On Thu, 15 Apr 2010 13:41:17 -0700, Carl Worth <cworth at cworth.org> wrote:
> Some people will claim (and I've even agreed) that the space bar is too
> magic. But this bug also happens with an explicit command to archive the
> current thread (such as hitting 'a').
> I think the fix is to change these commands to only archive the messages
> that are currently open. That will make these operations behave as I
> expect, and I don't think will cause any unexpected or confusing
> behavior. But please let me know if you disagree.

I actually *really* don't like that the space bar does this.  In fact, I
build my own notmuch-show-advance function in a notmuch-hacks.el that I
load to expressly get around this.  The only tag manipulation I want
done automatically is removal of "unread" when I visit a message.  Other
than that, I want to do all tag manipulation manually.  So I would be
thrilled is this "feature" was removed entirely, which would of course
get rid of this bug as well.

> [*] My tag:to-me is set by a script doing "notmuch tag +to-me
> to:cworth at cworth.org or to:carl.d.worth at intel.com ...". I'd prefer this
> to be a saved-search of course---that's one of the patches I haven't had
> a chance to review yet.

I've asked this in the past, but isn't this exactly what notmuch
"folders" are?  Is there a reason you don't just define this search as a

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