On Wed, 24 Feb 2010 10:19:06 -0800, Carl Worth <cwo...@cworth.org> wrote:
> On Mon, 18 Jan 2010 16:12:28 +0100, "Sebastian Spaeth" <sebast...@sspaeth.de> 
> wrote:
> > ================
> >  - Synchronizes the "S" flag with the "unread" tag (1-way). The
> >  synchronization direction is decided by using either --sync (change
> >  maildir flags according to notmuch) or --revsync (change notmuch tags
> >  according to maildir). By default it always checks the mails from the
> >  previous 30 days (but can also do --all mails if you have plenty of
> >  RAM and time).
> >  - Deletes all mail files that have the "delete" tag
> >  - Quiet/normal/verbose logging 
> Thanks for contributing this, Sebastian.

No problem. It was just an itch I had :-). I have to say that I stopped
using the --revsync (change notmuch tags based on maildir flags) as I am
using the patch that does that from within "notmuch new" and which is
much faster than any external script could be.
> Let me know if you'd like to host this within the contrib directory of
> the notmuch repository.

I am fine with hosting it in contrib or on github whatever others
> >  - It temporarily slurps in all your mails from the last 30 days into
> >  RAM. I am waiting for "notmuchs show blah --output filename --output
> >  tags" to improve that :). Generally the parsing of the output of
> >  "notmuch show" is a bit hackyish with regexps at the moment.
> OK. So we'll be adding an --output option to give you just filenames
> soon, and we've got JSON output now so you can avoid hacky regexps now.

JSON will definitely help. I need to investigate that, and --output will
make help performance. So yes, these are good changes from a 3rd party
perspective. I was thinking of interfacing notmuch.so directly but as
long as the python bindings are still in development, I am not going to
look at this option.

> I think that's the open question still. How much of this kind of
> functionality do we integrate into notmuch itself. I don't know the
> answer to that question yet, but I'm quite happy to see people
> experimenting with doing scripts like this on top of notmuch already.

I'll comment on that in JRollins reply in a second :).
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