On Wed, 11 May 2011 10:18:43 -0700, Jameson Graef Rollins 
<jroll...@finestructure.net> wrote:
> On Wed, 11 May 2011 14:31:36 +0200, Florian Friesdorf <f...@chaoflow.net> 
> wrote:
> > In addition, about a year ago, Sebastian indicated, that notmuch itself
> > could offer returning email addresses [3]. Are there arguments against
> > or just nobody found the time to do it?
> As with pretty much everything in notmuch, manpower time is probably the
> issue.  I think that if you wanted to get this working that would be
> great.

ok, if there is anybody eager to do this - please go on! otherwise, I
would give it a try, but considering my current workload this might take
a bit. But, I promise I will not start using any other address book
solution to increase the pressure.

It would be great if people more knowledgeable about the notmuch code
base could provide some pointers and outline the solution.

What I heard here so far:
1. store to/cc/bcc in xapian
2. provide a mechanism to query those fields from the cmdline


- Do we want a concept of

- Do we want to filter only on the email/name data itself or also things
  * give me all email addresses of people who sent a mail between 1st
    and 5th May

  * ... who wrote mails mentioning xyz

  * ... who wrote mails tagged X

  * ... who wrote to f...@bar.com

- Do we want to tag persons/email addresses to create groups. 

A list of "you should read this"-links would be great. 

Florian Friesdorf <f...@chaoflow.net>
  GPG FPR: 7A13 5EEE 1421 9FC2 108D  BAAF 38F8 99A3 0C45 F083
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