Hi all

I've been using a simple notmuch count-based script together with xmobar in 
xmonad to notify me of new mail. However, I'm thinking of switching to a 
Gnome/xmonad-based combo, thus giving up xmobar. I've been looking for a 
replacement to my mail checker that would work with gnome-panel, but so far I 
haven't found any. I'm sure there has to be at least one Gnome user on the 
notmuch mailing list, so I thought I'd ask for help.

How are you solving this? Basically anything that would display a notification 
icon if a given shell command returned true would suffice, though I'd prefer 
something that would also display a given text (read: a short fom of the 
specified query and the mail count for it, something like: ?personal: 10? ? 
possibly during mouse over).

Thanks in advance,

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