On Mon, 23 Nov 2009 00:19:29 +0100, Carl Worth <cworth at cworth.org> wrote:

> I'm starting to come around to this patch, Keith. :-)

I'll keep posting it then :-)

> I think one thing we're going to really need is a better help message
> for presenting the keybindings. The function names are all really
> confusing, (the "notmuch-show" prefix doesn't help). So what I'd really
> like is something that displays the keybinding and the first line of the
> documentation of a function, rather than the function name itself.

That's a fine plan. It 'shouldn't' be too hard to implement either.

Btw, I'm thinking that it might be useful to create some 'global'
notmuch keybindings and then create per-view bindings that also expose
the global bindings. That way, things like 'm' to create a new mail
would work consistently in each view. Note that this idea is
inconsistent with the following though...

> Except that the patch also reverses the current behavior of "a" and
> "A". That should be a separate patch anyway, but I'm also not sure that
> I like it. I like that the command that takes the extra effort of
> pressing shift is the command that does *more*, (removing both "unread"
> and "inbox"), rather than the command that does *less*.

I was trying to make the 'normal' action easier; for me, if I'm looking
at a message, then the normal action is to mark it read and archived,
but when I'm looking only at the subject line in the search window, the
normal action is just to mark it archived (having not actually read the

keith.packard at intel.com
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