                  ⠉⠒⠢⠔⠁                   ⠘⠎    
-│         │                             ⠈⠢⡀ ⢀⠇                         ⠑⠊⠉     
-│      905│                               ⠈⠢⡜                                  
-│          2019-12-02 2121   2019-12-02 2107   2019-12-02 2115   2019-12-02 
2119   2019-12-02 2137   2019-12-02 2126   2019-12-02 2118   2019-12-02 2128   
2019-12-02 2136         │
-$ ./bin/swctl instance ls --service-name=projectC | jq '.[] | select(.name == 
"projectC-pid:7895@skywalking-server-0001").id' | xargs ./bin/swctl 
--display=graph metrics linear --name=service_instance_resp_time --id
 q to 
-│         │                                                                    
-│  1181.80│                          ⡠⠊⢢                                       
    ⣀⠔⠉   ⢣              ⡔⡄                               ⡔⡄                    
-│         │           ⣀            ⡠⠊   ⠑⡄                                    
⣀⡠⠔⠒⠉       ⢣            ⡜ ⠈⢆                            ⢀⠎ ⠈⢢              ⡀   
-│         │          ⡜ ⠉⠒⠤⣀   ⢀⣀⣀⡠⠊      ⠈⠢⡀               ⢀⡠⢄⣀⡀            ⡰⠉ 
            ⢣          ⡜    ⢣                          ⡠⠃    ⠑⡄        ⢀⡠⠔⠉⠘⢄   
-│         │        ⢀⠜      ⠉⠉⠉⠁            ⠑⢄          ⢀⡠⠔⠊⠁   ⠈⠉⠑⢢        ⡰⠁  
             ⢣       ⢀⠎      ⠱⡀          ⢀⠦⡀         ⢀⠜       ⠈⢢ ⢀⣀⣀⡠⠤⠒⠁     ⠣⡀ 
                 ⡀  │
-│  1043.41│       ⢀⠎                         ⠑⢄      ⢀⠔⠁           ⠱⡀     ⡰⠁   
              ⢣⣀    ⢀⠎        ⠘⢄        ⢀⠎ ⠈⢢      ⢀⠤⠊          ⠉⠁            
⠘⢄               ⡠⠊   │
-│         │      ⢠⠃                           ⠈⠢⡀  ⡠⠒⠁              ⠘⢄   ⡰⠁    
                ⠉⠉⠉⠒⠊          ⠈⢢      ⢀⠎    ⠑⢄  ⡠⠒⠁                            
⠣⠤⣀⣀⣀       ⢀⠔⠉     │
-│         │⠤⠤⠤⠤⠤⠤⠃                              ⠈⠢⠊                   ⠣⡀⡰⠁     
                                 ⠱⡀   ⢀⠎       ⠑⠉                               
     ⠉⠉⠉⠉⠒⠒⠒⠁       │
-│         │                                                            ⠑⠁      
                                  ⠑⡄ ⢀⠎                                         
-│      905│                                                                    
-│          2019-12-02 2122   2019-12-02 2137   2019-12-02 2136   2019-12-02 
2128   2019-12-02 2108   2019-12-02 2130   2019-12-02 2129   2019-12-02 2115   
2019-12-02 2119         │
+$ ./bin/swctl instance ls --service-name=projectC | jq '.[] | select(.name == 
"projectC-pid:7895@skywalking-server-0001").id' | xargs ./bin/swctl 
--display=graph metrics linear --name=service_instance_resp_time --service-id
@@ -447,70 +413,14 @@ $ ./bin/swctl service ls projectC | jq '.[0].id' | xargs 
./bin/swctl endpoint ls
 <summary>Query multiple metrics values for all percentiles</summary>
 $ ./bin/swctl --display=graph --debug metrics multiple-linear --name 
-││      │  ⡏⠉⠉⢹   ⢸⠉⠉⠉⠉⠉⠉⠉⠉⠉⠉⠉⠉⡇      ⢸⠉⠉⠉⠉⠉⠉⠉⡇  ⢸⠉⠉⠉⠉⠉⠉⠉⡇   ⡏⠉⠉⠉ ││       │   
  ⢸⡀                       ⢸        ⢸        ⡇       ││        │                
                                  ⡠⠔⡇      ││
-││960.80│ ⢀⠇  ⠘⡄  ⡜            ⢣      ⢸       ⢇  ⢸       ⡇   ⡇    ││1963.60│   
  ⡜⡇                       ⢸        ⢸       ⢠⡇       ││ 2600.40│                
                                  ⡇ ⢣      ││
