
My wishes:

1. Space shouldn't archive. All too often it happens by mistake. It
   should just go to the end of the thread and stop, or return to the
   query results without archiving.

2. The unread tag should be kept as is. I find it useful (although
   admittedly mostly to resolve accidental archiving!) Regardless, even
   if that issue is fixed, I can see unread being useful.

3. One thing I *sorely* would like: Keybindings to go to the
   next/previous messages *in the query*. This would be my primary way
   of dealing with emails. If only one message in the middle of the
   thread matches the query, then I should be able to go to the next
   match with one keystroke (and no, defining a macro for "q", "n",
   "Enter" won't always work - what if two messages in a query match the
   search?) If there's a way to do this now, I'd like to know...

4. I'd also really like a way to display only messages matching a query
   (without rebuilding the thread). When viewing a message, if desired,
   a keybinding could construct just that thread. 

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