Austin Clements <> writes:

>> +subdirs := compat completion emacs lib man parse-time-string
>> +subdirs := $(subdirs) performance-test util test

> += ?


>> +CORPUS_NAME := notmuch-email-corpus-$(PERFTEST_VERSION).tar.xz
> Would it make sense to split out the different size corpora so a user
> could, say, only download the small one?

Currently the choice of test is local to given test file; one doing
something particularly intense (or just lots of repetitions) might want
to only use a subset. So I'm not sure if separate downloading of smaller
corpora makes sense. This is all hypothetical at the moment, since the
one test file uses the full corpus.

> "\nPlease download ${TXZFILE} using\n\n"?


>> +add_email_corpus takes arguments "--small" and "--medium" for when you
>> +want smaller corpuses to check.
> "corpora"?

reworded to say 

| add_email_corpus takes arguments "--small" and "--medium" for when you
| want smaller subsets of the corpus to check.

> I'm a bit confused by this.  What happens if you don't specify --small
> or --medium?  Is the "large"/default corpus just the combined small
> and medium corpora?  Would be worth a comment, at least.

Hopefully the README makes this clear(er) now?

> This probably doesn't matter now, but I wonder if we want to unpack on
> first use to somewhere not test-specific and then cp -rl the corpus
> into the test directory.  I haven't tried unpacking the corpus yet,
> but if you're running tests repeatedly to compare results, or running
> more than one performance test, it seems like a full decompress and
> unpack could get onerous.

Hmm. On my machine it is 10s for the copy versus 45s for a full
unpack. For some reason I tested with "cp -a" which is incredibly slow, 
so I thought there was no loss. For comparison the basic test takes
about 10 minutes on the same machine.

In any case this can wait until we have a second test file and a second
call to add_mail_corpus, adding caching now would not help.
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