-││      │ ⢸    ⡇  ⡇            ⢸      ⢸       ⢸  ⡜       ⢸  ⢸     ││       │   
  ⡇⢸                       ⡼⡀       ⣾       ⢸⢣       ││        │                
                                 ⢸  ⢸      ││
-││      │ ⢸    ⡇  ⡇            ⢸      ⡸       ⢸  ⡇       ⢸  ⢸     ││       │   
  ⡇⠈⡆                      ⡇⡇       ⡇⡇      ⢸⢸       ││        │                
                                 ⢸  ⢸      ││
-││      │ ⢸    ⢣ ⢠⠃            ⠘⡄     ⡇       ⢸  ⡇       ⢸  ⢸     ││       │   
 ⢰⠁ ⡇                      ⡇⡇  ⡤⢤   ⡇⡇      ⡇⢸       ││        │                
                                 ⡇  ⠘⡄     ││
-││824.64│ ⡇    ⢸ ⢸              ⡇     ⡇       ⠈⡆ ⡇       ⠘⡄ ⡜     ││1832.88│   
 ⢸  ⢣                      ⡇⡇  ⡇⢸   ⡇⡇      ⡇⢸       ││ 2486.33│                
                                 ⡇   ⡇     ││
-││      │ ⡇    ⢸ ⢸              ⡇     ⡇        ⡇ ⡇        ⡇ ⡇     ││       │   
 ⢸  ⢸                      ⡇⡇ ⢸ ⠈⡆ ⢀⠇⡇     ⢠⠃⢸       ││        │                
                                ⢰⠁   ⡇     ││
-││      │ ⡇    ⠈⡆⡎              ⢣     ⡇        ⡇⢸         ⡇ ⡇     ││       │   
 ⡎  ⢸                     ⢰⠁⡇ ⢸  ⡇ ⢸ ⡇     ⢸ ⠘⡄      ││        │                
       ⡀        ⢸⠉⠲⡀  ⢀         ⢸    ⢱     ││
-││      │⢰⠁     ⡇⡇              ⢸     ⡇        ⢇⢸         ⡇ ⡇     ││       │   
 ⡇  ⢸                     ⢸ ⢱ ⢸  ⡇ ⢸ ⢣     ⢸  ⡇      ││        │⡀               
      ⢰⢱    ⢀⡄  ⡇  ⢱ ⢀⠎⡆        ⡎    ⢸  ⣀⠤ ││
-││688.48│⢸      ⡇⡇              ⢸     ⡇        ⢸⢸         ⢸⢸      ││1702.16│   
 ⡇   ⡇                    ⢸ ⢸ ⡇  ⢣ ⢸ ⢸     ⡜  ⡇      ││ 2372.24│⠱⡀       ⡴⡀  ⢀  
     ⢠⠃⠈⡆  ⢀⠎⠸⡀⢠⠃   ⢣⠎ ⢸  ⣠    ⡠⠃    ⢸ ⢰⠁  ││
-││      │⢸      ⢱⠁              ⠘⡄    ⡇        ⢸⢸         ⢸⢸      ││       │   
⢸    ⡇                    ⢸ ⢸ ⡇  ⢸ ⢸ ⢸     ⡇  ⡇      ││        │ ⢣      ⡜ ⠱⡀⡠⠋⡆ 
    ⣀⠎  ⢱ ⡠⠊  ⢣⢸        ⢇⡔⠁⢣ ⣀⠔⠁     ⠈⣦⠃   ││
-││      │⡜      ⠸                ⡇   ⢸         ⢸⡜         ⢸⢸      ││       │   
⢸    ⡇       ⡆     ⢀⡆     ⢸ ⢸⢀⠇  ⢸ ⡎ ⢸     ⡇  ⡇      ││        │  ⡇   ⡔⠊   ⠑⠁ 
⠸⡀  ⢠⠋    ⠈⠖⠁   ⠈⠇        ⠈   ⠉         ⠏    ││
-││      │⡇                       ⢣   ⢸         ⠈⡇         ⠘⡜      ││       │   
⡜    ⢱      ⢠⢣  ⢰⢄ ⡜⢸     ⡇ ⢸⢸   ⢸ ⡇ ⢸    ⢠⠃  ⢱      ││        │  ⢇   ⡇        
⢣⡀ ⡎                                        ││
-││552.32│⠁                       ⠸⡀  ⢸          ⡇          ⡇      ││1571.44│   
⡇    ⢸      ⢸⢸  ⡸ ⠙ ⠘⡄    ⡇ ⠘⣼    ⡇⡇ ⢸    ⢸   ⢸      ││ 2258.16│  ⢸  ⢸          
⠈⠙                                         ││
-││      │                         ⢇  ⢸                     ⠁      ││       │  
⢀⠇    ⢸      ⡜⢸  ⡇    ⢇    ⡇  ⡿    ⡇⡇  ⡇   ⢸   ⢸      ││        │  ⢸  ⢸         
-││      │                         ⢸  ⢸                            ││       │⢣ 
⢸     ⠸⡀     ⡇ ⡇ ⡇    ⢸    ⡇  ⡇    ⣇⠇  ⡇   ⡜   ⢸      ││        │  ⠈⡆ ⡜         
-││      │                          ⡇ ⢸                            ││       
│⠈⢆⡸      ⡇⢀   ⢠⠃ ⡇⢀⠇    ⠈⡦⠔⢇⢀⠇  ⠁    ⢹   ⡇   ⡇   ⢸      ││        │   ⡇ ⡇      
-││416.16│                          ⢱ ⢸                            ││1440.72│ 
⠘⡇      ⠋⠙⡄  ⢸  ⢱⢸        ⠸⣸        ⢸   ⠱⡀  ⡇   ⠈⡆     ││2144.080│   ⡇ ⡇        
-││      │                          ⠘⡄⡎                            ││       │   
        ⢇  ⡎  ⢸⢸         ⢿             ⠱⡀⢠⠃    ⡇     ││        │   ⢸⢸           
