On Fri, 24 Jun 2011 11:29:21 -0700, Carl Worth <cworth at cworth.org> wrote:
> >   * Spam filter. Do you guys use any? What does it's interface look like?
> >     I currently use bsfilter which I've found does it's job pretty
> >     well.
> I've currently got amavis and spamassassin adding extra headers, (and
> below a certain threshold I've got maildrop delivering detected spam to
> a separate maildir).
> Currently, notmuch never sees the detected spam. Ever since we got
> folder: support I've been meaning to let notmuch see it so that I can
> use notmuch to dig into my spam when I suspect something got
> mis-detected.
> I don't currently have any system for getting user-provided feedback
> into my spam filtering. Do you get that with bsfilter?
I use bogofilter along with a python cron job to bring my tags and the
spam filter into sync. I use a tag (junk) to mark mail as spam and
two other tags (.bf_ham and .bf_spam) to indicate that the message has been 
added to
bogofilter. The script's task is then to,

 * Unregister as spam, register as ham messages with tag:.bf_spam and not 
tag:junk with bogofilter
 * Register as spam, unregister as ham messages with tag:junk and not 

This is pretty straightforward to implement and is quite effective. It
would be nice, however, if the emacs interface supported hiding tags
matching certain patterns (say /\..+/).

- Ben

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