On Tue, 09 Feb 2010 18:18:38 -0800, Carl Worth <cwo...@cworth.org> wrote:
> On Tue,  9 Feb 2010 17:55:21 -0800, Alexander Botero-Lowry 
> <alex.boterolo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Now instead of requiring every single message be parsed, we now check
> > the Content-type in the parsed headers and only do HTML inlining if it's
> > text/html
> Excellent! I've pushed this out now. Greatly appreciated.


I have the following problem when viewing HTML inline. With certain HTML
messages containing non-ASCII characters, these non-ASCII characters are
not displayed. Since we use many non-ASCII characters in czech language,
this is quite a problem. It is interesting that this doesn't happen with
all messages. Does anybody know what might cause this behaviour?

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