-││      │                           ⡇⡇                            ││       │   
        ⢸ ⢰⠁  ⠸⡜         ⠈              ⠘⣼     ⠧⣀    ││        │   ⢸⢸           
-││      │                           ⢸⡇                            ││       │   
         ⡇⡎    ⡇                         ⠈       ⠑⢄  ││        │   ⠘⡜           
-││   280│                           ⠈⡇                            ││   1310│   
         ⢱⠁                                          ││    2030│    ⡇           
-││      └─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────││       
-││       2020-03-07 0111   2020-03-07 0134   2020-03-07 0133      ││        
2020-03-07 0116   2020-03-07 0121   2020-03-07 0122     ││         2020-03-07 
0123   2020-03-07 0139   2020-03-07 0117        ││
-││       │                                           ⢀⢇                        
                      ││        │⠤⠤⠤⠤⠤⠤⡄     ⡤⠤⢤        
⢸⠑⠒⠤⠤⠤⠤⠤⠤⠤⠤⠤⠤⠤⠤⠤⠒⠊⠉⠉⠉⠉⠉⠉⠉⠒⠢⡄     ⡤⠒⠊⡇       ⢠⠔⠒⢹           ⢠⠔⠒⠉⠑⠢⠄ ││
-││       │                                           ⡸⠸⡀               ⢀⡆      
                      ││        │      ⡇     ⡇ ⢸        ⡸                       
   ⡇     ⡇  ⢇       ⢸  ⢸           ⢸       ││
-││3559.60│                                          ⢀⠇ ⢇              ⢀⠎⢸      
                      ││54073.20│      ⢱    ⢰⠁ ⠈⡆       ⡇                       
   ⢱    ⢰⠁  ⢸       ⡜   ⡇          ⡎       ││
-││       │           ⢀⢄                             ⡸  ⠸⡀            ⢀⠎ ⠘⡄     
                      ││        │      ⢸    ⢸   ⡇       ⡇                       
   ⢸    ⢸   ⢸       ⡇   ⡇          ⡇       ││
-││       │          ⢀⠎ ⠑⢄                          ⢀⠇   ⢇           ⢀⠎   ⡇     
    ⣼                 ││        │      ⢸    ⢸   ⡇       ⡇                       
   ⢸    ⢸   ⢸       ⡇   ⡇          ⡇       ││
-││       │         ⢀⠎   ⠈⢆                      ⣀  ⡸    ⠸⡀ ⣀⡀       ⡜    ⢸     
   ⡸⠸⡀                ││        │      ⠸⡀   ⡸   ⢇      ⢰⠁                       
   ⠸⡀   ⡸   ⠈⡆      ⡇   ⢣         ⢀⠇       ││
-││3325.68│   ⣀⣀  ⣀⠤⠊     ⠘⡄   ⢀⣀⣀⣀⣀⡠⠤⡀      ⢀⣀⠔⠊ ⠉⠑⠃     ⠉⠉ ⠘⢄     ⡰⠁    ⠘⡄    
  ⢰⠁ ⡇       ⢀⣀⡠⠤⠤⠤⠄  ││43924.56│       ⡇   ⡇   ⢸      ⢸                        
    ⡇   ⡇    ⡇     ⢰⠁   ⢸         ⢸        ││
-││       │ ⢠⠊  ⠉⠉         ⠸⡀ ⡔⠁      ⠑⢄  ⡠⠊⠉⠁                 ⠣⣀  ⢠⠃      ⡇    
 ⢠⠃  ⡇    ⢀⠤⠊⠁        ││        │       ⡇   ⡇   ⢸      ⢸                        
    ⡇   ⡇    ⡇     ⢸    ⢸         ⢸        ││
-││       │⠔⠁               ⠱⠊         ⠈⠢⠊                       ⠉⠒⠎       
⠸⠤⠤⠤⠔⠊⠁   ⢇    ⢸           ││        │       ⡇   ⡇   ⢸      ⡸                   
         ⡇   ⡇    ⢇     ⢸    ⢸         ⢸        ││
-││       │                                                                     
     ⢸    ⡎           ││        │       ⢱  ⢰⠁   ⠈⡆     ⡇                        
    ⢸  ⢸     ⢸     ⢸     ⡇        ⡎        ││
     ⢸    ⡇           ││33775.92│       ⢸  ⢸     ⡇     ⡇                        
    ⢸  ⢸     ⢸     ⡇     ⡇        ⡇        ││
-││       │                                                                     
     ⢸   ⢀⠇           ││        │       ⢸  ⢸     ⡇     ⡇                        
    ⢸  ⢸     ⢸     ⡇     ⡇        ⡇        ││
-││       │                                                                     
