On Mon, 26 Apr 2010 10:16:42 -0700, Carl Worth <cworth at cworth.org> wrote:
> What do you think? This will give new users the ability to just type a
> search string as their first interaction. Users with a little more
> experience, (enough to have saved a search), will have easier access to
> those, and will not have the search bar interfering with keybindings.

What about advanced users?  I really want my notmuch front page to just
be a particular saved search.  The notmuch-hello looks neat, but I don't
really see myself ever using it, since I can access all the
functionality I need already.  All I really want from a front page is
the main search that I look at all the time ("tag:inbox and not
tag:deleted"), have it *not* close if I accidentally hit 'q', and a way
to pop back to it from wherever I am.  Could we make it configurable so
that the front page is either the hello page, or the special search page
I describe?

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