On Mon, 25 Apr 2011 14:41:28 -0700, Carl Worth <cwo...@cworth.org> wrote:
> Though, even if that were the only problem, we could just teach notmuch
> to remember that particular files were detected as not-email to fix the
> performance problem without requiring any user configuration.

This is actually related to an issue that I have that I wanted to bring
up at some point.  For some reason I occasionally receive mail (spam)
that is not properly formatted but that my MTA delivers anyway that
notmuch consequently ignores.  I would like to be able to purge these
files from my mail store eventually, though.  If notmuch could track
these files (and ignore them on subsequent runs of notmuch new), but
then be able to return them upon request (notmuch search :notmail?) that
would be nice.


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