On Tue, 06 Mar 2012 21:17:47 +0000, Patrick Totzke 
<patricktot...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> Quoting Philippe LeCavalier (2012-03-06 16:00:16)
> >How would I add a reply key binding to reply directly from the search
> >mode. ie something like R. Forward and editnew would be nice as well.
> This could indeed be useful, but I'm not convinced this is a great idea in 
> general:
> What would that command do if your selection is a thread with multiple 
> leaf-mails?
> reply to the first? ask the user?

I have yet to implement this in bower, but my idea is to reply to the
only message in the thread with the "unread" tag.  Abort if there is
more than one such message.

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