      ⡇  ⢸            ││        │       ⠸⡀ ⡸     ⢇    ⢰⠁                        
    ⠘⡄ ⡜     ⠈⡆    ⡇     ⢣       ⢠⠃        ││
-││       │                                                                     
      ⡇  ⢸            ││        │        ⡇ ⡇     ⢸    ⢸                         
     ⡇ ⡇      ⡇   ⢠⠃     ⢸       ⢸         ││
      ⡇  ⡎            ││23627.28│        ⡇ ⡇     ⢸    ⢸                         
     ⡇ ⡇      ⡇   ⢸      ⢸       ⢸         ││
-││       │                                                                     
      ⢸  ⡇            ││        │        ⡇ ⡇     ⢸    ⡸                         
     ⢇⢀⠇      ⢇   ⢸      ⢸       ⢸         ││
-││       │                                                                     
      ⢸ ⢀⠇            ││        │        ⢱⢰⠁     ⠈⡆   ⡇                         
     ⢸⢸       ⢸   ⢸       ⡇      ⡇         ││
-││       │                                                                     
      ⢸ ⢸             ││        │        ⢸⢸       ⡇   ⡇                         
     ⢸⢸       ⢸   ⡎       ⡇      ⡇         ││
      ⠈⡆⢸             ││13478.64│        ⢸⢸       ⡇   ⡇                         
     ⢸⢸       ⢸   ⡇       ⡇      ⡇         ││
-││       │                                                                     
       ⡇⡎             ││        │        ⠸⡸       ⢇  ⢰⠁                         
     ⠈⡎       ⠈⡆  ⡇       ⢣     ⢠⠃         ││
-││       │                                                                     
       ⡇⡇             ││        │         ⡇       ⢸  ⣸                          
      ⡇        ⡇  ⡇       ⢸     ⢸          ││
-││       │                                                                     
       ⢱⠇             ││        │         ⠃       ⠘⠊⠉                           
               ⠘⡄⢸        ⠘⠒⠊⠉⠉⠉⠉          ││
-││   2390│                                                                     
       ⢸              ││    3330│                                               
                ⠈⢾                         ││
-││        2020-03-07 0115   2020-03-07 0139   2020-03-07 0134   2020-03-07 
0136   2020-03-07 0132    ││         2020-03-07 0115   2020-03-07 0126   
2020-03-07 0112   2020-03-07 0134   2020-03-07 0124   ││
@@ -559,16 +469,7 @@ $ ./bin/swctl metrics thermodynamic
 $ ./bin/swctl --display=graph metrics thermodynamic
-<summary>Query the data of global dashboard</summary>
-$ ./bin/swctl db g
@@ -577,9 +478,11 @@ $ ./bin/swctl db g
 <summary>Display the spans of a trace</summary>
-$ ./bin/swctl --display graph trace 1585375544413.464998031.46647
+$ ./bin/swctl --display graph trace 07841b21-c8ed-4ace-851f-5cf0a635dc9f
@@ -587,9 +490,11 @@ $ ./bin/swctl --display graph trace 
 <summary>Display the traces</summary>
-$ ./bin/swctl --display graph trace ls --start='2020-08-13 1754' 
--end='2020-08-20 2020'  --tags='http.method=POST'
+$ ./bin/swctl --display graph trace ls
@@ -600,6 +505,12 @@ $ ./bin/swctl --display graph trace ls --start='2020-08-13 
1754' --end='2020-08-
 $ ./bin/swctl --display graph db g
@@ -610,6 +521,8 @@ $ ./bin/swctl --display graph db g
 $ ./bin/swctl --display graph db g --template my-global-template.yml

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