On Mon, 03 May 2010 13:27:35 -0700, Carl Worth <cworth at cworth.org> wrote:
> On Fri, 30 Apr 2010 17:00:08 +0100, David Edmondson <dme at dme.org> wrote:
> > All of the authors appear in the output already, but that doesn't seem
> > to be the case of the subjects. Would you envisage doing something
> > similar to the changes Dirk made for authors?
> Right. We do have a similar approach already for picking out the "first"
> matching subject. So it would be an easy extension to have it print a
> sorted list of all the subjects.
> But let's start by making the emacs interface allow for searching of the
> authors. Then we can think about whether it makes sense to list all the
> subjects as well.

Patch sent to allow searching of the hidden authors.

Given that the tags are displayed after the subject, I suspect that we
would choose to hide _all_ of the 'non-matching' subject(s), displaying
it only as necessary during isearch.

David Edmondson, http://dme.org
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