On Fri, Aug 12 2016, Mark Walters <markwalters1...@gmail.com> wrote:
> This is a first attempt at tab completion for from: searches
> ---
> This sort of works (well it works but maybe in unexpected ways!)
> At the moment it completes to any word (as delimited by whitespace) in
> any address stored in the address hashmap. It does not trigger the
> address harvesting itself -- you either need to call
> notmuch-address-harvest-trigger manually, or use address completion
> when sending a mail first, and the harvest needs to finish before this
> will work.
> Since the hashmap does some address deduplication this will not give
> perfect completion (there may be names in your database it won't
> complete to). Also completion is case-sensitive.
> Getting a perfect solution may be more effort than its worth -- this
> will probably demonstrate whether something like this suffices.

Mark, this patch is awesome.  Really, it works great and is incredibly
useful.  With it I am able to trivially find emails that have
traditionally been very difficult for me to retrieve because the sender
addresses are obscure, e.g. I've only been able to remember a couple
starting characters.

This is on par with the tag: completion for usefulness.  It would be
great to extend this to to: completion as well.


Thanks so much, Mark.


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