On Thu, 26 Nov 2009 22:36:49 +0100, Jed Brown <j...@59a2.org> wrote:
> It is often convenient to change tags on several messages at once.  This
> function applies any number of tag whitespace-delimited tag
> modifications to all messages matching the current query.

Thanks Jed,

I've applied both this and the following patch, (giving the consistent
treatment to '+, '-', and 'a'). One or two minor comments:

> +  +tagname              Add the tag `tagname'
> +  -tagname              Remove the tag `tagname'
> +
> +Each character of the tag name may consist of alphanumeric
> +characters as well as `_.+-'.

Since this operates via a single call to "notmuch tag" you might mention
here that all tag removals occur before any tag additions.

> +     (unless (string-match-p "^[\+\-][_\+\-\\w]+$" (car words))
> +       (error "Action must be of the form `+thistag -that_tag'"))

The error message has inconsistent "thistag" and "that_tag".

But niether nit was worth blocking the commit on.

Thanks again,

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