On Mon, 26 Apr 2010 17:27:38 +0100, David Edmondson <dme at dme.org> wrote:
> Patch is sent for this, though given that it's not easy to change the
> prompt as you step through, it says:
>       Address (7 match): Name Here <address at example.com>

Thanks. I've pushed this. Bonus points to someone who fixes it to avoid
printing "1 matches".

> Moving through potential completions is pretty standard Emacs UI stuff,
> so I'm not sure if it's necessary to explain? (Of course, that you had
> to ask suggests otherwise...)

It is funny that I've used emacs for all these years without learning

But in general, I have been trying to keep the notmuch interface fairly
self-explanatory. I know that some people that have never used emacs at
all are giving notmuch a try, just to see what it's like. And I'd like
to help them have as positive experience as possible.

> > I don't suppose it would be feasible to make Space and DEL navigate
> > through the list as well would it?
> Not with `completing-read', but I'll look at it after 0.3.

That's what I'd assumed. If we end up doing our own thing here, I'd even
have a few more things on my wishlist. I think I'd like for matching
addresses to start appearing in the minibuffer as I started typing,
(even before hitting TAB).

Of course, for that we're going to need a faster address completer,
which will mean getting the actual addresses into the database. So I'll
add that to my list of the many things I want to fix in the great
database-schema-rewrite that's coming soon.


carl.d.worth at intel.com
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