Tomi Valkeinen <> writes:

> I think I wasn't very clear on what I meant. I was thinking about the
> behavior that graphical mail clients have: they periodically refresh the
> emails, showing new ones if there are any, and they'll show some icon or
> such which tells the user this email is "new" (which could mean received
> in the last periodic refresh).

I do something similar to what you were describing. I put two tags,
"fresh" and "new" on mails that have just come in. "fresh" is for
internal use -- it allows me to run scripts on certain mails that
haven't been checked before, and it is taken off of everything before I
see it. "new" is left on, and means that it just came in with the last
poll. This is all done as a post-new hook. Then, as  pre-new hook, I
remove all the "new" tags. So when I poll again, I only see the ones
that came in with the newest poll.

If I want to see what I've received since the last poll, I just run a
search with "tag:new AND tag:inbox."

Now, this is dones with the hooks that the command-line client uses, so
you'd have to implement it yourself for your client, but that shouldn't
be too hard.

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