On Wed, 6 Jul 2011 20:31:03 +0200, Sander Boer <sanderboer at mauc.nl> wrote:
> If IMAP supports tags, is that not a big deal ?
> I mean, having a converging point for all tags, is that not like the holy
> grail in this field ?

One problem is that maildir doesn't support tags, so we would have to
switch to a format that does or somehow store them in the maildir, in
which case we would also have to adapt offlineimap or a similar tool to
sync tags as well.

> Do you know what the status is of *server* support ? Because imo this *is* a
> big deal, without real standardized server support an IMAP store for tags is
> off the table.

Support for tags is mentioned in the RFC for IMAP, but it's optional. As
far as I know, must servers today support them though.

Cheers, Daniel
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