On Wed, 20 Jan 2010 11:56:07 +0100 (CET), racin at free.fr wrote:
> I posted a similar patch a while ago, that also did not show deleted
> messages by default. Don't know if Carl wants to integrate this though

OK. When two people are independently contributing similar
functionality, it's more than clear that I'm far too behind on patch

Matthieu, I've just posted my review of your original patch. I think I
like the name "deleted" for the tag rather than "delete", (it's
consistent with "unread" at least that way). And I like the support for
excluding deleted results in that patch as well.

But this patch does have two good ideas not in the other patch, (both of
which I mentioned in the review):

1. It adds a keybinding to the notmuch-show mode

2. It removes the "inbox" and "unread" tags while adding the tag to
   indicate deletion.

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