On Fri, 12 Nov 2010 16:23:58 +0100, Matthieu Lemerre <ra...@free.fr> wrote:
>  - Processing mails which do not have any automatically added tag is
>    boring, because I need to press several keys to archive them: "+" to
>    add a tag, and then "a". If I forget about +, then my mail is
>    impossible to find.

I think what I want here is "undo last tagging operation".  You need a
way for 'notmuch tag' to report what it did for this to be possible

I'd also like a way of binding keys to the operation of "adding a
particular tag, removng the 'inbox' tag, move to next mail in search".
I've seen a few people talk about this, surely someone will get around
to implementing it eventually!

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