guyzmo wrote:

> On Tue, Apr 02, 2013 at 01:55:13PM -0600, Felipe Contreras wrote:
> > Sorry for the late reply, I wasn't following the ml.
> same here
> > David Bremner wrote:
> > > - There are now several alternatives for people whose only motivation to
> > >   use the vim frontend was dislike of emacs (alot and notmuch-mutt).
> > I did try the emacs frontend, and it was not working properly for me at the
> > time, and I believe I documented my issues. It was not just my dislike of 
> > emacs
> > that motivated me to write notmuch-vim-ruby.
>     I'd say not liking emacs is not a good reason  for  using  vim  as a
> MUA. Vim is just a text editor, and nothing else.

Vim is a pretty extensible text editor that works prectly fine as a MUA, in
fact, much better than any other MUA I've ever used. That is a good reason.

> > > There are several alternative vim frontends floating around in (at
> > > least) ruby and python. I don't if they are better or worse
> > > functionality wise. 
> > I'd say notmuch-vim-ruby is the best one, but of course I'm biased :)
>     It may be nice and/or fun to use that kind  of  things  in  vim, but
> really, it's opposite to the philosophy of vim.

The philosophy of vim is irrelevant, what is relevant is what you can do with
it, and you can use it as a perfectly good MUA.

> I  personnally  prefer a thousand times to use mutt-kz, alot as MUA,  and
> vim  only  for writing mails.

What you prefer is irrelevant; it's relevant only for you, that's why it's
called a *preference*, the rest of us prefer different things.

I've tried mutt-kz and alot, and I was utterly dissapointed by both.

See how snappy and fast notmuch-vim-ruby is[1], alot is much worst in these


Felipe Contreras
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